

Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-13 AT 08:37PM (MST)[p]This is what happens when you get a bunch of Cali idiots moving to CO. I am pretty certain that they suffer from a prolonged lack of oxygen as they go over the passes... Stupidest thing ever... Note this is about the the Candle light Vigil. The officers etc. Is a whole other Story...

Some actually believe the elk was their "guardian". Who needs a gun when you have a neighborhood elk on watch.

BOULDER, Colo. ? A candlelight vigil will take place Sunday night for the elk that was killed by two Boulder police officers on Mapleton Hill.
The Daily Camera reported that the vigil is set for 5:30 p.m. on Mountain View Road, to celebrate the life of the bull elk.
The two police officers who killed the elk in a west Boulder neighborhood late Tuesday night have been suspended.
An officer was on patrol near Mapleton Avenue and Ninth Street and shot the elk because it thought it had been injured. An off-duty officer helped him carry it away and process the elk for meat.
Neither officer reported shooting the elk.
The Boulder County Sheriff?s Office has launched an internal investigation to determine what role the on-duty sheriff?s deputy played that night.
Residents were angry when they heard about the elk?s death ? who they have nicknamed ?Big Boy.?
According to the paper, the elk had been spotted for several weeks on Mapleton Hill, and many people living in the neighborhood said the elk had not behaved aggressively toward humans. Some even considered the elk their ?guardian,? the paper stated.
elks96...where in this post of yours does it says "the two officers were from Cali" like you state above??

I checked each "highlighted" link and nothing there.

I dont think it matters where the officers are from, good hell,. Celebrating the Life of the bull elf. What a tree hugging ##### nation we live in anymore.
No the idiots holding a candle light vigil like it was some 6 your old kids with a disability who got killed or something!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-13 AT 09:00PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-13
>AT 08:41?PM (MST)

>I get real tired of the
>stereotype bulllshit.

Its OK we will hold you a candle light vigil as well. Or a person could just pull up the big boy pants and live with it. Nothing you can do about Cali. being one of the most backwards state in the union.
>AT 08:45?PM (MST)

>?????...... PACK SAND PUNK.................YD

Dude, do you know much about Boulder? They are a mini Cali. Most from Colorado know this and understand that it is a waste of a town! While there are several people in both Cali and Boulder that decent enough. the liberal, extreme left, environmental whack jobs, etc. Sure love both places.
> FYI........A LOT OF

Yes and we also know that Cali is the source of some of the stupidest laws in the country. Sorry your all butt hurt about this, but you can't hunt lions, your DNR head fired for legally hunting, ban on lead ammo, stupidest gun laws ever, Dianne Feinstein, The Raiders, and the best this law:

Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.

Its no wonder you have the some of the highest number in the NRA etc. cause your constantly surrounded by idiots...
Wow! You Californincated boys are a bit touchy. Chill-ax. I believe Elk96 is just pointing out that there are leaf lickin', granola crunchin', no leg shaven', B.O. smell lovin', pony tail wearin', body peircin', animal worshipin' freaky people all over the place.

Stereotypes....shoot sheriff! Aint no bo thang. I'm a redneck cause I say crick instead of crEEk. Doesn't bother me none. What does bug me is that these same types of folks who are trying to honor the fallen beast, are most often the first ones to complain when critters go to town on their front yard shrubbery. Ah oh, is that another stereotype?

Have you asked any of those persons that are holding the virgil if they are in fact from CA. Or are you making a a$$ of yourself just by assuming that paticular item.

Will you do me a favor and have the two brothers living next door to me move back to Colorado, and yes I know for a fact they are from Colorado, even had Colorado lic. plates on their vehicles when they moved here two years ago.

Reason I want you to take your fellow state brothers back is that they came here to grow medical marijuana and I get tired of the stink during certain times of the years. Maybe I will tell them that Colorado has loosen the laws concerning growing medical marijuana and they will move back since they love to elk hunt and go back every year to hunt elk.

Now do you have anymore idiot complaints, we love hearing from the peanut gallery telling us about their A$$umtions. You should be more worried about those two Colorado cops possibly violating their department rules and regulations and possible game violations on top of it.

Only in The Republic of Boulder, LMAO. Those squirrel squeezers are something else up there.
It's actually pretty funny......You dummies from Co cant understand that the same thing that happened many years ago in Ca is now happening there. Yeah....just keep ignoring Boulder, Aspen, Denver, YOUR liberal Govenor. Pretty soon.... in fact they already are swinging the whole state their way. I'm gonna stay in Ca....hopefully someday all our liberal jack offs will migrate to Co and Or......The Mexicans aint so bad.
Hell what is the population of Boulder, and you say they are all from California. LOL
Got any more towns you think they are all from AZ or NM.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 08:59AM (MST)[p]>Wow! You Californincated boys are a
>bit touchy.

You can only get shoved so many times until you shove back.

I swear to God evey page on the outdoor message boards has some negative California drivel plastered on it assuming that everyone here is a city dwelling fag or a treehugger or an Obama loving liberal, constant assumptions that this place is Los Angeles or San Francisco from border to border.

Most of you long timers here know from my pictures that ain't the way it is.

Yeah, there is a lot of BS here politically, but there is still some great folks with traditional outdoor values, they just don't make the headlines.
It makes me sick to think that when I travel out of state that ignorant pukes see my California licence plate and lump me in with the hippies, liberals & fags that they think us all to be.

I'd love to move my family to a rocky mountain state but there are several reasons that ain't gonna happen too soon.

I feel for you guys, I watch the evolution of your state and simply cringe.
No trapping, no hunting bears with hounds, legalized pot, etc,etc.
With yesterday's Aurora shooting on top of all the other recent anti gun stuff, you Colorado boys had better buckle up, you are going to be more like California than ever before.
Makes me want to vomit.
Man, I thought utards were super sensative.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 10:12AM (MST)[p]a little bit of polarization here? maybe a good overview of America.

The problem with Californians and people in general is that there is just too many of them, ever wonder why you cant draw a tag? why they are developing and drilling everything? why we have water wars, fish kills, and access fights? mass shootings?

I actually understand why people would be upset if a couple of cops ( or anyone) killed a big bull elk that was often seen in town.
Living in Wyoming, I get nervious when I see big tire pickups with Utah license plates, they are almost always obsessively using the latest hightec devices to hammer big bucks, and the get big fish.
Those are renewable resources no doubt, but they are almost always in decline and the only way to slow that is drasticly cutting opportunity.

The evolution of states has more to do with human population
numbers than anything else, that's just the way it is.
So the next time illegals are out cleaning your swimming pool, stand there and think about why things are like they are.
This post is shocking. So many hunters who despise poaching posting comments full of cynicism and prejudice. Animals have been immortalized as gifts from gods by our earliest of hunters. They have been worshiped and thanks given for there abundance and what they provide for man. I believe that any press regardless of the type, that identifies poaching as a crime is good press. This issue is not about the vigil, but more to bring awareness of the crime of poaching. This Elk was poached, some would say murdered. It was part of the community and the community is simply standing up for all hunters and saying these animals are special and killing them illegally is unacceptable to us. Is a vigil an appropriate way of saying good bye to a member of the community, each of us will have to decide. I personally think its a good, I hope it goes viral on the net, and gets national attention. Like I said any press related to poaching is good press. I also hope they publish the punishment of the officers involved. The punishment fits the crime, and is equal to what any of us would face.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 10:40AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 10:35?AM (MST)

California is messed up! But we are the leading state in agriculture, pay the most federal taxes, way more than we get back. which all the western states other than Colorado use to support your towns and fund your jobs. How many out of staters come here to work, I know on my projects quite a few! Unlike a few of the states we did not leagize pot and shot down gay marage. We are 4th in oil production in the country, and do a lot of the refining in the county. Other than 2 large city's, we are no different than the rest of the western states. your welcome for supporting your ass and keeping all the liberals out of your state.
>California is messed up! But we
>are the leading state in
>agriculture, pay the most federal
>taxes, way more than we
>get back. which all the
>western states other than Colorado
>use to support your towns
>and fund your jobs. How
>many out staters come here
>to work, I know on
>my projects quite a few!
>Unlike a few of the
>states we did not leagize
>pot and shot down gay
>marage. We 4th in oil
>production in the country, do
>a lot of the refining
>in the county. Other than
>2 large city's, we are
>no different than the rest
>of the western states. your
>welcome for supporting your ass
>and keeping all the liberals
>out of your state.

Better than the Sunday morning funnies in the newspaper!
Piper I think I speak for all parties involved by inviting you to stop being a problem and start being a solution by suck starting a pistol. Please use a pos rossi though. No sense in getting a quality gun splattered on. Be a leader in your quest for population control.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 10:44AM (MST)[p]Instead of sending a select few of you a pm I will just say it here...

knock off the personal attacks.

Maybe Im just alittle sensitive today but the general tone of this thread has got my agent orange worked up today...

To HunterHarry I offer my opologies.
Transportation for the event will be provided to save gas and minimize the carbon footprint for the event. Make reservations early as a short bus will be used to transport attendees...... Terry
>>California is messed up! But we
>>are the leading state in
>>agriculture, pay the most federal
>>taxes, way more than we
>>get back. which all the
>>western states other than Colorado
>>use to support your towns
>>and fund your jobs. How
>>many out staters come here
>>to work, I know on
>>my projects quite a few!
>>Unlike a few of the
>>states we did not leagize
>>pot and shot down gay
>>marage. We 4th in oil
>>production in the country, do
>>a lot of the refining
>>in the county. Other than
>>2 large city's, we are
>>no different than the rest
>>of the western states. your
>>welcome for supporting your ass
>>and keeping all the liberals
>>out of your state.
>Better than the Sunday morning funnies
>in the newspaper!

Facts are funny
>Piper I think I speak for
>all parties involved by inviting
>you to stop being a
>problem and start being a
>solution by suck starting a
>pistol. Please use a
>pos rossi though. No
>sense in getting a quality
>gun splattered on. Be
>a leader in your quest
>for population control.

Funniest post of the year so far!

>>>California is messed up! But we
>>>are the leading state in
>>>agriculture, pay the most federal
>>>taxes, way more than we
>>>get back. which all the
>>>western states other than Colorado
>>>use to support your towns
>>>and fund your jobs. How
>>>many out staters come here
>>>to work, I know on
>>>my projects quite a few!
>>>Unlike a few of the
>>>states we did not leagize
>>>pot and shot down gay
>>>marage. We 4th in oil
>>>production in the country, do
>>>a lot of the refining
>>>in the county. Other than
>>>2 large city's, we are
>>>no different than the rest
>>>of the western states. your
>>>welcome for supporting your ass
>>>and keeping all the liberals
>>>out of your state.
>>Better than the Sunday morning funnies
>>in the newspaper!
>Facts are funny

Take a trip to your favorite gun store and walk out with a gun of your choice TODAY and tell us how you're no different than the rest of the western states. How's that lead free ammo thing working out? California allows medical marijuana, correct? So tell us again how it's not legalized? And while you're at it, send California Senator Feinstein a thank you card.
Theres left winged liberals in every state, Im sure theres alot of nice decent folk in California, but sure seems theres awhole lot more leftists idiots from that state than any other state.
>>>>California is messed up! But we
>>>>are the leading state in
>>>>agriculture, pay the most federal
>>>>taxes, way more than we
>>>>get back. which all the
>>>>western states other than Colorado
>>>>use to support your towns
>>>>and fund your jobs. How
>>>>many out staters come here
>>>>to work, I know on
>>>>my projects quite a few!
>>>>Unlike a few of the
>>>>states we did not leagize
>>>>pot and shot down gay
>>>>marage. We 4th in oil
>>>>production in the country, do
>>>>a lot of the refining
>>>>in the county. Other than
>>>>2 large city's, we are
>>>>no different than the rest
>>>>of the western states. your
>>>>welcome for supporting your ass
>>>>and keeping all the liberals
>>>>out of your state.
>>>Better than the Sunday morning funnies
>>>in the newspaper!
>>Facts are funny
>Take a trip to your favorite
>gun store and walk out
>with a gun of your
>choice TODAY and tell us
>how you're no different than
>the rest of the western
>states. How's that lead free
>ammo thing working out? California
>allows medical marijuana, correct? So
>tell us again how it's
>not legalized? And while you're
>at it, send California Senator
>Feinstein a thank you card.

I think Co, was, and Or made pot legal for everyone. The doctors in Ca were able to make money off it so that is why so many people got cards. Yea the 10 wait is dumb but its not the end of the world!
Well if we can agree on something it's Feinstein, she is out of touch!
To whom it may concern,

The candle light vigil for this precious little bull will be held at the recently opened Pot Head social club. Come smoke a bong in rememberance of this poor creature that was violently gunned down in these quiet suburban streets . We will blow smoke rings into the air and sing the bulls favorite song as we give him a 7 bong salute.

RSVP ASAP as it will fill up fast! Thousands of bags of cheetos, chips and all the necessary snacks will be on hand if severe cases of the munchies are present.

And remember... Friends don't let friends drive stoned.
>Theres left winged liberals in every
>state, Im sure theres alot
>of nice decent folk in
>California, but sure seems theres
>awhole lot more leftists idiots
>from that state than any
>other state.

Yea, no s### and its not getting any better! 45% of the state is just like everyone else in the country! Most people who hate Ca and the people from it, have never been here and have no idea what they are talking about! All of us in Northern Ca are no different than anyone in any of the western states! I can say I have been to all of them and liberals are starting to move into the nice parts of every state. So maybe people on this site should spend less time hating the 45% of us, and realize that we are all in the same boat!
>This post is shocking. So many
>hunters who despise poaching posting
>comments full of cynicism and
>prejudice. Animals have been immortalized
>as gifts from gods by
>our earliest of hunters. They
>have been worshiped and thanks
>given for there abundance and
>what they provide for man.
>I believe that any press
>regardless of the type, that
>identifies poaching as a crime
>is good press. This issue
>is not about the vigil,
>but more to bring awareness
>of the crime of poaching.
>This Elk was poached, some
>would say murdered. It was
>part of the community and
>the community is simply standing
>up for all hunters and
>saying these animals are special
>and killing them illegally is
>unacceptable to us. Is a
>vigil an appropriate way of
>saying good bye to a
>member of the community, each
>of us will have to
>decide. I personally think its
>a good, I hope it
>goes viral on the net,
>and gets national attention. Like
>I said any press related
>to poaching is good press.
>I also hope they publish
>the punishment of the officers
>involved. The punishment fits the
>crime, and is equal to
>what any of us would

God I hope your kidding... Yes it was poached and we should be outraged about the situation, but holding a vigil only furthers the anti hunters perception that animals are humans and deserve human qualities etc. While I fully understand being pissed about the poaching, which I am pissed about. I do not see how furthering the perception that animals are people too. Does any good for hunting at all.

This was an elk, it was not a human, etc. I can't believe anyone would think that holding a candle light vigil for an animals is a good thing for hunting...
"When does the first playoff game start?" mtmuley

Now thaty's putting things in the proper perspective!!!
you have to be kidding me elks96? - hunters are the biggest culprits of all when it comes to giving animals people qualities, half the animals and all the trophys killed in Utah have first names, isn't it fun to find out you just killed Smitty the big 5 point buck? or Ralph the 7 point bull?

Still can't figure out why people get upset at the poaching of a named bull elk that's lives in town?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Does anyone know if there has been a trust or anything like that set up. At the local IFA or something, Maybe a place to send the family some donated Hay or grain.
Some of what you Ca haters have said is true but while you are shoveling snow tomorrow I will be either calling coyotes, hunting quail, chucker, squirrel, or pigs. After that I might go fishing if its not too hot.Oh ya we don't have to wait years to draw a bear or turkey tag either we can hunt them every year. Some things in Ca ain't so bad. I also agree Diane Frankenstien is an idiot.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 03:36PM (MST)[p]we_B_huntin, in Kali we can hunt bears with a OTC tag, and hunt turkeys Spring and Fall with a license and upland game stamp.

What's ironic and funny about these people have a candlelight vigil for the dead elk, is the fact that afterward they will be rallying to fight the harvesting of any wolf at any time!

I would soon have a sister in a cat house as live in Boulder county. I worked around Niwot In constructIon one summer and I thought a lot of the residents were from back east.
The only place more liberal is Nederland. Most of Colorado is fairly conservative; except for sections of the I-25 and I-70 corridors.
I have many comments on the many topics covered in this thread but I'll limit them to this;

Some things in Cali are screwwwed up but there are lots of great sportsman who live there and they're welcome at my camp fire any time they have the desire.

A candle light vigil for a falled bull? Someone (or the whole city) is a f-ing idiot!

I hate poachers and I suspect the "Guardian" elk was poached.... NOT murdered.

I'm strongly opposed to naming animals. It makes me a little ill when I think about it.

I hope I can hunt Wyoming and not run into the Utah haters. Hell, we're the ones who fund the whole F&G dept (by 10x)!


PS: You're an idiot if your views differ from mine! lol
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-13 AT 02:27PM (MST)[p]"I could agree with you, but then we would both be
wrong......and stupid"

It amazes me how little most people REALLy know about California.

No question, we have some serious political issues that are NEVER going to change, but if things like a 10 day waiting period to buy a gun, are an issue for you, I am sorry.I don't really see that as a problem.

Feinstein, Boxer and Brown, seldom show up at my home, despite several invitations, so they are not directly affecting my life. The rest of the liberals, I simply ignore.

And, by the way, stand by, every state has a liberal populace that is growing by leaps and bounds.....see Colorado from the Nov. election. We didn't invent that retarded chit!

I hunt out of state because I can, but this state has as many varieties of wildlife as any other Western state and considerably more than some.......and way more public land to hunt/recreate on, than just about any state in the nation. Want to match available fish species I can catch in a day? Didn't think so. I won't even go into the scenery issues.

The fact that we can surf, waterski, snow ski, and fish/hunt, all in the same day, is probably lost on most of you antis'.

Pretty much, all around, anything you want to brag about in your state, I can match....or top.

I always say, "California is like going to a nude beach. Everything you see there ain't exactly what you would like, but there are some things there, definitely worth the trip"
California is definitely the best state in the union, and the people are fine, there are a few nuts just like everywhere.
It so nice that its full of people, and that's the only drawback.

On average I would much rather deal with a Prune picker than a Texan
Piper, thanks for laugh. You will never believe how many persons in Wyoming have told me the same about the comparsion of people from CA. to Texas.

Been a long time since I have heard the term "prune picker" but it is a slang word for people from CA.

Amazing how people that have never been to the real california think it is all beaches and queers. California has some of, if not the most rugged country in the nation. Some nice animals too.
It surely isn't the best place on Earth to live but an avid outdoorsman could certainly do a Helluva lot worse....

Harry that looks like the path to the grocery store.
Beautiful picture.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Lived there for six years. Hated the politics but loved the Sierras. Great place to hunt, fish and hike. Beach views aren't bad either:)

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