this years success


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-11 AT 10:44AM (MST)[p]Here are pictures of the bucks and bulls I have helped my friends and family harvest this year.

this is my buddy who shot this after 8 days on the mountain. we got to 40 yards and he punched him straight through the heart. The buck went about 5 steps and fell over deader than dead.

these next 3 are of my buddy jake who has never taken a big game animal. I told him in january to put in for the buck bull combo tag, which the little bastage drew. All year long we have been talking about where to go and what he'd shoot. He wanted a 3 point or better and any elk with antlers. His buck he shot at 480 yards with his 270. he hit it in the head ( right through the ear). His elk we got the next day in the nastiest country at 400 yards with his 270 shooting remington corelocs. @ great animals for his firsts!





This is my wife and her first buck! what an awesome hunt. we spotted this buck after 30 mins into the opener. She took a 200 yard shot and dropped him right in his tracks. We used the old eddystone 1917 with the XP3's 180gr. Destroyed his lungs. what a shot! I was so proud of her. We got up to the buck only to find 2 other hunters gutting it, I was surprised by the way they just left it after we told them that it was ours. They had the ability to ruin a hunt for my wife but they took the high road and i appreciate it.

This is my brother in law's little brother. I spotted this buck about 30 mins before dark. It was his first buck. 180 yard double lung. Deer never saw it coming. dumped him in his tracks. What a first buck for a 14 yr old kid. lucky bastage!

this last one is the bull my buddy took in the uintas.

I feel blessed to have beewn able to help my friends and family out this year. After being diagnosed with Reiter's syndrome in Septmeber I didn't think I would be able to come through on all the promises I made Pre Season. I am Blessed to have friends and family Willing to carry me or let me hang on to them as we hiked around and took all these fine animals.

Someone asked me if I would have to stop hunting because of the Reiter's, I told them that even if my legs were chopped off I'd find a way to nub myself around the mountains. I can't quit doing what I love.

It was a big bodied 2 point.
Here is the buck i took during the archery season. I know I don't like shooting little bucks, but With my legs and feet the way they are, My opportunity was with this little guy.


It was a big bodied 2 point.
Great season!

I think it's awesome that you are so involved and willing to help out others. Lot's of awesome memories made for sure.

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
Congrats to you and all your family. Success can come in small packages but, most of the time success is just being there with family enjoying time spent together out in the hills.

>Why does the two point have
>a green nose ?

Because he got a little salad on his arrow as well.


>>>---shots that are true pass right through--->
Thats a good question. I hit him in the femoral artery because as I shot he jumped the string and took a step forward. The wrrow never went into the guts at all. Buck went 50 yards and piled up deader than dead. I don't know how possible that is though...

It was a big bodied 2 point.
I don't know about retarded by he likes to blow a lot of smoke and take credit on animals when he wasn't even around like on the first deer. That the story I heard.
Am I retarded? were you there? oh, the deer in the 1st picture went 80 yards by the way. buddy just corrected my story.

It was a big bodied 2 point.
no, sorry, thats just my signature. I hear so many people say it I think its funny. This one was a tiny bodied deer.

It was a big bodied 2 point.
Looks like you have put in a lot of time with your family and friends. You should be commended for that! But, I dont think it is very responsible for a novice hunter to be taking shots at animals 480 yards away. If he hit it in the ear, then that is a damn lucky miss. Maybe next time you will use a little more discretion when hunting with first timers. But again, good on you for spending time in the woods with loved ones.
He might have been a first time hunter, but not a first time shooter. He can shoot, just cant get his nerves in line!

It was a big bodied 2 point. (this is my signature)
I thought your wife's buck was being gutted when you walked up? Doesn't look like they got too far into the process.
After reading this thread and another or two, It's pretty obvious to me by now that Travis wouldn't know the truth if he stepped in a bucket of it!

Some people are just that way, they may want to tell the truth, yet the are incapable and this is how this guy has come off to me.

The worst part is, he claims to be a cop, a Utah Law enforcement Officer. Imagine the kind of reports that he might write up if he was ever to charge you, or somebody else, with a crime!

Thank you sage for your opinion.

If you look at the the bucks rear you'll see his intestines coming out. I tried rolling the buck for a tasteful picture.

It was a big bodied 2 point. (this is my signature)

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