To all of my lying hunting buddies.........


Here's a picture of the new world record whitetail. It was taken by the
cousin of a co-worker's sister's, uncle's best friend's son-in-law's cousin.

Reportedly it will score 603 1/8 by B&C standard and was shot in West Texas.

Supposedly, this deer had killed a bull, two landrovers and six hunters in
the last two weeks alone. They said he was in the midst of a fierce fight
with Bigfoot when he was shot by some hunter called Hippy.

I hear that awesome thing only has 13 inch bases!

i can only imagine what 15 inch bases will get you?
I hate it when these guys stand so far back to try and make the rack look huge.....
I have the sheds from last year. I can't believe how much he lost in just one year. He was going down hill fast!

Wow what a huge buck. Where did he come from? Ive never seen one that big much less got a shot at one.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-07 AT 07:41PM (MST)[p]I have video of this buck. I can't share it cause Hippy was hitting the bong while I was filming & I couldn't get his fat axx outta the way. Besides it's not a inch over 601 3/8" somebody needs to teach you guy's how to judge trophy's

My arrow just glanced of that sob,
and I knew a damned rifle hunter would kill him.

CURSE the Luck.....

Story of my life....

Not looking so good for the packers right now. He he

Mosnar what channel you watching???

It's like Willy say's " Them guys ain't from Texsas and they ain't real cowboys"

Whats a channel? Down 10 on the road? Favre 2 INT's, 5 of 14 is not a good day unless of course your from Utah.
Mr. caliborne ... (I can't figure out what to call myself tonight) It was 24 - 27 till the cowgirls limp wristed another one in the end zone.

>Mr. caliborne ... (I can't figure
>out what to call myself
>tonight) It was 24 -
>27 till the cowgirls limp
>wristed another one in the
>end zone.


A little slip up there. Anyway how about those packers? He he he.


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