Time?Analog, digital, and Kids


Very Active Member
Hey all you parents out there with kids old enough to tell time. I am a volunteer high school wrestling coach. We did not have a clock in the wrestling room so one of the parents brought one in. It is an analog clock. At Tuesdays practice one of the kids asked what time it was. I was floored that he could not read the clock! As a matter of fact none of the kids (all teenagers) could read the clock. The only way they could tell time was by their cell phones. Has anyone else run across this and find it a strange as I do? This never even occurred to me that kids could not read a clock. Wow?It was an eye opener for the change/evolution in times for me.

You never got change from Walmart, et al?

Where would a child of ten learn to tell time from a round clock? Their parents have seen damn few.

Hell, you are living in the 10th "dumbest" country on the planet, what do you expect?

Sad, ain't it?
I think there are alot of things we did as kids that the kids growing up can't do. I was shocked when I asked my 15 year old a few years back to look up a number in the phone book. She had been looking for the number for a minute and a half and finally I went to see what the hold up was. She was in the right area but didn't know how to "seal the deal" and find the right listing. I was shocked. This is my daughter? We can't be so quick to blame it on the schools. We know, NOW, what they teach and we know that it is lacking. It's our jobs as parents to make sure our kids don't skate through "common knowledge" crap that the schools don't teach. I don't give my kids answers when they ask, I make them figure it out....they always do. We also have to teach our kids...don't forget that MM parents.

>I think there are alot of
>things we did as kids
>that the kids growing up
>can't do. I was shocked
>when I asked my 15
>year old a few years
>back to look up a
>number in the phone book.
>She had been looking for
>the number for a minute
>and a half and finally
>I went to see what
>the hold up was. She
>was in the right area
>but didn't know how to
>"seal the deal" and find
>the right listing. I was
>shocked. This is my daughter?
>We can't be so quick
>to blame it on the
>schools. We know, NOW, what
>they teach and we know
>that it is lacking. It's
>our jobs as parents to
>make sure our kids don't
>skate through "common knowledge" crap
>that the schools don't teach.
>I don't give my kids
>answers when they ask, I
>make them figure it out....they
>always do. We also have
>to teach our kids...don't forget
>that MM parents.

Steve, I totally agree about the common knowledge...

They should be teaching them things they are guaranteed to use in life like balancing a checkbook, how not to get over your head in debt/credit and WORK ETHICS....seems like very few kids now days know what work is..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
and I see the same thing with my parents and the older generation in the opposite regard. They are deathly afraid of computers and couldnt turn one on to surf the net. Tivo, fancy DVD players, ipods and blackberrys all are foreign to them. Its a generational thing opposite of what the kids today know.
>Hey all you parents out there
>with kids old enough to
>tell time. I am a
>volunteer high school wrestling coach.
>We did not have a
>clock in the wrestling room
>so one of the parents
>brought one in. It is
>an analog clock. At Tuesdays
>practice one of the kids
>asked what time it was.
>I was floored that he
>could not read the clock!
>As a matter of fact
>none of the kids (all
>teenagers) could read the clock.
>The only way they could
>tell time was by their
>cell phones. Has anyone else
>run across this and find
>it a strange as I
>do? This never even occurred
>to me that kids could
>not read a clock. Wow?It
>was an eye opener for
>the change/evolution in times for

You've got to be BS'ing!!!! :7 Tell us the name of the school! Is this a varsity team? If it was JV, then maybe I could see it.... ;-) ;-) NONE of the kids could tell time??? If that's the case, then maybe the highschool where you are volunteering should spend more time on basic/practical education (and feedback to parents), and less time on wrestling!!!


BuckSnort, One of the things we coaches have had a hard time dealing with is why the kids today don't know where they're at in a given situation. It's not just work ethics although that one is at the top of my list, it is also an awareness with common sense. For example, if a kid is in a position why can't he tell he is going to be in trouble. My theory is that the kids today are in the house playing video games and things of that nature verses when we were kids we were out playing tackle football, cops and robbers, kick ball, or anything else you could come up with. When we were doing these activities we learned balance and other athletic abilities. We not only have to teach techniques we also have to teach awareness and sometimes that's not as easy as it might seem. But kids that don't know how to tell time on a clock, now that blew me away. Who?d a thunk it?

Stanley, if it's not digital they cant read the clock. They don't know the difference between the big hand and the little hand or the second hand for that matter. It's not just the school and yes it is a high school. These kids very well may have been taught how to read a clock in elementary but why would they keep up with it when everyone of the kids has a cell phone that digitally tells time? I no longer wear a watch because of my cell phone either.


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