Time to go Nukler!!


Active Member
Well folks
I was reading that the Bali conference has determined that the U.S. "is" the problem when it comes to the greatest crisis facing man today!! global warming/climate change!! I am shocked! that the rest of the world and more than a few faux greenies of U.S. origin have reached this conclusion.
The solutions put forth are loud and clear!!!!!!!
The perpetrator (U.S.) of climate change MUST reduce emissions.
Simple as that. Soooo.. get ready for Nobel prize winner Gore (who by the way did absolutely nothing to address this issue when he "was" in a position to actually "DO" something about it)to start calling for the immediate construction of nuclear power plants in all regions of our country. This is the only option available at this time that can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Thereby cutting emissions of greenhouse gases. The other options(wind/solar)are so costly and inefficient that to implement them would require U.S. to stop giving money to the great champion of the poor folks in this world. The U.N.
And that folks is just not a viable option!!!
This was made crystal clear to Gore when the faux green remodel of his humble abode was recently completed.
The news article I read on this subject said the polluting energy use of the Gore crib had been reduced by up to 30%. Which means this champion of climate change is now only using eight times more polluting power than the average unwashed American!!
I wish I could make this stuff up!!!
Sadly I cannot...
+1 fog He is the biggest Hippycrit there is.
Algore is successfully pulling the biggest scam ever perpitrated on the human race. It would not be possible without rows and rows of useful idiots. We even have several her on MM..


Couldn't agree more JB.
I figured a few of em would respond just to tell me how wrong I am. Must've been to harsh/truthful concerning the intentions/actions of their supreme leader!!

Seriously though. If we as a country are serious about reducing emissions we simply must build more nuclear power plants to reduce the use of coal!!!

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