Thompson Withdraws



I saw that Fred Thompson is withdrawing. What do you think. I kind of liked the guy although I never gave him much thought because he wasn't one of the fron runners so I thought this would eventually happen. I never listen to his views. What is your opinion of him? Did he have some good ideas?
My sentaments exactly Forewall. He never had enough drive. He never really seemed to want it bad enough. He said all the right things just no fire in the belly.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
From a conservative point of view, Fred Thompson was probably the best candidate of all who are running, but he WAS the worst campaigner. Who knows, maybe he will make the ticket as V.P.
I agree Anaconda.


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Fred is a good conservative. I liked his "First build a fence" ideas on illegal immigration.

Maybe Polarbear will spend more time around here now. I think he was working pretty hard on Thompsons campaign. A long time family friend, if I'm not mistaken.

Hillary is the only one who cares, she would have loved a race against him this fall.

Hope Giuliani or McCain get the nomination, they're the only ones with even a slim chance in the general.

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