Today is my 58th BD..

PC, happy birthday. If you want to reach 90, you will have to quit drinking that butt wipe and switch to a good beer.

Happy birthday

LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-11 AT 11:06AM (MST)[p]Didn't you get the Champagne I sent you!....I had it run thru that nice filter and everything!...LOL!

By the way....your Birthday on Valentines Day?.....that's just about, almost, sort of, kinda, dare I say,...Gay?

Or maybe you get double the action from an overly sensitive partner?

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-11 AT 11:13AM (MST)[p]Happy birthday! My best friends bday is today aswell....and I think its way cool you were bon on valentines day....people who say its "gay" are just jealous! Lol

Hope you have a great day!!
We're lucky to have you guys around.
My dad died at 58.
That number just sticks in my head.
I just turned the big FIVE OHHHHH.
Hope I can nurse a few more years out of this old carcass myself.

Happy B Day PC!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-11 AT 03:55PM (MST)[p]
JB said you should give up swearing especially the use of the F word for your 58th birthday.
Damn young kids, have a good time Paul and don't get too drunk and come back on MM that is a way to get has happened before....LOL
You and Overton are the same age...LOL

I thought it looked like a forest fire up north a well ago, Must been the candles on the cake. Happy B-Day oldtimer. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
It comes a little late but Happy Birthday PC!

CUPSY told me to tell you Happy F@#$%&G Birthday!:D
Happy belated birthday Paul...

+1 to Nickmans champagne but I think I already mentioned that in an earlier email...
Thanks for all the "kind" words.

Who the hell are Cupsy and Eel?

Check this out. I was getting highly tuned last, and started using the "F" word quite a bit. ( D13'er would have been proud of me.) Anyway, the ol' lady slapped me, and said to knock it off. BeanMan, I didn't get "some"..

Feleno, nice work on that bottlecap!

Nickman, for some reason I was craving champagne all day

Dang, I feel like $hit!!! pc
Have you sobered up yet Paul?

Who the hell are Cupsy and Eel?

None other than D13er and must have really hung one on there. Everyone has shorten names at times when Be_Bopper starts hitting the ivories on his keyboard.


Sorry I'm a day late with the "Happy, Happy." Knowing you, you've probably a-l-m-o-s-t recovered! Or not ...


"Every man dies --- not every man really lives."

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