Thought for the Day!


Long Time Member

OPEC sells oil for $136.00 a barrel.
OPEC nations buy U.S. grain at $7.00 a bushel.
Solution: Sell grain for $136.00 a bushel.

Can't buy it? Tough! Eat your oil you greedy pieces of *&^%!

It's always an adventure!!!
"Food for Crude".....i like it!!

I think that this is one of the best IDEAS that I have heard in a long time. Where can we get a movement going.

HMMM OIL FOR FOOD??? Didn't we already try that with a certain greedy dictator who used that oil money to build palaces instead of provide food for his people?

UH OH - I think I just got this thread moved to the political forum!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the Oil Producing Exporting Countries (OPEC) don't dictate the price of our gasoline at the pumps. It's our own oil companies that refine it into usable fuel. I heard Georgey Boy is trying to get permission to tap our own oil reserves in Anwar.
Yeah he still wants to open ANWR but he is pushing lifting the moratorium on offshore drilling in some areas. It is still a knee jerk reaction at this point because we need more refineries. Also the reason for the high prices of gas has more to do with market speculation which is a bi-product of actual supply and demand issues rather than supply and demand itself. They need to more heavily regulate the oil commodities market and curb speculation.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>Yeah he still wants to open
>ANWR but he is pushing
>lifting the moratorium on offshore
>drilling in some areas. It
>is still a knee jerk
>reaction at this point because
>we need more refineries. Also
>the reason for the high
>prices of gas has more
>to do with market speculation
>which is a bi-product of
>actual supply and demand issues
>rather than supply and demand
>itself. They need to more
>heavily regulate the oil commodities
>market and curb speculation.
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

best answer i heard yet!...
LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-08 AT 00:00AM (MST)[p]ROY

Agree with your assessment 100%.

Back on the food issue posted previously. How are the farmers going to grow crops without tractors that run on ..... you guessed it, oil? While we're choking OPEC with no grain, how are you going to get to work when your corner station has nothing to sell? I am old enough to remember the oil shortage problems of 73 and 74. That was not a pretty sight and what a hassle. You could get half a tank of gas every other day based on your license plate number. Is this an even day or an odd day for gas? Oh, and lets not forget that it took several hours of waiting in line to get that half tank.

Right now, short term, choke the speculators with regulations under the national security umbrella. Long term, force Ford, GM, Toyota, Nissan, Exxon/Mobil, Shell, Standard Oil and others to use R&D dollars to increase alternative fuel technology and then turn the tables on OPEC. When they want to sell oil we can say no thanks we now have solar or hydrogen. Probably will not see this in my life time, but eventually it will happen. Its not a matter of if but when. Oil is not forever.

My $0.02
just a little on the offshore drilling.. There is a lot of offshore drilling going on for years now. There are some areas closed to it back when the oil companies already picked the best spots to be drilling anyway. These other "closed" areas had already been determined as "second tier" areas.

My only point is that the oil industry is trying to take advantage of the current gasoline crisis to get the ban lifted now, so they wont have to bother with it 30-40 years from now when they'd actually have any interest in drilling in these closed areas anyway. Even if they'd want to drill there TODAY, it'd take almost a decade before they'd spud a hole.

i'm not exactly trying to vilify the oil industry, it's fed my family for 3 generations- but I do think it's kinda blatent that they're pushing the offshore ban now with all the other crap the government should be dealing with.

Plus I don't care if the gas prices reach $30 a gallon we should still be looking to use up everyone elses crude and save ours for later so it will still be as totally awesome to be an American when my kid gets to be my age!

my two cents....
>just a little on the offshore
>drilling.. There is a lot
>of offshore drilling going on
>for years now. There are
>some areas closed to it
>back when the oil companies
>already picked the best spots
>to be drilling anyway. These
>other "closed" areas had already
>been determined as "second tier"
>My only point is that the
>oil industry is trying to
>take advantage of the current
>gasoline crisis to get the
>ban lifted now, so they
>wont have to bother with
>it 30-40 years from now
>when they'd actually have any
>interest in drilling in these
>closed areas anyway. Even if
>they'd want to drill there
>TODAY, it'd take almost a
>decade before they'd spud a
>i'm not exactly trying to vilify
>the oil industry, it's fed
>my family for 3 generations-
>but I do think it's
>kinda blatent that they're pushing
>the offshore ban now with
>all the other crap the
>government should be dealing with.
>Plus I don't care if the
>gas prices reach $30 a
>gallon we should still be
>looking to use up everyone
>elses crude and save ours
>for later so it will
>still be as totally awesome
>to be an American when
>my kid gets to be
>my age!
>my two cents....

Me think your off your rocker.......

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