Tic and insect repelant for dogs


Long Time Member
We have a new puppy and am going camping in a week and am wanting some insect and tick repelent for him. Whats the best and cost bla bla bla?
How old is he? Assuming 8 weeks or older, probably the best and easiest to obtain is Advantix (available through a vet). Another similar product is Vectra 3D. Both contain permethrin at a level safe to dogs, but should do the trick on ticks. There are some over the counter products, but I have not seen that they work near as well, and if I ever see a reaction to these type of products, it is always the OTC ones. I am a veterinarian.

Be sure and apply it at least 3 days before you leave, giving it time to spread to all parts of the body. Even so, after a day in the woods, check his feet (between toes and pads), under his tail, and on his face and ears.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-25-10 AT 06:18AM (MST)[p] Thanks TX, How much is this suff and how do you use it? Where?
LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-10 AT 05:12AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-26-10 AT 05:10?AM (MST)

It is not cheap! One dose can run $14 to $18, but it should last a month. It is applied on the back, and it spreads to the rest of the body. It is available at a vet clinic.

Another product that I have had good luck with is Preventic collars. I still have never seen a flea collar that does well on fleas, but this collar does a good job on ticks. And this collar ONLY works on ticks, not fleas. For around $20, it lasts about 3 months. Again, you would have to put in on 3 to 4 days ahead of time.

As far as repellant activity for biting/flying insects (mosquitos, etc), your best bet would be one with permethrin (advantix). Just be sure you get the one for ticks because the regular Advantage does not have the permethrin in it.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)

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