Tiger Woods?



Tiger Woods!
Gets my vote for the greatest athlete of my life time and I'm old enough to remember some great ones. I even remember Cassius Clay aka Muhammad Ali and Secretariat. But this kid is special.

Let's hear your votes.


Sorry Eel ... just a different spin on the same question.

RUS, no problem. I agree with you. The best athlete in our lifetime. He has the best physical and mental skills I've ever seen.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-14-08 AT 09:15PM (MST)[p]He's ok but he's no Slamdunk! or even Kobe.(trying to contain the laughter)

He is by far the most dominate in his sport than anyone else in their sport, for as long a period, so far. He's got a lot of golf left in him. If he can get to a point and properly rehab that knee.

*i had thought of Jordan, but he dominated what 7 years? 8 at best.(those years with the wizards were great, and the 2 year suspension for gambling/baseball break helped) Tiger has dominated for almost 12 years now....mike wasn't close to dominating for 12, sorry, my votes still with Tiger.

I want so badly to agree with you guys but Michael Jordan moments keep popping into my head... for me it's a pick 'em.








When I think of best athlete I think of who would be the best at multiple sports. If it is just by dominating one sport alone Richard Petty would be the King. He dominated NASCAR for over twenty years, but I would hate to see him play football. Who would be the best athlete if he played football, basketball, baseball, golf, boxing and hockey?

1. Jim Brown
2. Bo Jackson
3. Micheal Jordan
You guys picking basketball players, race car drivers, football players,etc......are leaving out some very important facts.

Not only is Tiger on top of his sport, he has the inteligence and savvy to stay there forever, in one capacity or another.

He can hold a post game interview and you can understand what he is saying.

He has done more for promoting golf, than ANY star has done for ANY other sport. Bar none.

Probably has also done more for young black kids than any other sports star.......in a positive fashion. Bar none.

Lastly and maybe the most sports related feature of the guy; nobody, ever, has displayed the mental discipline required in every sport, the way Tiger Woods has.

Yep, I like the guy!
>You guys picking basketball players, race
>car drivers, football players,etc......are leaving
>out some very important facts.
> Not only is Tiger on
>top of his sport, he
>has the inteligence and savvy
>to stay there forever, in
>one capacity or another.
> He can hold a post
>game interview and you can
>understand what he is saying.
> He has done more for
>promoting golf, than ANY star
>has done for ANY other
>sport. Bar none.
> Probably has also done more
>for young black kids than
>any other sports star.......in a
>positive fashion. Bar none.
>Lastly and maybe the most sports
>related feature of the guy;
>nobody, ever, has displayed the
>mental discipline required in every
>sport, the way Tiger Woods
> Yep, I like the guy!

can't argue with that.
I sure liked watching him yesterday.
DVR is setup for today.
"...If it is just by dominating one sport alone Richard Petty would be the King. He dominated NASCAR for over twenty years..."

Justify the comparison between turning left for twenty years and playing golf.........grantid Richard was the best at turning left. As far as athleticism goes, it'd be like saying Babe Ruth was the most in shape baseball player ever.

2000 US open, tiger wins by 15, the only guy underpar.... at -12....the 2nd place guy +3, thats like lapping the field 5 times, i never read about Petty lapping the entire field 5 times in a win!

You simply can't compare golf with other sports. The physical demands of the other major sports are just too demanding. Trying to compare walking around a golf course swinging a golf club to dragging linebackers up and down the field is incomparable. Tiger is coming off of a knee surgery because he swings a golf club!!!! Pulease. Try getting your brains beat in for 20-25 years like some of the top boxers in the world. Or how about skating your buns off while people are trying to knock out all of your teeth like the "Great One". Tiger is a great competitor no doubt, but could he play 2500 + baseball games in a row before taking a day off? I don't think so.
Its fair chase, or its foul!
This is a good debate, and has taken place on sports shows all over the country for years. I agree that the phisicality of golf is non-existent. It does not compare to football, baseball, boxing or many other sports but it does qualify as a sport and Tiger Woods does qualify as an athlete. Swinging a golf club is an athletic task and requires precise muscle control to repeat the same results over and over and over again. Plus, golf is one of the most rigorous mental sports there is. There is no reaction or instinct, each shot is carefully calculated and with the time between shots, if you do not have superior mental control, you will not have a game at all. That being said - there is none better at that than Tiger. He has the most superior mental command over his game, the opponents, and himself. That last putt tonight is just one more example. That was a long putt and 90% of all golfers are not expected to make that putt period and the other 10% are only expected to make it 50% of the time. Westwood had about the same distance, a little further, but he missed. Tiger did not - and this makes all the difference. Tiger makes that putt 99% of the time and that is what separates him from the rest. If Tiger has any control tomorrow at all, Mediate doesn't stand a chance. If he doesn't beat him by at least 4 strokes on the first 9 Tiger will win. He can't just expect to beat him he has to bury him.

Yes Tiger amazes me just as much as Jordan and Ali did. There is no current athlete that is on the same level as Tiger - NONE.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Maybe it's fair to say that Tiger is more dominate in his sport than any other individual in any other sport?

There is Tiger, and all other golfers are somewhere below that.

Roger Federer has been about as dominate as anyone the past several years, especially on grass courts.
You guys keep are talking about Tiger like he has already won this years US Open. He probably will, but he hasn't yet. I have a hard time calling a golfer the greatest athlete of all time. I agree with Roy about Tiger's mental approach and toughness, but it really doesn't take a lot of athleticism to be a good golfer. I've seen some very uncoordinated people who are damn good golfers, but they couldn't dribble a basketball to the basket for a layup or hit a slow pitch softball.
Tiger is still chasing one golfer records, the golden bear lest not we forget. They made a comment this weekend that said that Tiger would have to place in the top ten in every single major until 2019 to tie another one of Jack's achievements. That's a tribute to just how long Jack dominated golf. I think Tiger has the tools to do it and there's not an ounce of quit in him. If he wants too he will set all the new records in golf. He's the gold standard in golf today but it would have been something to see him and Jack go at it when both were in their prime. There's no doubt about it Tiger is already one of the best golfers ever and only time will tell if he's the greatest ever.
I would like to see some of you guys who claim that golf takes no physical strength or stamina try to spend 12+ hours in 100 degree heat while walking 36 holes carrying a golf bag. That's college golf for you boys...something that most tour players took part in. So have at it fellas, give it a try and let me know how it goes. Oh yeah, and don't forget holding it together mentally during all that time. I can 100% guarantee you some of you big-talkers will be crying like babies by the end. It'll wear you out, bottom line. Golf is the toughest sport to play REALLY well in the world, period.
Tiger is amazing and at the top of his sport. But worlds best athlete, Jordan, Bo Jackson. How can you say golf is the toughest sport. Golf small ball striking it with an even large object,on a tee very still, and on top of that lets all be very quiet. Toughest sport Baseball hitting a round object with a round object that is traveling 80-100 mph with movement and 30,000 plus people screaming. Talk about tough!

I just returned late last night from the US Open in San Diego. If you rate each sport and then rate each player, Tiger is so far ahead in his sport it isn't funny. He has a world ranking 24 points and the person in second is around 8.
Perserverance! WOW. Rocco had him but Tiger just kept swinging and playing well. Tiger just waited him out, made some putts and kept the drives in the yard. Rocco gave it all he had - hats off to him! He put a move on the greatest golfer ever and perhaps the greatest athlete of this generation. Came back from 3 shots down with 8 left, got up one shot and it still wasn't enough. Great golf! Fun to watch, especially when I should have been working!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Nezzy, I to would agree that hitting
a 90 mph fast ball would be extremely
tough, but you must not play much
competitive golf, in baseball, you make
a few bad swings, or strike out, you have
a team to help out, In golf you can only rely
on yourself, a few bad swings and you can be
in alot of trouble.
I would never say that a golfer is not an
athlete, until you have tried to compete.
Who is the top ranked chess player in the world? Is he considered an athlete? According to some of you guys, because he has to superhuman concentration skills and can only rely on himself for the win or loss, he must be one of the greatest athletes in the world.

Tiger is incredible, no doubt about it. I'm sure he will be know as the greatest golfer of all time by the time he decides to retire. But in my opinion, he is not even in the top ten of greatest athletes of all time
Chess is not even remotely considered an "athletic" event. Give me a break.

OK let's define the term "athlete" then:

According to most online dictionaries and printed dictionaries, the word athlete fits this general definition found at http://www.thefreedictionary.com/athlete:

A person possessing the natural or acquired traits, such as strength, agility, and endurance, that are necessary for physical exercise or sports, especially those performed in competitive contexts.

So according to this definition golf is an athletic event. I would like to see your top ten as well.

NO ONE has ever dominated their own sport like Tiger has. Not even Jordan. Jack Nicklaus was great for a long long time but he never totally DOMINATED golf like Tiger has.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Tim herron, is not an athlete, nor is Dailey. Tiger is an athlete.

Hitting a moving ball is tough but the control factor is minimal once the ball leaves the bat. These guys control the ball from impact to green(on the approach shots) with such amazing skill.

It was nice to see before the round sunday, the amature side of playing torry pines. Just to show what the normal guy could expect from playing it. What i didn't see was if they played from the tips like the Pro's do?

I did not say that Tiger was not a great athlete. I did state that he is at the top of the golf world. Worlds gratest athlete, I will disagree.
>"...If it is just by dominating
>one sport alone Richard Petty
>would be the King. He
>dominated NASCAR for over twenty
>Justify the comparison between turning left
>for twenty years and playing
>golf.........grantid Richard was the best
>at turning left. As far
>as athleticism goes, it'd be
>like saying Babe Ruth was
>the most in shape baseball
>player ever.
>2000 US open, tiger wins by
>15, the only guy underpar....
> at -12....the
>2nd place guy +3, thats
>like lapping the field 5
>times, i never read about
>Petty lapping the entire field
>5 times in a win!

No $hit tageater. I agree with you 100%. We are both making the same point. However, King Richard did win a race by five laps in 1967 at Nashville and the Daytona 500 by 2 laps in 1973, so keep reading. So does that make him as good as Tiger? LOL He also has 200 wins and the next closest guy has 105. He's won seven championships and seven Daytona 500's. Nobody comes close to him in stats. Nascar is every bit as much of a sport as golf is. Point being Richard or Tiger couldn't make it in any other sport. Elliot Sadler(NASCAR driver) would school Tiger in basketball, football, boxing ect. So how can you guys say Tiger is the best athlete ever because he dominates golf? I would say he is the best golfer ever and thats it.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-08 AT 06:45PM (MST)[p]

Most dominate, and worlds greatest athlete, are kinda two separte things. One could be argued for ever, but the other( most dominate) to me is pretty cut and dry.

Lance has thas the exact same number of people in his way, as his competitors. Federer has the exact same number of people in the stands whether they are rooting for him or whoever he is facing. Tiger gets to do his job with an extra 15,000 more people watching/filming, talking and yelling around him. thats focus.
There are a lot of tennis players, baseball players, football players, basketball players, and bicycle riders who can hit a golf ball 300 yards. In fact, the woods is full of them.:) Hit one 300 yards into a 25 yard wide fairway, then add a long iron game, short iron game, sand play and putting. It takes athletic skill and mental toughness. Add ice water in your veins and you might be a good golfer.
Watching Tiger's routine and him address the ball, it appears that he has the mentality of no other. It is very impressive!
I'm 41 years old. I did not personally watch people like Jim Brown, because it was before my time.

I watched Tiger in person on Saturday. He is approaching Mohammad Ali status as far as his popularity world wide, maybe notoreriety is a better word.

I have attended many major league baseball, nfl and college football, and NBA games and I focus on the players and what they can do. I have argued this question and listened to other answers at length. There are people like Pele and Gretzki and others in the mix also. Ali and Tiger are in the mix. Tiger may end up as the most popular non-religious or political leader in history.

It is my opinion that in the my time on the planet, Bo Jackson is the man and the best.

Just my two cents.
I might just add .... in golf everyone strives to be PAR .... average ... Tiger ended up "PAR" "AVERAGE" after 91 holes of golf over 5 days. Based on the number of people that play Golf or Basketball or Hockey, or Football or Soccor or Baseball or any other sport .... How many will be recoginzed as the greatest athlete in the world by being AVERAGE or PAR!

LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-08 AT 07:43PM (MST)[p]>I might just add .... in
>golf everyone strives to be
>PAR .... average ... Tiger
>ended up "PAR" "AVERAGE" after
>91 holes of golf over
>5 days. Based on the
>number of people that play
>Golf or Basketball or Hockey,
>or Football or Soccor or
>Baseball or any other sport
>.... How many will be
>recoginzed as the greatest athlete
>in the world by being

LMAO! RUS, as a member of MM, I would say you're somewhat below par. LOL!:)

EDIT: Like maybe a double bogey. LOL!

but can tiger win the stage up l alpe hueze after loosing half his ass in a crash down to the finish the stage before?
You are right - alp luging is a tough sport too. LOL

JK The Tour de France is the single most demanding sporting event on the planet. I still want to see someone dominate itwith the aspertions cast by allegations of performance enhancing drug use however. Same with baseball and football. Too many roids and too much HGH and other blood doping going on.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
"LMAO! RUS, as a member of MM, I would say you're somewhat below par. LOL!"

Now my feelings are really hurt! TURTLE FODDER .... Why don't you bless us with a list of MM members that shoot PAR or better???

Just teasing ... however I would like to see your list!


LAST EDITED ON Jun-18-08 AT 12:40PM (MST)[p]Torn ACL and a double stress fracture of the tibia???!!! And Rocco (and the rest of the field too!) still couldn't beat him. Unbelieveable. Unbelieveable. Unvelieveable.

Done for the year now with knee surgery.

Tiger Woods is done for the year, but not without one last major that he said might have been his best ever.

Woods explained why on Wednesday when he revealed he will have season-ending surgery to repair a torn ligament in his left knee that he injured 10 months ago.

He also suffered a double stress fracture of his left tibia two weeks before the U.S. Open, ignoring doctors' advice to take six weeks off to let it heal. And he still won the U.S. Open at Torrey Pines, going 91 holes over five days on a knee that was getting worse.

"Now, it is clear that the right thing to do is to listen to my doctors, follow through with this surgery and focus my attention on rehabilitating my knee," Woods said on his Web site.

He had arthroscopic surgery April 15 to clean out cartilage in his left knee, bypassing ACL surgery with hopes it could get him through the 2008 season. But the stress fracture and a ligament that could no longer sustain a powerful swing made it impossible to keep going.

Woods did not say when he would have surgery. His swing coach, Hank Haney, said the recovery is typically six to eight months.

"He's been playing way less than 100 percent for a long, long, time," Haney said. "It has limited him a lot in practice. He's going to come back better than he's ever been."

Woods was last seen in public late Monday afternoon walking with a pronounced limp across Torrey Pines toward the parking lot, the U.S. Open trophy in his arms.

Upcoming surgery makes his 14th major title even more staggering ? despite the stress fractures, he managed to win a U.S. Open that required five days of flinching, grimacing and a long list of spectacular shots that have defined his career.

"Although I will miss the rest of the 2008 season, I'm thrilled with the fact that last week was such a special tournament," Woods said.

He won despite doctors telling him to rest.

Haney was with him in Florida when doctors told Woods the preferred treatment for the stress fractures was three weeks on crutches and three weeks of inactivity.

"Tiger looked at the doctor and said, 'I'm playing in the U.S. Open, and I'm going to win.' And then he started putting on his shoes," Haney said. "He looked at me and said, 'Come on, Hank. We'll just putt today."'

Woods' ledger for 2008 is a career for some players.

He played only seven times worldwide and won five times, including a major that allowed him to join Jack Nicklaus as the only players to capture the career Grand Slam three times over.

But he will miss a major for the first time in his career ? the British Open next month at Royal Birkdale and the PGA Championship in August at Oakland Hills, where Woods is the two-time defending champion.

"Tiger is an enormous attraction, there's no denying that," Royal & Ancient chief executive Peter Dawson said. "But the Open Championship has had many exciting finishes which Tiger has not been part of, and I'm sure there will be more. It's very sad. We're very sorry that he's succumbed to the injury and he won't be competing in the Open.

"We hope he has the speediest recovery."

Woods also will miss the Ryder Cup in September, meaning the ninth player on the U.S. standings will qualify for the team.

The majors won't miss Woods nearly as much as the PGA Tour, especially with its second year of the FedEx Cup that Woods won in a landslide a year ago.

"Tiger is our tour," Kenny Perry said from the Travelers Championship. "When you lose your star player, it definitely hurts."

The PGA Tour said in a statement that its concern ? as it would be for any player ? is for Woods' health and well being, both on and off the golf course.

"We wish him the best toward a speedy recovery," the statement said.

It will be the third surgery in five years on his left knee, although Woods said doctors have assured him the outlook is positive. When asked Monday if he further damaged his knee by playing in the U.S. Open, Woods said, "Maybe."

Doctors have told him, however, that the stress fractures will heal with time.

Woods is ultra private with his health and personal life, never more so than at the U.S. Open. He never mentioned the torn ACL or the stress fracture, and wouldn't say how he was treating it, only that it was more sore as the week went on.

Perhaps the biggest surprise was when the injury first happened.

Woods said he tore the ACL while jogging at home after the British Open last July. He chose not to have surgery and went on a run that included seven consecutive victories, including the Dubai Desert Classic in Europe and his Target World Challenge, an unofficial event.

He did not play overseas late last year for the first time since 2003, hopeful that rest could allow him to play more this year. But the pain intensified through the Masters, where he finished second, and Woods said the cartilage damage developed from the ACL injury.

What he didn't anticipate were the stress fractures, discovered as he tried to get ready to play in the Memorial.

"The stress fractures that were discovered just prior to the tournament unfortunately prevented me from participating and had a huge impact on the timing for my return," Woods said. "I was determined though, to do everything and anything in my power to play in the U.S. Open at Torrey Pines, which is a course that is close to where I grew up and holds many special memories for me."

Woods won for the eighth time at the public golf course in San Diego ? a U.S. Open, a record six times at the Buick Invitational, and a Junior World Championship as a teenager.

From tee to green and everything in between, check out Golfweek.com.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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