Timp Goat Tag


Active Member
Well, the card got hit a little while back for the $408 and my $35 so I guess after(5 long yrs of pref.points) I draw the goat tag! I can't wait.I have been up there some when younger but that was primarily to hike to the summit from the glacier side but, I will have to make it up there prior to the hunt for some scouting. If there are any that would be willing to help with information to save time and make my scouting a little more productive that would be great. Thanks
Congratulations of drawing a goat tag! They are cool mountain animals and I've been lucky to have hunted them a couple times (not on Timp).

I had to laugh when you said, "5 long years". I guess you have no idea how lucky you are to have a tag. You usually should plan on 2 or 3 times that long.

You'll have a ball!
Please keep us posted on you experience and success.

Oh, I almost forgot, my brother hunted up there with his friend and they killed a whopper. I can get some info and share it with you.

BTW; I just happen to be looking out my office window at your goat unit!

+1 Zeke I'm now sitting on 14 points! I can see that magnificent mountain from my backyard. I've seen goats all over the mountain, they shouldn't be too hard to find. Hope fully you're in good shape, Milligun!
LAST EDITED ON May-27-11 AT 10:22AM (MST)[p] Thanks Zeke and 3point I think the odds were like 2% or something... I just had to put up the 5 long yr stuff (lol)
You're a funny man!
Have fun and keep us posted with dead goat photos when you're done!
LAST EDITED ON May-27-11 AT 12:58PM (MST)[p]You are lucky Milli, and you definitely beat some serious odds.
I would say first, start getting in shape. All goat hunts are physical, at least I have heard every goat hunter I know say that. While I have personally not hunted "Mountain" goats, I have spent a good deal of time on that mountain. If you are looking, it is pretty hard to hike Timp and not see a goat or two. If you have a decent spotting scope, you can search the face of Timp from the base and see lots of goats, giving you starting places. The back (east slope) is more isolated but you can still spot from some of the roads. I am sure, however, that you can get some specific info from Zeke and others.
Good luck!
Congrats. You should do fine on Timp if you get up there a bunch this summer and learn everyplace that you don't want to kill a goat. Learn the mountain and just be patient. The big boys won't be eating in the wild flowers with the young billies, momma and kids so look until you find them and learn how to judge them and what a big billy looks like.

Then once your hunting and its getting towards the end of the hunt the billy?s should start looking for the momma goats and the mommas and babies seem to visit some of the more hiker friendly, less vertical areas at least one during a day. Weather pending, their hides will be much prettier by then too.

Then if it comes down to the last few days and you haven't tagged out you can still shoot a big billy in one of those ? Oh No, What the hell have I done? places that we find in any goat unit. Timp just seems to have more than its share of them.

5 long yrs huh. My wife, after not drawing again this year now has 16 goat points. She puts in for the Boxelder Unit.
Wish I could draw one so you could show me how it's done!.. :)

Robert S. and I both got our Idaho bears. Rick and J.R. came home empty, but we had a great time!
All I have are lousy pics after it was skinned because I didn't have my camera with me when we recovered him and packed him out.
A lousy pic is better than no pic which is what I have of my bear. So I'd love to see them.

Mine was years back and with a 35mm film camera. I took (or thought I took) a whole 36 roll of pics of my bear at the bait before the shot, a bunch after the shot, packing it out whole on my trusty pony, more back at camp after skinning, a few with my wife and my 3 year old son. Then when I picked them up at the drug store in jackson I had 36 blank pics. The film on my high tech, user friendly camera wasn't hooked up right so it didn't advance through the camera. But I do have the bear rug.

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