Time to place your bets



Alright folks, Its about 2 weeks till the big deer hunt in colorado. Its time start betting who kills the biggest buck. Of course, im betting on myself. :). your other choices are Stinkystomper, lowcountyelk, stinkysstompers dad (bert) and im not sure who else. Now if you wanna win i suggest going with me.... LCE is going with a bow, so he's def. not in the running. SS gets to "excited" when he see a nice rack, so he has been out of the running for a while> you know i love yuh babe> That leaves the ol father-in-law, probably the most threatening to me. well not really though, cuz he has a way of making does into bucks....so theres the rundown. Place your bets wisely! Good luck to all. I know for sure some nice deer are gonna bite the dust! font size="22"]

LAST EDITED ON Oct-20-09 AT 10:45AM (MST)[p]Good luck to you all - but I am going with Bert - (don't know him just like the name!) after all isn't he the one who first taught Stinky how to shoot?

But then again on second thought, judging from Stinky's whole box of shells performance on the Dutton this year, maybe I am stretching it a little! (Please read the overtones of jealousy in this statement - man what a bull!)

Hope y'all have a great time. Enjoy!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
">Now if you wanna win i suggest going with me....

I'll bring the nail polish and Cosmo magazine."

NV, YOU DUMB ARSE!!!....that wasnt an invitation! :)

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I haven't got my $20 yet from the elk hunt bets....that stinky would miss.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I got to put my money on the "countersunk deer hunter".

SS already prooved he can't shoot and QTip might get tricky and deliver up a serious case of "lockeye" the night before the hunt.
Somebody has to pull for the bowhunter so I'll be that guy...GO LOWCOUNTRYELK GO!! Best of luck to each and every one of you though!! :)

>I'm betting SS gets his shooting
>straight and gets Mr. Big.

oh no, sounds like a man crush....lol cant blame you, hes pretty hot, too bad he cant kill like me....LMBO
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LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-09 AT 01:47AM (MST)[p]My money is on the hunter who does the least amount of bragging about how good of a shot he/she is....

Maybe a hunter who shoots with Leupolds? I dunno...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Does stinky get buck fever like he gets bull fever?
great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I bet this post gets over 100 replies then gets nuked! :)

Success is failure that tried one more time
LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-09 AT 09:22AM (MST)[p]Tag and I already got nuked:) LMAO I know SS and QT were not offended, but virgin eyes must be lurking!! Good luck to your bunch in CO!!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-09 AT 09:33AM (MST)[p]I got nuked too. Must have offended someone (perhaps it was "not sure who else" and I am terribly sorry. Not!
I bet not a whole lot of people really care very much. Although your attention whoreing will probably work. LMAO.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
It dont matter what all you guys shoot QTPIE will still come back with the rack you'd rather have!
Q starts with a better rack then they have, so if no-one kills a buck she still wins right(shoot a spike if you have to bert). Bert pull out all the old tricks and win it for us OLDER guys. LOL
Old age and treachery with overcome youth and skill EVERY time.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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