Thoughts on purposed changes


Long Time Member
I’m curious to see what everyone’s opinions are on the changes NDOW is considering ?
This absolutely needs to happen! The article states not one max point holder drew a California Bighorn, Rocky Mtn Bighorn, or Mountain Goat. This is the definition on how point creep happens. NDOW has no reason to go to a 25% rule because they will loose money! NDOW knows they don't have to give max point holders the tags and they will keep applying especially due to the rule that you will loose all points if you miss applying for 2 years. NDOW also needs to make all Sheep and Mountain Goat tags Once in a Lifetime. Removing those out of the draw who have already drawn a tag will increase draw odds add help address the point creep.
This absolutely needs to happen! The article states not one max point holder drew a California Bighorn, Rocky Mtn Bighorn, or Mountain Goat. This is the definition on how point creep happens. NDOW has no reason to go to a 25% rule because they will loose money! NDOW knows they don't have to give max point holders the tags and they will keep applying especially due to the rule that you will loose all points if you miss applying for 2 years. NDOW also needs to make all Sheep and Mountain Goat tags Once in a Lifetime. Removing those out of the draw who have already drawn a tag will increase draw odds add help address the point creep.

Point creep can only happen in states that have a preference system or where a certain percentage of tags go to max point holders and year after year you can clearly see the points needed to draw a certain tag going up. Colorado, Arizona, and Wyoming are perfect examples of states where point creep occurs. Point creep cannot happen in Nevada since tags are awarded in a random drawing where currently it benefits those with the most points due to squaring. You cannot look at a unit in Nevada or a specific hunt and see that it took a specific number of points to draw it one year and see it go up the next year.

IMO Nevada should stay exactly like it is. It's the best system in the western U.S.
Bwht4x4, Gotcha, guess we can call it "Max point holder creep" LOL I think if someone has been applying for 27 years they should have a little more skin in the game besides just more points due to squaring. What's your opinion on making sheep and mtn goat once in a live time instead of the 10 year wait? Also, what do you think about 3 choices instead of 5?
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I'm totally fine with squaring of the points to reward folks that have been applying for long periods of time. Someone with 2 pts get 5 random numbers (4+1) and the guy with 25 pts gets 626 random numbers. That's the reward! All you have to do is look to UT, CO, WY and see that instituting some sort of allocation or preference for max point holders and realize it only helps a small group of hunters and discourages young and new hunters. IMO Colorado is the worst draw system there is!!

IMO, all sheep and mtn goat hunts should be OIL. I'd also support a restriction on the number of tags anyone can have in one year. For example, I think if you draw a deer and an elk tag in the same year or a sheep and a deer tag in the same year you're done drawing any other Nevada tag for that year. There's way more demand than tags available and we need to spread the opportunities around if we want to keep hunters interested in the sport.

I'm also ok with 3 choices, but not 2 choices. All this does is forces people to consider all of their choices when applying. It's not going to make the tough hunts a lot easier to draw.
Bwht4x4, With the current draw system I agree, you are rewarded by having more points, but at the end of the day it is STILL a draw and you can apply you whole live and still never get a tag if lucks not on your side no matter how many points you have squared.

IMO, I think the perfect draw would be 25% max point holder and the rest of the 75% still done under the current system where you points are squared. Defiantly better than how UT or WY just give the remaining 25% or 50% random.

I also agree way more demand than tags available. Another option to help draw odds would be making the previous discussed specious OIL and only allow applicants to apply for 1 OIL specious similar to how Utah does it for residents. I think it would drastically increase draw odds but doubt most residents would want it and NDOW would lose a ton of money so don't really ever see that happing.
I think reducing the choices to two would be a good idea in improving draw odds. I also think limiting tag returns to one time is good because the unlimited tag returns get abused. Arizona has a good plan with their point guard system.
I am completely against changing tag allocations to guarantee 25% or any % for that matter to max point holders. Nevada’s current draw system is the best of any of the 6 states that I apply for. Sheep and goat tags are hard to come by regardless of the state and draw system. First it will be 25% of the tags, then 50% then 75% like Wyoming. The new max point holders will never be satisfied and random draws will be all but impossible. Next it will be 50% of the tags are guaranteed to guide hunts only, which I think is a complete abuse of a public resource. Just like Wyoming blocking nonresidents from accessing federal wilderness areas. Not against guides, I just feel they shouldn’t get any special treatment.
I have thought about this the last couple days and I believe that at first it will look great and burn some points off the top but than after a year or two it will plateau off and be much like every other state. I do think they should start with cutting draw options to only 3 instead of 5 as well as making sheep/mtn goat OIL hunts so guys can’t draw multiple times while others die never drawing a tag. Once they made these steps and let things pan out they could see how well that would push people through the draws and revisit the other thoughts. Although I don’t know how they will stop allowing people that have already drawn a sheep tag from drawing unless they paid them back for the past years application fees.
I say leave it the way it is. If you’re going to change it then just do away with points all together. And I have quite a few points on a couple of species
I think reducing the choices to two would be a good idea in improving draw odds. I also think limiting tag returns to one time is good because the unlimited tag returns get abused. Arizona has a good plan with their point guard system.
I am completely against changing tag allocations to guarantee 25% or any % for that matter to max point holders. Nevada’s current draw system is the best of any of the 6 states that I apply for. Sheep and goat tags are hard to come by regardless of the state and draw system. First it will be 25% of the tags, then 50% then 75% like Wyoming. The new max point holders will never be satisfied and random draws will be all but impossible. Next it will be 50% of the tags are guaranteed to guide hunts only, which I think is a complete abuse of a public resource. Just like Wyoming blocking nonresidents from accessing federal wilderness areas. Not against guides, I just feel they shouldn’t get any special treatment.

I agree return tags absolutely gets abused. I was surprised with the change Utah did this year regarding this policy but agree with it and think all western states should follow. There change was if it's not returned within 30 days of season opening and it's not medical or military commitment you loose all you points. Also, agree Wyoming blocking nonresidents from accessing federal wilderness without a guide or resident is not right and needs to go up to the Federal Courts.
Since we are talking about changes to Nevada's draw system here is loophole I heard several people take advantage of to get premium deer tags every year. I have searched the regs for a answer to this and can't find anything. Can someone clear this up if it's just a rumor I heard or a flaw in the system that needs to be fixed.

"So Billy and Bob put in with their Grandma every year on a party deer hunt. Grandmas never actually hunted or even shot a gun but they put her in every year and she has a ridiculous amount of points. Once results come out they return Grandmas tag and keep their tags. Grandma not only keeps her points but gains a point and this pattern goes on every year."

Does Nevada not have the rule that all applicants in the party must surrender their tag or points will be lost? If this is really going on this HAS to be changed.
Personally leave it the way it is. I like the 3 choices idea and if you draw one tag your out of the draw like Utah does. And if you draw a deer tag theirs a 3-5 year waiting period??? Just my 2 cents.
You may get a hit put out on you for posting that return tag loophole on a public forum.
There are a lot of folks in high official positions taking advantage of that loophole. Who do you think created it in the first place?
Read the new regs. It will now be even easier to return a tag.
I say give the top 25% they have been in it for the long run and most likely take it alot more serious and the age class on rams killed will go up, theoretically more tags could get issued. Check out the summary checkout. Multiple 2 year rams killed.
You may get a hit put out on you for posting that return tag loophole on a public forum.
There are a lot of folks in high official positions taking advantage of that loophole. Who do you think created it in the first place?
Read the new regs. It will now be even easier to return a tag.

Hopefully more people find out about it and more will write the Wildlife Commissioners about it. I found out about it because certain families draw a 23 or 24 tag every year and it didn't make sense looking and the bonus point data. Started asking around and someone literally told me they put in with the Grandma every year and return her tag. Love it when people on here say Nevada has the fairest draw system in the west and nothing should be change. LOL
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The loophole closes this year. I believe last year was the last year it was possible now one turns in his tag all tags are surrendered. Points will be returned to all in the party.
The loophole closes this year. I believe last year was the last year it was possible now one turns in his tag all tags are surrendered. Points will be returned to all in the party.
That sounds good to me.
Can you please tell me where you got this info. I couldn’t find it in the regs The only thing I found in the 2020-2021 applications booklet on it was the new rule where you could turn your tag in online within seven days after the draw. It’s on page 10 under notable changes to the application process. I didn’t see anything about if one person returns a tag all persons in the party have to return theirs also. Is there somewhere I could read it?
Well I guess I was never smart enough to figure it out myself but a friend of mine who has played the game for a while let me know this last archery season.
I think the changes they have made this year already will help a lot more people draw as it is. Now a person can only draw one elk tag, and the “dell” tag was done away with. In addition if one person in a party turns in a tag they all turn in a tag. This will help with the folks who have stacked points with non hunters. I am not opposed to 3 options instead of 5 but giving out tags to top point holders kind of defeats the purpose of the way Nevada does their draw.
Since we are talking about changes to Nevada's draw system here is loophole I heard several people take advantage of to get premium deer tags every year. I have searched the regs for a answer to this and can't find anything. Can someone clear this up if it's just a rumor I heard or a flaw in the system that needs to be fixed.

"So Billy and Bob put in with their Grandma every year on a party deer hunt. Grandmas never actually hunted or even shot a gun but they put her in every year and she has a ridiculous amount of points. Once results come out they return Grandmas tag and keep their tags. Grandma not only keeps her points but gains a point and this pattern goes on every year."

Does Nevada not have the rule that all applicants in the party must surrender their tag or points will be lost? If this is really going on this HAS to be changed.

Grandma could only have max points of 24. With Billy and Bob on the app, that gives them 8 points for the app. Which area is it that you can draw every year with 8 points? Just curious.

The only areas I could find in the statistic report that every applicant drew where the max points applied was 8 or less were 7, 18, 22E and 25. Not exactly the most sought after tags.
Grandma could only have max points of 24. With Billy and Bob on the app, that gives them 8 points for the app. Which area is it that you can draw every year with 8 points? Just curious.

The only areas I could find in the statistic report that every applicant drew where the max points applied was 8 or less were 7, 18, 22E and 25. Not exactly the most sought after tags.

Sagebrush, Nevada has more than rifle hunts and you get 5 choices. With 6 or 7 points you can shot for the moon with your first 3 choices and apply for archery on your last 2 and still end up with a really great tag you can draw every year. Shoot with 6 or 7 points your almost guaranteed a archery tag in 231.

It’s not just Billy or Bob applying with Grandma. How about the guy that just applies with his wife every year that has 12 points and does the same thing, or the family that has several non-hunting family members involved to really increase their odds. The scenarios that are probably going on are endless.

The fact is, it’s a loophole in Nevada’s deer party hunting that is being abused by some Nevada hunters to increase their draw odds.

Hopefully by addressing this on a public forum word gets out to Nevada Sportsman and it causes such an uproar NDOW has no choice but to address it and do the right thing.
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I watch every year as people with 0 points draw the best tags in the state. I'm one of those that has 20 points and more for the big 3 sheep tags. My luck has never been that good in drawing tags so I like the idea of 25% for the top point people. But overall Nevada's draw system I believe is the best. Everyone has a chance to draw that tag. Utah/Colorado/Arizona system of the draw makes a person old just waiting. I wish they would all go to Nevada's draw system way. Just more fairer to all. But they are in it for the money. Stable bonus point money each year from applications. So, I like the 25% idea but leave it as it is.
Folks drawing tags with 0, or 1 or 2 or etc points is what keeps people interested and applying in NV.

The only change I'd support would be the reduction of 5 choices to 3 choices and the return of all drawn tags for a party if one person in the group needs to return their tag.
I agree that Nevada’s return Deer tag policy is a bad deal and is being abused.
I agree that changes need to be made to stop the abuse.
However at this point have the changes actually been made into law or are we just wishful thinking at this point?
I haven’t read any regulations concerning any return tag changes except the one in the 2020-2021 application guide book.
The way I read that change it seems it will actually be easier to return a tag now by doing it online.
I couldn’t find anywhere that stated that all party members would have to surrender their tag if one party member did.
Again is there any official confirmation of the rule change or is it just hearsay at this point?
This is an absolute BS idea. I am well into that 25% max point and I am agaisnt it.
If this proposal goes through it will California our draw. Just ask a California resident they cannot draw tags due to only max people getting the tags.
So if you want to screw your kids go ahead and pass this and they won't see a sheep or elk tag until there well into there 30's.
Nevada has been praised for having one of the best bonus point systems around. Don't mess it up.
As a CA resident, I can confirm that our system is awesome if you're max points. I'm at max for sheep and pronghorn. I've burned and drawn deer and elk already, but will likely never draw another elk or a premium deer tag again. If you're under max points the outlook is bleak!!

Keep Nevada's tag allocation as is!
There are several hunts in which it would still take many, many years to draw if 25% went to max point holders.

I agree with the elk changes and also think we should even go back to where you could only apply for one sex per species.

I remember when mountain goat was OIL. Pretty hard to keep people interested in putting money into conservation if they only get one shot at a tag in their life.

I do support the three choice approach as well.

I even remember when you could only put in for weapon specific tags. So you had to put all archery or all muzzle loader or all rifle. I kind of liked that idea.
I agree that Nevada’s return Deer tag policy is a bad deal and is being abused.
I agree that changes need to be made to stop the abuse.
However at this point have the changes actually been made into law or are we just wishful thinking at this point?
I haven’t read any regulations concerning any return tag changes except the one in the 2020-2021 application guide book.
The way I read that change it seems it will actually be easier to return a tag now by doing it online.
I couldn’t find anywhere that stated that all party members would have to surrender their tag if one party member did.
Again is there any official confirmation of the rule change or is it just hearsay at this point?
I think your right. It is all hearsay. Thats a big enough change it would have been put in the regs with the other big changes like returning a tag online etc.
Aside from the loophole i disagree with making any changes to the Nevada system minus possibly changing it to 3 choices instead of 5. That is intriguing but the rest will ruin imo the best system out there. Im pushing max points on multiple sheep and goat and am 5 years without a deer tag. But with the deer thats by choice because I have certain areas and weapons I like to hunt. Other states its not even worth getting in on because of systems that allocate to the max point holders like has already been said. Max point holders still have an advantage in Nevada with the squaring of points like also has already been said. I want my kids to have a chance to draw, and the beauty of Nevadas system is there is always a chance.
Point systems are not good for hunters. They are only good for $$ for state departments. Just like socialism, they sound like a good idea at first to keep things fair but after being in place for a number of years become very bad for hunters. New hunters to a state really get a bad deal. Over the next 20 years what do you think the average age of a sheep tag holder in most western states will be?
I would much rather have a small chance at a sheep tag or two in my 30's or 40's than a guaranteed sheep tag in my 70's.

Unfortunately I have to play the point game in multiple states if I want to hunt. I wish more states were like NM and Idaho. I would happily give up the points I've spent a lot of $$ to acquire in NV and other states to go to a random draw.
Would be extremely happy to see 3 choices instead of 5. Would be fine with 2 as well. But overall really like the Nevada draw system and hope they dont change too much.
Does anyone find it funny that the guy proposing this has shot 2 Nevada Desert Sheep and is applying for his third??? He is upset because he has max for Cali and Rocky and hasn’t drawn them yet...really? He has 8 rams under his belt that I know about. How about we look towards the future hunters instead of the past. I am 40 and I apply in 7 states and I’ll be lucky to get my one sheep tag, but yeah let’s cater to this guy!!! There are wayyyyyy more people in the middle then the top. I love Nevada’s system and I think most people would like 2-3 choices instead of 5 and at the very least I would like to see this proposal as 2 different votes.
Does anyone find it funny that the guy proposing this has shot 2 Nevada Desert Sheep and is applying for his third??? He is upset because he has max for Cali and Rocky and hasn’t drawn them yet...really? He has 8 rams under his belt that I know about. How about we look towards the future hunters instead of the past. I am 40 and I apply in 7 states and I’ll be lucky to get my one sheep tag, but yeah let’s cater to this guy!!! There are wayyyyyy more people in the middle then the top. I love Nevada’s system and I think most people would like 2-3 choices instead of 5 and at the very least I would like to see this proposal as 2 different votes.

Couldn’t agree more. Max point guaranteed tags may clean up a layer or two of point holders before it becomes a log jamb again, similar to AZ. Then these same guys will want 50% of the tags, then 75%. Fact is, these tags are hard to come by anywhere and most people will die with their points. Nevada’s current draw is as fair as it gets but I would like choices limited to 2 or maybe 3.
Limit choices to 3
Make sheep, goats, once in a lifetime
Stop the point sharing tag return scam

That's all they need to do really. I know someone who has killed 2 desert sheep on draw tags....shouldn't happen.
Sorry, I am one of those guys that has drawn 2 desert tags. For some odd reason it has not hurt my self esteem.
Lucky enough to harvest 2 great rams. Thank you Utah and Nevada for making my sheep hunt dreams come true.
I seriously doubt if any of these proposed changes will be acted upon this year.
I think the Virus will cause a cancellation of all NDOW commissioners meetings so any proposed change discussions will be put on hold for this upcoming season.
Now that I am defying the odds having not drawn the 021 tag for seventeen years running, and being at the top of last year's heap, I am a big fan of giving one to the top point holder.

But seriously, when there is X number of tags and Y number of applicants, the "odds" of any participant drawing over the course of his or her time in the hopper does not depend upon the draw system. In comparison to California's draw, the average person would not wait any longer (or less) when drawing under Nevada's system. Certainly, a youngster may draw in Nevada that might not in California, but for every one of these an old-timer will pass through the system without drawing at all. The "odds" of success are no different, but each system does favor one age group over another. It all boils down to whether you are willing to wait (perhaps until your knees no longer bend in the right direction), or whether you are confident that you can somehow beat the odds while young.
Sagebrush, Nevada has more than rifle hunts and you get 5 choices. With 6 or 7 points you can shot for the moon with your first 3 choices and apply for archery on your last 2 and still end up with a really great tag you can draw every year. Shoot with 6 or 7 points your almost guaranteed a archery tag in 231.

It’s not just Billy or Bob applying with Grandma. How about the guy that just applies with his wife every year that has 12 points and does the same thing, or the family that has several non-hunting family members involved to really increase their odds. The scenarios that are probably going on are endless.

The fact is, it’s a loophole in Nevada’s deer party hunting that is being abused by some Nevada hunters to increase their draw odds.

Hopefully by addressing this on a public forum word gets out to Nevada Sportsman and it causes such an uproar NDOW has no choice but to address it and do the right thing.

Last year, 1 person with 6 points and 2 people with 7 points applied for a 231 archery tag. None of them drew.

For the record, I agree the rules should be changed with regard to returned tags. There is no fact based evidence to show there is a problem. I didn't buy any extra toilet paper either, but that's just me.
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Bwht4x4, Gotcha, guess we can call it "Max point holder creep" LOL I think if someone has been applying for 27 years they should have a little more skin in the game besides just more points due to squaring. What's your opinion on making sheep and mtn goat once in a live time instead of the 10 year wait? Also, what do you think about 3 choices instead of 5?
In Colorado they would, but this is not Colorado and for that they apply in Nevada, we know how the game works and that's why we apply. I don't feel for guys that have piles of points, they obviously like building points more than they like hunting. AND yes, they do have MORE SKIN in the game, that skin is called BETTER ODDS to draw. Sheep tags are typically a mega millions type lottery in general. KEEP IT THE WAY IT IS
Now that I am defying the odds having not drawn the 021 tag for seventeen years running, and being at the top of last year's heap, I am a big fan of giving one to the top point holder.
I live in 021 and spend a lot of time out there.
Is that the only hunt you’re applying for or have you used multiple choices?
Good guess. Until recently I have put in for 021 as my first and only choice, mostly because I really like the Pedersens and that is the country I know best. Of course, it's been thirty years since the archery hunt was in August and anyone could hunt it (but few would take on the steeper slopes). I wish it were still that way.

Lately I have been putting in for some of the most difficult southeastern units as second or third choices and so it comes as no surprise that I have yet to draw. It is just as well since I have never scouted these areas and would be better off waiting until I retire and have enough time to do it right.
I like the Nevada Draw they way it is. I don't want to see them go to a bonus pool and I'd like the choices to stay at 5. It's all about getting a low computer generated number. It seems like people in the 6-9 pt range actually get the most tags.
Are you applying for the 021 archery tag?
No, with as many points as I have I thought drawing the rifle tag was likely. That started about seven years ago. After I do finally draw out I am going back to 051 or some easy unit.
It's getting tougher to hunt Nevada. Draw odds have gotten a lot worse in the last 5 years. Even gimme archery units are taking 3-4+ points where they used to be every other year.
Fact of matter is that most people will never draw sheep tags no matter what draw system there is. NV is probably the only state where a resident will likely draw a desert tag if they aren't hung up on applying for only the primo trophy units and apply to draw for 30+ years. Most non-residents won't draw as the demand is too high relative to the supply. NV currently has probably the fairest system to give weight to long term applicants without shutting out anyone. Leave it as is:)
Fact of matter is that most people will never draw sheep tags no matter what draw system there is. NV is probably the only state where a resident will likely draw a desert tag if they aren't hung up on applying for only the primo trophy units and apply to draw for 30+ years. Most non-residents won't draw as the demand is too high relative to the supply. NV currently has probably the fairest system to give weight to long term applicants without shutting out anyone. Leave it as is:)
That’s why I’m going to stack up my points than move to Nevada just to draw a sheep tag as a resident
That’s why I’m going to stack up my points than move to Nevada just to draw a sheep tag as a resident
That was my plan until I drew my desert last year. Still might to so I can have a better chance for my California and prime deer/elk
The Wild Commission was having a meeting March 21, but got cancelled due whats going on right now. If you read number 2 on the attached link it looks like they will be discussing returning tags in a party application. Great news for Nevada Hunters! - CGR 490 - LCB File No. R103-19 - Party Tag Bonus Points - NOI(1).pdf

that’s awesome even though I imagine it won’t be implemented tell next year but much the less that will help the overall situation a lot.
I'm totally fine with squaring of the points to reward folks that have been applying for long periods of time. Someone with 2 pts get 5 random numbers (4+1) and the guy with 25 pts gets 626 random numbers. That's the reward! All you have to do is look to UT, CO, WY and see that instituting some sort of allocation or preference for max point holders and realize it only helps a small group of hunters and discourages young and new hunters. IMO Colorado is the worst draw system there is!!

IMO, all sheep and mtn goat hunts should be OIL. I'd also support a restriction on the number of tags anyone can have in one year. For example, I think if you draw a deer and an elk tag in the same year or a sheep and a deer tag in the same year you're done drawing any other Nevada tag for that year. There's way more demand than tags available and we need to spread the opportunities around if we want to keep hunters interested in the sport.

I'm also ok with 3 choices, but not 2 choices. All this does is forces people to consider all of their choices when applying. It's not going to make the tough hunts a lot easier to draw.

I think fewer choices will make the hardest to draw tags easier to draw. For most species I apply for the very, very best on my first 2 choices, next 2 good tags I have some experience in the unit, last choice for the best odds tag I'm willing to burn my points for.

3 choices would definitely eliminate one fo my 2 "hardest to draw" choices, and probably my willing to settle for tag choice too.
I like Nevada's system. In my opinion it's the best out there. Those who think max point holders should only get tags will regret it after they draw. It's only a game of catchup after that.
I believe it was reserving 25% of tags for max point holders.
Oh gotcha I think that’s a good call for the future generations to have some type of hope.

I wonder if or when they will vote on sheep, goat, once in a lifetime species being a once in a lifetime hunt, and also the choice per application amount from five to 2 or 3 choices
Life is an odds game. Try and play it as best as you can. If all the max points holders played the lotto everyday should the state finally give them the mega millions or power ball for playing? A raffle is a raffle, game of chance. They choose their units they want to apply for. Up their chances and could apply for a lesser desired unit. Their odds are better than mine and many others yet we still play. Tired of everyone gets a ribbon for participating philosophy. Should just go hunt and quit playing the why me I deserve it card. There’s a lot of stuff we all deserves and wish for. Hunt or do something different.
How many guys with 10+ points cry every year yet only apply for late hunt tags?

I'd bet money that if those guys put in for a good area but not a "prime" hunt, they'd draw after a year or two with all those points.

If you want to hunt, you will make a choice. If you want the best, wait it out and hope for the best but don't complain.
I watched the some of the videos from the recent meetings. I'm glad to hear this is the last year of the party hunt lop hole.
That was my question I was going to ask, was the party tag loophole finally closed during this meeting?

HiDesert, Here is a link to the video addressing it and it looks like they are really stoping it at all angles. In the video they even addressed family members using Grandpa every year for this loophole and having Grandpa go to the doctor to get a letter saying he can't hunt. Sounds like they are not going to even accept a doctor letter. This is the BEST change NDOW has done to keep things fair. I wonder how many of the max point holders for deer aren't even hunters.......

Starts at about the 50 minute mark.
HiDesert, Here is a link to the video addressing it and it looks like they are really stoping it at all angles. In the video they even addressed family members using Grandpa every year for this loophole and having Grandpa go to the doctor to get a letter saying he can't hunt. Sounds like they are not going to even accept a doctor letter. This is the BEST change NDOW has done to keep things fair. I wonder how many of the max point holders for deer aren't even hunters.......

Starts at about the 50 minute mark.
Thanks for sharing. That is great news!
Dang the chick that was against the party draw change must have a grandpa that helps her husband draw or something.... haha

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