Thousands of Lightning Strikes


Long Time Member
Not sure but i'll guess a lightning strike is when lightning actually hits the ground...don't they all? This evening in North Eastern California, there was literally hundreds and hundreds, probably thousands of lightnings. Looked to be centered 10-15 miles North of our town, Chester Calif. I happened to be coming back from the store and saw a bunch of flashes in quick succession as i made my way. I pulled out on the causeway and parked for 15-20 minutes to enjoy the show along with a couple hundred other town residents. I've never seen anything like it to date. Sometimes there were 10-20 or more different flashes per minute, almost continuous, and someone told me that this had been going on for an hour and a half, still going like crazy when i left.

I've often said i'd like to see a lot of this thick tall timber country burn. It just may! Heads up to all the wild land guys out there. This country up here may well be ON FIRE!!!

I bet that was an awesome storm watch, I'd still be sitting out on the porch drinkin some coffee!! I've always liked watching lightning ever since I was a kid. They seem calming to me kinda like a campfire or a sky full of stars. Anyways I'm jealous!!

A lot of people are still waiting for the lightning to burn country up. My uncle and cousin both have their own trucks and are contracted firefighters thru the forest service, they're both still waiting to get called out this since one has an archery tag in 2 weeks, I'd say he'll probably leave on fire sometime next week...

Joey, some of this cold air around Eureka must have made it over your way.:)

I used to have a pretty good tape recorder (for its time). When lightning and thunder started around here (pretty rare) I would stick the microphone out the window. When I saw the flash of lightning I would turn on the recorder, and turn it off after the thunder stopped. If it lasted awhile I could record about 10-15 minutes of almost constant thunder. Pretty cool!

it was going pretty good last night here in central oregon. i was at a wedding, and luckly (for the bride and groom) it was just lighting and thunder with no rain. made for an awsome background i thought for an outside wedding!

it lasted all night through the reception, finally as things were winding down the rain started a little. i bet we'll hear of some fires
Sounds like northern Cal and southern Oregon are trying to beef up. Were sending a bunch of our guys up there, they'll be leaving in an hour or two, from AZ. Must be some fires popping up already.

Is that ethical?
looks like the gravy train is about to pull out of the station.....there is no money in putting fires out....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Ha, speak for yourself.........but the way this year has gone so far, theres no money in this job right now.

Been sloooooooooowwwwwwwwww!

Is that ethical?
I hear Arnie is going to unionize a bunch of illegals and pay them with IOUs. No problem.

Had a few strikes below Thompson Peak,thought we were going to lose some windows! Great light show. One of my horses ran into a tree or something, bugered up his head a bit. All our critters were jumpy including the kids! Guess there are a few fires down near Milford and one above Susanville. Hope they got on them, the wind is picking up pretty good this evening.
Norkal, Was wondering but i guess there wasn't near the fires that could have been. A quick stop at the hardware store got me a report of "some" fires, and a bunch of scared campers near Echo and Silver lakes. With the amount and length of that dry lightning storm, you'd/i'da thought this whole place was about to resemble the fires of hell! :)

Hope your horse comes out all right... and thanks for the report!!


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