Tiger Woods Holiday Poem


A Tiger Woods Holiday Poem . . .

Twas the night of Thanksgiving and out of the house
Tiger Woods came a flyin', chased by his spouse.
She wielded a nine iron and wasn't too merry,
Cause a bimbo's phone number was in his Blackberry.
He'd been cheatin' on Elin, and the story progressed.
Woman after woman stepped up and confessed.
He'd been cheatin' with Holly, and Jaimee, and Cori,
With Joselyn, and Kalika. The world had the story.
From the top of the Tour to the basement of blues,
Tiger's sad sordid tale was all over the news.
With hostesses, waitresses, he had lots of sex,
When not in their pants, he was sendin' them texts.
Despite all his cryin' and beggin' and pleadin',
Tiger's wife went investin' -- a new home in Sweden.
And I heard her exclaim from her white Escalade,
"If you're gettin' laid then I'm gettin' paid."
She's not pouting, in fact, she is of jolly good cheer,
Her prenup made Christmas come early this year.
As I recall Elin will get $100,000,000.00. Tiger still has $900,000,000.00 and 30+ years to make double that. Go get 'um Tiger. Too bad those little kids get caught in the sleezy x-fire.

To bad some of the people that are judging Tiger have done the exact same thing to their loved ones...but they didn't get caught so it's ok!!

Funny poem though lol...

LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-09 AT 04:43AM (MST)[p]at lease its not the twelve days of Christmas song.....you know?
I'll pick it up in the middle....

on the 5th day of of Christmas my true love gave to me 2 nuts a swollen, 3 ribs a broken, 3 lumps on my head a throbbing, Mark Geragous with papers a knocking.....and a partage shove up my arse!!


great poem!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time

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