To all friends of Coach from Aughtsix


Long Time Member
My brother, Coach Hunt, aka Bill jones, had some kind of neurological event during church yesterday, Feb. 29, '04. He lost consciousness for over four minutes, but n ever fell down. He remained standing behind the pulpit of the church where he leads the singing, only he was out cold He was rushed by ambulance to the hospital. It is unknown at this time whether it was a stroke, or what ever. A heart problem was ruled out. His heart is as strong as a bull. Will update as soon as condition is known.
I hope all is well. Our prayers go out to Coach......... Allen Taylor......

Do please keep us informed to the Couches condition. Hope nothing serious and recovers well soon.

My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family, hope all is well very soon.

My thoughts and prayers continue to be with him. Any update on what happened, if it is any of my business?

Sounds like what my roomate in college had. Was diagnosed with petite mal epileptic seizures. He would blank out for several seconds or minutes but would not fall down or have spasms.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)

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