To Weird



Went out hunting the other day and ran into one of the weirdest thing I have ever seen. My friend and I were walking up the trail to get to where we wanted to be for the evening. We stopped along the trail to take a quick breather and my friend said, "Hey look, there is a jacket in the tree". I turned around and sure enough there was a jacket hanging in the tree and a backpack. I looked a little closer and notice a guy hunkered down behind the tree trying to hide. I thought to myself "What the heck". I guess my friend didn't notice the guy because he was about to walk over there. I quickly stopped him becuase at that exact moment I noticed that this man was butt naked. Dont have a clue what he was doing but that was weird.
I got my friend to walk away with me and then told him about the guy. We just laughed.

All I can say is that I hope we didn't interupt something, wheather it was with himself or with someone else.

Anybody else ever ran into something like this in the hills?

LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-07 AT 01:54PM (MST)[p]I thought this was a letter to Bessy by the subject (To Weird)...LOL....

What a weirdo...good thing you steared clear. Who knows what that guy was up to.
I think so but I wasn't about to go over there and find out.

I know he thought he would be all alone up there not many people go up that canyon.

If I would have seen another body that my have looked a little different maybe I would have gone and said HI, but he looked pretty lonely to me.

Just a little weird for me.

maybe he just crapped his pants and had to use his shirt to clean himself up and here comes two guys down the trail when he's having the most embarrasing moment of his life so he tried to hide behind a tree?

Or maybe he's like the Idaho congressman and saw on the internet that if he hid behind that tree and tapped his foot and gave a signal some other closet homo would come along and blow him.


Way to much information for me to find out all in one day. This Idaho toe tapping Senetor didn't happen to be in southern Utah on last Friday did he.

Tell you one thing, When I saw that he was butt naked, I wasted no time looking to see if he was tapping his toe, I (pulling my friend) was headed the other direction.

Whats this world comming to that you cant even go into a public bathroom or into the hills without getting accosted by some sicko.

what you saw was the typical bent wrist liberal tree hugger getting close to nature. That one must of escaped from CA.

I think he was just checking the tree for bees lol

"If it moves shoot it again"
The weirdest thing I've seen is these two guys come walking down the trail while I was hiding behind a tree butt naked,,,,oh wait. JJ I have a few friends that get pretty crazy while out hunting but I don't think anything close to that.
I really wondered if the guy was a MM member and would read this post and what the heck he would think about it when he read it.
I sure hope he wasn't a MM member because if he is and is doing that kind of thing that really scares me.

We can all hope and pray that it was one of those really messed up tree hugger types.


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