Tiger might hear this??


Long Time Member
What might Tiger hear someone say to him at the Masters? Post em up.

"Hi daddy"
"Get in the hole"
"Wanna be in our foursome?"
"Meet me in the Butler cabin"
Tiger playing golf for 7 days makes a hole weak


His grip has tightened up on his pudder experts are saying
"Ever get tired of playing the same hole day after day ?"

"Hit it"

For an arrant Tee shot. "Whore!"
I heard he pulled out after the first hole because he is a one hole man now!

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-10 AT 01:05PM (MST)[p]I think your right Sage. As much crap that has been talked about him his whole career and all of his infidelities too, I dont really think anything bothers the guy. He has a very good mind game that he knows how to use when it comes to competition. He quit playing golf for a while just to look sad and ashamed. I dont think he cared. He is one bad dude on the golf course!! I hope he kicks their a$$!!
Either that or he is a cold hearted socioiopath, devoid of any feeling for anything or anyone except himself. (I think a healthy dose of skepticism is in order.:))

"Hey Tiger, let's meet at Butler Cabin for a little religious "bootyism""
Sure could be that way as well Eel. I'm just going by his past history of blocking everything out and getting done what he has to on the golf course. He's just not normal. I'm not excusing him in any way but as far as a guy to watch play the game, i don't believe anybody through the years has been more clutch.

His personal life bores me. Yes he's a dog but i have friends that are like that, probably most of you guys out there do too. It's what he does while playing golf, the shots he comes up with, what a lot of us care to watch, that does interest me.

As a side note, i tuned in to watch him play when the telecast started about 1pm pacific, he was already done with his round!! What's up with that?

Joey they assign each golfer 1 morning start time and 1 afternoon start time the first two days. Today was Tiger's morning start.After the cut start times are in ascending order with highest scores first. Since Tiger is almost always at or near the top of the leaderboard he almost always has late starting times on the weekend-this weekend will be no exception.

Yes he's a cad but the greatest golfer to have ever played the game.He proves it over and over and over.....

(In all fairness Bobby Jones may have been as good but it's just impossible to compare them head to head because of the different eras they played in.)
I am pretty much fed up with ANYONE, press, other golfers, private citizens or whoever, keeps griping about what a bad guy Tiger is. I really don't care if they keep it up, just get it out of my face already!

It has turned into the most hipocritical plastering of anyone in recent memory. We have people running our country, way worse morally, than Tiger Woods, and they get reelected over and over.

The jealously factor is huge and whether it is the fact that the guy nailed all those women.....and probably some others, or his talent on the golf course, it is simply stupid jealousy.

Just exactly what does Tiger Woods owe the world? Why is his personal life anyone elses concern?

The joke here is on his naysayers. The man has not lost a dime of his income, his largest sponsors are still on hand and it's business as usual for him. The harder they push, the better he looks.....the more exposure he and his sponsors get.

And just in case anyone has any question as to this guys ability to put his mind on his game....look at the position he is in at the Masters. He has already proven that he is not affected by all the negative crap, so he can't be psyched out of his game.

Hands down, in every sport ever played, by any player in any game, Tiger Woods is the mental king of sports.

I don't have any opinion of his moral level one way or another and I don't play golf, but I am totally impressed with his unsurpassed mental capacity.....in his sport.
Thanks Cbeard!! That makes sense. I guess i was just used to seeing him during air time and was a bit disappointed. Once i found out his score and checked out the leaderboard, i changed the channel! Not a huge fan of "golf" at all, i don't even play the game. When Tiger is in the hunt though, i've found it's worth tuning in.

Another thing, Tigers play in this first round was the first round of golf that i have watched since the last time i watched Tiger play. I figure i'm not alone in this. He is huge for the game of golf.

Nickman, eloquent and well said as usual!! +1

After saying all this, i just don't see how he can possibly win this years Masters! Even for him, that's just too much stacked against him!

Joey I may have said that before he teed off, but at the moment he is the heavy favorite. I will be surprised if he DOESN'T win.
cbeard, me too. He's right where he needs to be going into the weekend. I think it's his to lose now.

I could be dead wrong but it still bothers me a little that Tiger can come back and block it all out like nothing happened. Such a big part of golf is mental. It's actually the thing I like most about golf. The ice water running through him is almost scary. I dare say, not natural. If he wins I'll be the first to congratulate him. It's a hell of a feat.

I watch a lot of golf with or without Tiger. I was stoked to see Freddie Couples leading after day one. I've liked him for years, such a pure swing. But the course is always shortened the first day with easy pin placements. I think it's set up that way to honor the older players.

Eel I'm going to play a little amatuer psychiatrist. My guess is that he is a mental robot without alot of emotional depth.Raised to do one thing,Tiger is the perfect storm of the physical skills and mental focus required for golf.Intelligent? Yes,but unable to emotionally connect to much of anyone of anything. I've known other men like this in other fields and they are hugely successful in business and hugely UNsuccessful in life. I wouldn't trade with them for all the $$$ in the world.

But one cannot help but admire his performances on the golf course.My guess is there will never be another like him-ever.And that by the time he is done his records will never be broken.
cbeard, I think you're right on the mark. I never get a feeling of warmth from any interview with Tiger, like you do with say Phil Mickelson, or just about anybody else. In the game of golf, all that counts though is the score card you sign at the end of the round.
I make small wagers occasionally but don't believe i've ever bet on a golf outcome. I did though, visit a online booking site to see what the odds are for tomorrow's Final round.

11/8 Mickelson
11/8 Westwood
4/1 Woods

I'm still not betting! Interesting round today, eh? Who are you picking, one of these three or the field?

Tomorrow should be great. Who do I like? Westwood has been playing great, but has never won a major. I think he will choke. Phil can't depend on holing out 139 yard shots, but his game is really good right now. Tiger struggled with three 3 putts today or he would be right there. K.J. Choi could be the spoiler. Fred Couples is only 1 behind Woods and Choi.....dang wouldn't that be cool!

I'll pick Phil Mickelson because he's matched up with Westwood, but he can come unraveled at any time and put up a big number.

Well, I would not want to bet on any of them, but I would not count Tiger out at all. He puts on some SERIOUS shows on Sundays.

Phil will fold like like the Sunday paper.....it's what he does best. Then he will whine about it.

Couples don't look healthy enough to finish. Westwood could stay lucky, but he showed a little weakness today.

Overall, Choi actually was the most consistant player on Saturday.

Anyone 5 or 6 under right now could sneak in. We'll see.
Joey right now I would have to pick Phil.Tiger was almost my pick but the score advantage has me leaning to Phil. He knows the course and knows how to win there.
>Well, I would not want to
>bet on any of them,
>but I would not count
>Tiger out at all. He
>puts on some SERIOUS shows
>on Sundays.
> Phil will fold like like
>the Sunday paper.....it's what he
>does best. Then he will
>whine about it.
> Couples don't look healthy enough
>to finish. Westwood could stay
>lucky, but he showed a
>little weakness today.
>Overall, Choi actually was the most

>consistant player on Saturday.

Oh yea Phil will fold like the Sunday paper. Nice call!!! Now you can whine for all of us on MM's!! Congrats to all of them they all played great, especially Phil.
> Anyone 5 or 6 under
>right now could sneak in.
>We'll see.
That was a great win for Phil. He played some daring risk/reward shots and came out on top.

It was unintentional, but it kind of ended up being a pie in Tiger's face too, if you watched it to the end.

You got that one right. Nice little moment with his wife. That was the closest thing there was to a "fold". Right Nickman?
I really enjoyed the final round, a more deserving player could not have won. Lefty hit some great shots and most importantly, no bogey's and no folding in the final round. The Guy's Good!!

Tiger played about as i expected he would, or better, under the circumstances. Doesn't seem to matter where or how far off the fairway he drives the ball, he has the talent to still make par or better. I really like that part of his game. Some of his putts today kept him off of the top of the leaderboard but he still played some amazing Golf and a fourth place finish, no matter what he says, is a hellofa accomplishment.

These media guys really need to lighten up. They keep digging for the "story" as if we all really need to know and they're doing their best to find out. Show us the Broadcast and report the news fellas! Personally, I don't need the spins, slants, and what if's!

So I was wrong....you ever been wrong? Ever admitted it? I might be wrong again. You all certainly seem to care more than I do....lol.

Phil played an exceptional game today, no question. He deserved to win.

I guess I'll have to wait till next time to see him choke again...he has history.
>So I was wrong....you ever been
>wrong? Ever admitted it? I
>might be wrong again. You
>all certainly seem to care
>more than I do....lol.
>Phil played an exceptional game today,
>no question. He deserved to
>I guess I'll have to wait
>till next time to see
>him choke again...he has history.
>He has "history". Yep 4 majors and tons of other wins. He is the 2nd best player in the world and yes he's lost a few tournaments on Sunday but so has Mr. #1. Would you say Tiger "folded" like a Sunday paper yesterday? How about Westwood or Choi? There is only one winner in a golf tournament so I guess everyone else has "history" too!!

Don't take the reaction to your slam of Phil so personal. People who like and support Phil simply responded. Afterall, with all the B.S. type professional sports figures we have to see, Phil is real, sincere, honest, humble and has good perspective on life and the difference between good and bad. Sure he has lost some tournaments in the past, soe form taking risky shots, but as he stated in response to a question this weekend:"?I mean, a great shot is when you pull it off,? he said. ?A smart shot is when you don't have the guts to try it.?

You may call failing when you take such risks folding, but I find it exciting and waht Mskews Phil unique as a professional golfer today, someone who does not always take the safe route.

He also keeps things in proper perspective. He is number 1 and husband and father. With his will ill from cancer treatments, he made time for morning chess games at a nearby coffee shop and late-night movies with the kids on the couch. Oldest daughter Amanda, 10, even managed to fracture her wrist Saturday while roller skating ? Amy taking her in for X-rays and a splint, Phil not getting to bed until after 1 a.m., even as a momentous day of golf awaited.

So at the end of the day, people who like watching and seeing Phil do well will respond to atacks likes yours. Nothing personal, just strongly disagree with your views.
Ok, OK, I consider myself officially spanked! I apologize for my "attack?".

I actually had no intention of linking the golf game with the personality of the man.....nor did I make reference to his personality, that was never in question.

I don't like the Yankees either, although I truely believe that Derek Jeter is the absolute epitome of "class" in baseball.

If one cannot seperate this stuff, you need to limit TV time to, "What Not to Wear" or Designing Women".....they require much less emotional involvement.
Wow Nick I don't think you are getting it. You are truly taking it personal and then can't resist taking personal pot shots at anyone who disagrees with you. So be it. I do not intend to participate in such nonsense.
caelk, it's a game. We all have our favorites and root for them and against their foes accordingly. I believe it is you who is not getting it.

Don't let it get you down! :)


I'm not getting down the guy I rooted for won! I just don't understand why Nick feels the need to make personal attacks to those who point out that his predictions were wrong!
Post #29 was pretty much an attack on me. You made the prediction and it was way way off the mark. Somehow armchair "quarterbacks" like yourself feel better for beating on someone like Phil because he lost a tournament or two on the last day. You have NO concept what it would be like to hit the shots they hit under that pressure. They all hit bad ones and they have nobody to help them like other sports do. It's just them swinging the club. I would have never even responded but your initial comments were a slam on Phil and really on anyone else that had ever lost on the last day. Well as stated that is every pro golfer that ever played on Sunday. They have ALL lost so go ahead and "cry" over that. Now take this as a personal attack - I think your an idiot!
LOL.....I'm an idiot? HMM...OK.

This has turned completely funny!

I've been dealing with people like you all my life. You are one of those small minded guys that see an apology as a sign of weakness and you just want to keep pushing, thinking you now have control.

I said I was wrong. Twice. You won't accept that.

You are most certainly retarded.....and you cannot know how little I care if you think I am an idiot.
Reading this thread I have learned one thing. Clearly, Woods' affairs involved more than just women.

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