Tiger gets new sponsor!


Long Time Member

The makers of Excederin are proud to annouce they now endorse Tiger and he'll have his own line of pain relievers.

I hear he also has a new candy bar and a TV show coming out soon. I'll have to see if I can acquire some unreleased photos :)
He's on a roll, TWO new sponsors so far!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-10 AT 07:48PM (MST)[p]I also heard he had a new product he was endorsing. There was a lot of negotiating on the deal at first because the company said he either would never use them or get a hole in one.

Not sure if this was the candy bar you are talking about Feleno but I bet some of the body builder guys on here have eaten a few of these.
"I heard Tiger is changing his name to "Cheetah"! "

ROTFL!!! Hadn't heard that One!!

Viagra ought to be giving him a call too!

^^lol..that's bad.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold

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