Ticky-Tack Fouls- NBA


Long Time Member
Does anyone else think that the NBA is getting soft? I saw so many calls in the Laker/Nuggest Game 4 that were little bumps and should have not been called. These are the playoffs and the competition is a little better. I say let these guys play and swallow that whistle if it's a ticky-tack foul.

LAST EDITED ON May-26-09 AT 04:16AM (MST)[p]Pretty much...but hell I think the whole world has gone soft...I mean seriously if two people have a disagreement and are fighting in a game k give em techs n move on they really probably don't really even need to leave the game though...but if I got paid millions I'd keep my mouth shut or get thrown out too...

I don't think that's why they lost game 4 but yea I definately am getting more and more annoyed with it...everytime a Nugget drove and put up a shot it was a foul...EVERY DAMN TIME!! Regardless the Lakers didn't play tough this game and lost because the Nuggets did to them what Houston did in their two wins when it was basically 5 on 1 and 1 can only do so much...

Steve Javie is the only ref I have any respect for anymore...that guy will usually let teams fight it out without blowing his wistle just because he can...

You know what the stupidest rule in the league is...if you are standing inside the line under the basket on defense your opponent has to right to straight up run your ass over as hard and as fast as possible and the foul is on you!! The NBA where amazing happens!!

oh come on you mean there are actually flaker fans on here j/k
It goes both ways last night was surprising since Stern and company want kobe and Labron to meet up in the finals so bad . Denver just out played them start to finish with Melo a factor in the first three quarters. Bird man will put a hurtn on em in game 5 and will prolly foul out . Who wins is who ever has the most points when the buzzer sounds thats my take .
I'm not saying the ref's are favoring anyone.....they're just calling everything. It seemed that in the forth quarter with about 5:00 minutes to go, everytime Carmello drove, he'd get a whistle for a body foul. Luke Walton was playing good defense and fouled out becuase of all the ticky tack calls. I just think they need to let them be men and play ball. The foul that Bynum put on Birdman was not flagrant either. That was a hard play on the ball. One of the commentators said he wasn't even sure if it was a foul period.....I laughed!

I have to agree, many calls are just ridiculous. I am not sure why, but there is no other sport that has such horrible ref's as does the NBA. Its getting harder and harder to watch....
The problem I have with the refs, is that they are not consistent with their calls. Call the games all the same, if its a foul, call the foul. But, call it all the time.

I also think Dahntay Jones has a hard foul in his near future. His intentional trip of Kobe was a cheap shot. I would like to see Mbenga come in and give Dahntay the foul he deserves. The Lakers can not risk Kobe dishing out the foul, due to his technical foul problems.
I agree, Norby. Mbenga could simply slap Jones with one of his ears and do some serious damage!! It'll be interesting to see what the league does with the Jones trip. Hopefully, a suspension is coming. He'll be fined for sure.


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