Tipping your taxidermist?


Very Active Member
Is it common practice to tip? I have never heard one way or the other. I have never left a tip, but I have only had european work done, never a full head mount.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
If you tip your concrete guy, auto mechanic, roofer and tax man then go ahead and tip, otherwise no. What I'm saying is, tips are not expected. A set price for agreed upon service. That's how I viewed it when I was doing it professionally. Now if you, the customer, think the time turn around, qualtiy, detail, etc that was given is exceptionally above that which was agreeded upon, I'm sure there aint a taxi out there that would turn down a little monetary thank you.
Here's the Deal!

If his work/craftsmanship is worthy of some Tippage & You got a little extra to spare why not Tip the Guy?

Guaranteed the Guy will remember you forever if you Tip him!

No matter the profession,if they gave their All & the work is Excellent,what's wrong with a little Tippage?

Hell Sakes,I had to Tip a Cop a while back!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
My Dad is a Taxidermist and i'm not so sure he has ever received a tip. I believe the above was correct in that if the turn around or quality was above and beyond then maybe a tip is deserving. I would say the greatest thing you could do is keep bringing your business back to him and also use a little word of mouth to help our his business. Find the horn Goose!
I understand the point of tipping but this stuff is getting carried away. Am I going to be required to tip my postman or the tellar at wal-mart?
There are more and more fast food place with tip jars out now too...
My feeling is if you want a tip, raise your prices to the amount you think you deserve. A price is a price.

When I was a white water rafting guide, I turned down the tips. I felt they already paid their bill, and did not need to pay me the second time.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
I usually give an extra $25 and tell him to have some coldeez on me, and whenever I call or stop by he knows me. I think most don't tip so maybe I'm on the short and preferred list with them, at least that's how I feel I'm treated. They have always turned out good work for me and besides, everyone needs extra $ for beer, right?

Find 'em. Learn 'em. Shoot 'em. Eat 'em.
If you want to flaunt your wealth and buy a friend or a favor, go ahead, but don't do it to make the rest of us regular folks look cheap.
You Cheap f'r Piper!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Piper forgot to Tip his Taxidermist the first time he used the Guy!

The Taxidermist didn't forget piper though!


I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
No. I have a hard time tipping the way it is today simply because so many are expecting a tip. I pay for an honest product/service at a predetermined or known price and expect to receive what I am already paying for. If they are not earning enough with their present prices then they need to raise the price.
The tip is return buisness...If bacon and eggs is $5.99 thats what it should cost....I do tip for a d-cup and up though.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I receive between 20-30 tip offers each year. It is not required, nor is it expected, but of course it is a nice gesture. I turn down all the tips from those who seem like they are doing it because they feel they must. I do accept a few from people who are genuinely tipping because they love the mount. Some of the best "tips" I ever receive are notes of thanks. It is always nice to know your customers appreciate your work, no matter the industry.

if you are pleased with his work your best tip would be to refer your friends and family hell anyone you run into thats the way I tip my taxi, I've sent atleast 10 people to him thats bigger than anything keeps him in business. on_target
Tipping is way out of hand .....tipping is for a service like a waitress thats working for mostly a tip for a wage.....tipping someone for work that already has a price is way out of hand!
I'm a plumber and i'd guess about 10-20% of the time, my clients tack an additional $10-$30 bucks on my bill. Hard to describe the nice feeling one gets when your customer likes you or your service well enough to pay you extra even if in no way they are obliged to.

These that do tip usually can afford it. I'm usually just happy to have the work.

As a painting contractor, I have recieved two tips in the last few years and was blown away by the generosity. One was $50 bucks from a very nice lady. And the other was a guy that tipped $400 dollars and the total job was $400.
Heck, most the time its like pulling teeth just to collect on what they owe after the job is done.
For the most part, paying on time, and picking up your mount when it is due is more important than a tip. Taxidermists are always hearing about the check being in the mail or "can I pay on the installment plan?" Guys agree to most anything when they have just taken a big trophy, and then when it comes time to pay they start doing the dance. Pay on time, refer your friends, and bring repeat business. This will mean the most to the taxidermist.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-11 AT 01:56PM (MST)[p]My opinion is that tips make sense when the person you are tipping works for someone else. The way a business works is that the business owner structures the business so he makes money from the work of his employees and pays his employees not what value they bring to the table but what their market value is. The difference between value produced and market value is profit that the owner pockets. That is the theory anyway. Sometimes the person doing the work -- a hunting guide, a waitress, a bartender -- gets paid very little. Under those circumstances tipping makes sense. When the person you would be tipping is the business owner himself, that to me makes much less sense. I don't see that as tipping.

By the same token, if you want to reward the guy for fast turn around time, an extra high quality job, or just plain fair dealing, there is nothing wrong with that. I just wouldn't call it tipping. Maybe a bonus? I guess part of my sensitivity to this is that the term "tipping" carries with it a connotation of moral obligation -- you ought to tip, maybe you ought to tip unless the work is below standard. I don't think this moral obligation ought to apply when working directly with the business owner, and I think most taxidermists are independent business owners.

I would add -- thought suggested by a post above -- that if there is a reason you want to buy preferred treatment from the taxidermist, by all means sweeten up the deal with some extra cold cash that likely won't be revealed to Uncle Sam. Money talks baby!
I tip my taxidermist all the time. For example, i told him "if he traded them damn boots in for some nike he might be able to catch his sister." Other than that no i dont. I think the best tip you can offer if he does good work is show your mount off, recommend him, and always be a repeat costumer. Ensuring him business thru word of mouth beats a tip in my eyes.
In most cases, people tip for services or performance.

I have recieved a lot of tips over the years and I generally try to refuse it one time....then I quit argueing.

I drew a lot of maps to out of the way fishing holes, quail hunting spots and other touristy places. When they stop back by the shop, on their home and drop off a Franklin or a Grant....I'm good with it. I'll rememember them next year as well.

I had a wealthy customer tell me once, that it was insulting to turn down any tip.

In his mind, I provided him with more than he expected and a tip was the easiest way he could express his gratitude.

Over the years I have recieved a LOT of "stuff" as a tip also. Usually I ended up giving it to the Scouts or kids I knew were from single parent homes.

I tip waiters, bellhops, parking valets, trail wranglers and the Avon lady, if she has big hooties!

".....but by God, I never said a word to a pig!"
one_dryboot---That $400 guy probably had Alsheimers and paid you twice because he forgot the first payment, LOL!!!
I never tip my taxi---how stupid...

I pay him cash up front and I have always had my stuff (no pun intended) back in under 9 months---perfect!

He doesn't have to chase me down for final payment or none of that other cheap a~~ crap from losers that do not pay in full when the mount is ready for pick-up.


PS--example----I got my Wyo Buff and Wyo Bull to him late Sept. '10 and both are in my trophy Room mid-May '11...'nough said..
PleaseDear....I want to know who your Taxi is for the future.

I would like to tip the guy I have three Antelopes with right now. Two of them were from 2009 and one from 2010.
I would tip him on his back side but would wind up in jail for it so not worth it now.
Hell, he has not even ordered the forms either and made a big excuse last week when I finally saw him at his place. Trouble with him is he is divorced and found himself a young "hot mama" that drives a new HUMMER.....so the hell with clients I guess.
The damn Pedestal for the two from 2009 was in his shop last Oct. and that is all.
Promised me he would start on them as soon as he gets the forms, yea, right. Most likely the last time I will see him and he DID do good work.
Enough of me getting on the subject, will think twice next time on who I use if I do get something worth done.
Still thinking about getting the local POLICE involved in this matter.

I'd go get the capes and horns from him and go somewhere else with my business. If you have any money paid out like you probably have, he'd pay me that back on the spot or the police would be getting involved. 2009 stuff and he's not even started on it is a scammmer, not a taxidermist!!!
Brian--I can get you his info if ya want it.

He is right along your travel corridor coming back from your Wyo/Idaho/Colo hunts.

Kilo, you need to find a faster taxi. At your age a turnover at greater than six months is a gamble you may never see the finished product. :)
>If you want to flaunt your
>wealth and buy a friend
>or a favor, go ahead,
>but don't do it to
>make the rest of us
>regular folks look cheap.

So you want them to hoard their wealth or not? Good grief. Now the 'haves' can't even tip away their money without criticism from you. Can they tip by sending it in a plain, non descript envelope with no return address?

No tipping from me,But I have never got anything mount yet. Now if he did a great job and got it done fast,COULD be worthy of a tip.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
+1 alsatian

I think tips should be reserves for someone who personally attends to you, i.e. hunting guides and wait staff.

I would have never thought of tipping a taxi till I saw this thread. I think repeat business and word of mouth ought to be enough. And screw me over and you can damn sure bet I'll let everyone I know never to give you a nickle!
TOPGUN....I even wonder if he has had the capes done yet too, might still be in a freezer with his work progress so far.

1911....it is always nice to have friends like you who watch your backside.........you better watch yours next time in Kona.

Yea, if he even has the capes. I would certainly find out and do whatever needed to get everything and go somewhere else. It's pretty obvious to me from what you've mentioend that you arne't go to get anything back unless taking severe actions against the guy, including small claims court. Even if you don't get anything back by going that route at least there would be a record in the system that he's a crook.

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