To the highest bidder


Long Time Member
I'm selling the address bypassing 1911's photobucket password. It will be pretty pricey because of the grief we had to take from Mrs 1911 for hacking it. Don't worry 1911 deleted his pictures already. He has saved every last one of Brenda's pics from Lesgo's real time cam and alot of other "instructional" pictures from Utardia.

Now hold on there partner. I want my cut. A bank robber mastermind is no good without the guy that can open the safe.
NV don't sell it to Feleno without talking to me first. Remember that we agreed to slit it 50/ 50 with my share being 60%.
NV and Feleno

I'm really not suggesting anything, BUT 1911 works the night shift and sleeps during the mornings and wouldn't be able to defend himself till this afternoon.
OK Boss, that sounds great. You are a very fair man. I'm already thinking and planning what I will do with my 30%.
so is the 70% you promised me 70% of your 30% or 70% of the 50%? i'm not real good at math and don't want to be taken advantage of.
Very funny guys :) 45s still trying to figure out how ya did it and Im trying to figure out how to get you all back hahahaha
Be careful when messin with LIL RED }>
LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-09 AT 11:38AM (MST)[p]ONE word for all of you BUSTED ;) I guess I need to start making a list of people to Get back :
1. Ransom
2. NV
3. Felano (was warned about you never met you ):)
4. D13er
5. 1911
and so on.
1. Bobcat
2. NV
3. Felano (was warned about you never met you )
4. D13er
5. 1911
6 .Fish
7 .Rugarm
8 .Rus
9 .Lesgo

99. Ransom

and so on.

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