Time to say goodbye?


I have a 9 year old lab who is having some challenges with her sight. She has been loosing her sight for some time now but recently it is taking a nose dive. We try to be careful not to leave things out on the floor or move anything around. She can navigate around the kitchen and family room fine but beyond that she is tripping and running into stuff daily.

At night I let her out and she is confused on how to get back up the stairs to come in the house.

Her sense of smell is all but gone as I have to direct her to her food when it's time to eat. I guess I am just venting my frustration as I can't do anything for my buddy.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-10 AT 03:43AM (MST)[p]my friend has a Jack Russell and his completely blind for 3 years now ...I never seen him stumble or trip however he does run into the walls and legs....is it only her eyes(cataracts?) or something neurologically also? had an MRI?
If quality of life diminishes fast enough that you done all you could well it may be time....9 seems young to me! my black lab Bart is wound tight and acts like a 2 year old! tennis balls are the fountain of youth for him! I guess I've been lucky of long lived dogs!
Sorry to hear your story.....Its very sad and a tough decision!
good luck!!

That is really sad Rug......

Maybe do what is best for the doggie------it is tough to do.

Sad deal for the whole family no doubt.

Thats tough!
With my last lab I watched him slowly lose all the function in his back legs, and I kept telling myself he will get better or wont get any worse. But, the longer I held on the worse he got until he couldnt even get up. As bad as I wanted to keep him around it was better for him to go and not suffer. I just hate making that call of when is it bad enough???
Sorry to hear that Jason. My parents dog got hit by a car while they were in China several years ago. Had to put her down.....was the hardest thing to do.....and she wasn't my dog. I feel for you. I hope whatever you do, it is the right decision.

I feel your pain brother. I just put down my GSD a month back. Horrible even though you know it is the right thing to do. Glad I have one other tasmanian devil/GSD at home or it would be too quiet. Bad part about pets...chances are you'll out live them, plus animals like dogs are too strong to just pass in the night.

When we got this one it was the day after putting one down. This one only lived about 3 years due to some medical issues.
Sorry to hear that Rug. The hardest part is doing whats right for the Dog and not yourself. I put my 12 year old German Shephard down this past November and really looking back I wish I would have done it 6 months earlier. Being selfish I tried to extend the Dogs life with steroids to ease his hip pain.

If you haven't yet, take him to a Vet. Listen to what they say and pay close attention to the signs your Dog is giving you.
Sorry to hear Rug, like 45 said we put ours down, they are like our kids to us, its hard to make that drive to the vet, but like Tagtractor said listen to your vet, they did nothing but try to help ease our pain and his.

I don't envy your decision but good luck.
Rug, I recently lost Cody, my Black Lab, so I know what you're going through. Hell, I still can't stand to go out in the back yard, and miss her terribly, but please take a moment to consider the following poem that CheeseheadinOHIO shared over on the thread that I started about my dog. It is something we all have to come to grips with eventually.

If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain prevents my peaceful sleep
Then you must do what must be done
When this final battle can't be won.
You will be sad, I understand
Selfishness may stay your hand
But on this day, more than the rest
Your love and friendship will take the test.
We?ve had so many happy years
That what's to come can hold no fears
You?d not want me to suffer, so,
When the time comes, let me go.
Take me where my needs they'll tend
Only- stay with me til? the end.
Hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you too will see
This is a kindness that you do for me.
Although my tail its last has waved
From pain and suffering I've been saved.
Do not grieve. It should be you
Who must decide this thing to do.
We?ve been so close, we two, these years,
Don?t let your heart hold any tears.

Thanks to Mike (cheesehead) for sharing the above. It does put things into perspective.

I guess I was luckier than you, as my girl was still eating well, wagging her tail all the time and living out her autumn days in comfort when she passed. I honestly don't know that I could do what you have to consider, but we both know what the right thing to do is, the question is when to do it. Good luck and always remember why your buddy is so special to you.
Rugster, my parents just put down a 15 year old lab a couple weeks ago. Very similar stuff was wrong with her...sucks but I think it putting her down was the right thing to do.

Rug.....as my Vet said, You will know when it is time.

"the master has HIs reasons, life is His the give or take"
Marty Robbins, Gunfighter Ballads.
Just like kilbuc says, he'll let you know when it's time. Had the same thing, about a year ago with our fourteen year old pointer. Just no easy way. He'll let you know when it's time.
Thanks, Brownie
Thanks for the input and kind words. As mentioned above I do think I will know when the time comes. Sad thing is that "Time" is not far off.. It will be harder for the kids I am sure.
Sorry to hear that. I put my lab down 3 years ago, I still miss my little girl. It is no coincidence that my current labs are 3 years old, they have helped. It's a tough thing to do but, when the time comes you'll know what to do.
There's not much you can say other than making that decision really sucks. You miss them and will never have another dog quite like it. Others will have good qualities but never the same.

Sorry rug...

Sorry to hear that Rug,

My 12 year old Lab is going fast too. I have put him in the truck twice to take him to be put down. Couldn't do it. One day soon I will have too. Tough times for sure. Good luck with yours.
If I were in your shoes I'd set it up so your wife backs over him in the driveway.......

I feel your pain. My Chocolate Lab is 13 and she has a real hard time after even a short workout. Not looking forward to the next year or so.
I feel for you. I have an English Setter that went blind at 4 years. Sucks, he was an exceptional Chukar hunter. He is still my bud, the best tempered dog I have ever owned and continues to run and hunt all over our acreage. He is happy and navigates incredibly well considering he can't see his nose! I have a new hunting partner as Sam is no longer able to safely navigate the terrain we hunt. I don't know how long your partner has been blind, but give him the opportunity to adjust. You might be pleasantly surprised at how well he might adjust. Sam's problem was genetic. I contacted the breeder who did not seem overly concerned. He proved this last year when he tried on more than one occasion to sell me another pup!
As long as your partner is enjoying life all is good. If he reaches the point that he is no longer happy you will have a tough choice to make.
Best wishes.



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