To all cowboy fans

Man, the play calling from the Dallas side was PATHETIC!!!! Of course they lost when they only give Barber 8 carries in the whole game. Romo is good, but he aint that good.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-08 AT 05:43PM (MST)[p]MAN I LOVE T.O. when he whines!!
me! me! me! when I have the ball the chain move and we win!
man his team mates must really like that guy because no tells him to shut up!!!
I agree with Peak.. Any team that beats the Cowboys is a team I gotta like. And of course I love it when T.O. whines and complains about not getting the ball enough. I wonder how his team mates put up with that self-centered whiner.
regardless how the cowboys played last weekend i still think they'll end up in the big game. I agree, T.O. is a whiner and his act does get old.
Amen to the REDSKINS!! Oh man I love it. Been a die hard Skins fan since a young kid and this past win was of the most enjoyable SKins games Ive watched in a long time. Their offense looks solid and the D is stepping it up too. Isnt great to hear these cowboy fans cry! They seem to foget we have won 5 of tthe last 7 head to head

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