Time to Get Frustrated


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Have fun folks.



How To Hunt Coues Deer
F YOU Tony!!! LOL!! 15 minuites and 2 color changes. My only revenge was passing it to the boss. I can hear him across the hall bitchin it up.
Its easy to cheat on that game! But I agree, Damn you tony, it took me a few to figure out how to cheat.

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

so whats the cheat

played it for a few minutes got maybe 10-12 color
then spent maybe 20 tring to find the cheat
LAST EDITED ON May-12-10 AT 08:21PM (MST)[p]You have to "sneak" up on it. Move your cursor off the field, the ball hangs from the top. Right click and hold, place the bracket right below the ball then unclick and click again quickly before it falls.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Please dial 911. I think some one slipped me drugs. It keeps moving I can't make it stop. I think I have had an overdose.

You can just right click, the menu comes up and the ball holds still. move your cursor over it and click on it and it changes color.

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!


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