Time for some fun........



LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-04 AT 06:42PM (MST)[p]Boy, is it obvious when the dog days of hunting are on us. The seasons (including birds even) are over, no sheds to be had yet, and up pop millions of junk mail posts on MM, this one no different EXCEPT, it's kinda fun. I plagerized it from another hunting forum, thought some of you guys might like it. If you're inclined, check it out, post your scores.....can you top my 278 on the original version or 588 on the roids version (in less than 24 tries on each)? Good luck.......

(If a popup window for "macromedia flash player" pops up, just click "no" on it, then it might pop up again and click no again and then this game should launch for you)

319.2 Honest! after about 20 tries. My first try was a wiff! Who else had that?
544.7 And then wiffed it about 7 straight!

I like it when you get a high fly penguin and he sticks his head in the snow.

God, I'm bored.
1079.3 second time. Haven't been able to replicate anything over 583.4 since. Damn I'm going to get fired over this game.

I love pounding these chicks.

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