
Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-14 AT 06:21PM (MST)[p]And on the PERFECT MM Thread:

We will Promise not to:

Mention How We took the Animal!

Mention rather the Animal was Female or Male of the Species!

Mention what the Animal Scores!

Mention what the Animal Weighs!

Mention whether there was a Guide/Outfitter involved or not!

Mention How many days prior to season were spent watching the Animals every move!

Mention rather Trail Cams were used or not!

Mention how many Trail Cams were used!

Mention How many Others Trail Cams you knocked off the Tree you figure you own!

Mention how many of your Trail Cams were Stolen!

Mention you used an ATV in Closed areas just because you think it's your God Given Right!

Mention How much money you spent on the Tag!

Mention to somebody else about their Poor GRAMMAR & Spelling!

Mention you're a DIY type a Hunter!

Mention you Hired a Posse of 50 People/Scouters/Finders!

Mention Nor Post Pics of a Front Quarter Destroyed/Missing from a Kill shot!

Mention you use 10K worth of SWAROVSKI Optics!

Mention You Have & Use a Drone!

Mention you Shoot a Top of the Line Bow that shoots 450 fps!

Mention you use a SMOKEPOLE that'll kill at 400 Yards!

Mention you have a Rifle that'll kill further than the Human eye can see!

And for GAWDS SAKE,DO NOT MENTION or Post the Footage of You GUT Shootin an Animal at 1,000+ Yards!

When Writing Your Future MM/Internet Hunting Stories You'll need to Obey all the Rules Listed above and the ones I Forgot/Didn't Post!

Then,You'll have your Politically Correct Story/Stories that'll just maybe Satisfy the Wussies that Think they can Create a Perfect Hunting World!


8 Months & Counting Down till next years Big Game Season!

[font color="red
you forgot spelling.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I did?:D

>you forgot spelling.
>"I have found if you go
>the extra mile it's Never
>>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>>the MM green signature club.[font/]

[font color="red
Please clarify something before I agree to sign on to your method of posting. If I decide that another poster pisses me off is it o.k. to call him a deuche?Otherwise your rules seem o.k.
If we use the term "cow" on a thread, will some of the woman take it personally? Maybe this should be addressed? Or un-dressed?

Perfectly legal to call someone a douche...done it many times. :)


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Well John!

I don't use that kinda Language!:D

But to each His Own!

> Please clarify
>something before I agree to
>sign on to your method
>of posting. If I decide
>that another poster pisses me
>off is it o.k. to
>call him a deuche?Otherwise your
>rules seem o.k.
> J_T_B

[font color="red
Anything is OK by me John!

You won't offend me no matter what you say!

Got my ass in Deep Doo-Doo for using the word TARD!


I'm a TARD Myself!:D

>Please accept my humble opology. Such
>language should be below my
>dignity. I stand admonished. I
>assume pisscutter is o.k.

[font color="red
Hello Elk assassin,

Being honest here. Your words humbled me a bit. Both name calling and cussing diminish ones stature here.I can learn even at my out for the MMPP (monster muley posting police)
>....and you have to use the
>word "catch" instead of "kill"
>Love, Zeke

Or harvest...

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
It's also a good idea to stop using your user name once in a while and reregister under another. It seems that having too many posts marks you as someone who runs their mouth and those people are the reason why nobody comes to MM any more.

Personal opinions are allowed as long as they line up with the majority of local experts. Its best to poll the membership BEFORE you share your opinion to make sure it is acceptable.

Any picture or video with blood in it or that actually shows the animal during the act of dying is strictly verboten. It seems the Teeball trophy winners find that in poor taste.

And for gods sake don't ever say you kill animals for sport. Not even jack rabbits. We harvest as a management tool. We have all been allowed to harvest animals as our contribution to wildlife management.

The use of sarcasm is emphatically discouraged. It seems the majority of members do not understand it.

One liners fall in the same category as sarcasm.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]

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