This will p**s you off



Lived in Idaho my whole life, Killed a few big bucks, a few elk and a lope or two! Never had much luck with the draw of tags the last few years. Hills are getting steeper and don't have quit as much desire to kill as I had when I was younger. Here what will p**s of you off, This year my son and me drew three tags. lope in 40 , bucks in 40 and bull in 31. LMAO What can I say, biggest problen is getting enough kitchen passes Have never hunted 40 but am starting to see some nice buck and am hoping to get the kid his first 30+ buck. This may be the year I retire from hunting,life is good. This is what I call a redneck Idaho dream. Anyway not really wanting to p**s you off just had to brag a little. Sorry Grizz
Doesn't piss me off a bit i drew 40 the second year putting in for it then 54 for antelope and 2 decent bull tag's. And im a nonresident. All being said rather lucky then good. Good luck on your hunt's hope your boy wack's a bigone.
No P!ss off here either. Seems luck finally smiled on you. I say go get em!! have a great hunt. post up some pictures when you finish the trip(s)

thanks for contributing to Idaho's economy.
You SOB!!!!!!!! Just kiddin, that is a dream come true for an Idaho hunter. Good Luck and be sure to post some pics when they kiss the dirt.
Congrats Idaho_grizz, you should plan on putting in for a trophy species next year as the wait will kick in for deer and elk. That's my plan anyway, when I finally draw a bull and buck tag in the same year.
Way to go. Congrats on some great tags. Keep us posted as the hunts progress. Best of luck on all the hunts!!!
Just the opposite of pi$$ed off, I'm happy for you. And I guess the opposite is pi$$ed on, huh?? Guess that came out wrong.

Anyways, good luck and do those tags justice and let us know how you do.
I will only be pissed if you waste the tag, Good luck to both of ya in this falls hunts,

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
If your wife or job is going to make to limit you time hunting and scouting I say let the lope hunt go. I had 40 for speed goats last year and was not impressed. I did see some great deer and elk out there though. Congrats on the tags, have fun.

Will the hunts start tomarrow. Have seen a few lopes, but not a lot. We have been looking to the north of Joran valley just because it is close to home, we might have to head toward Riddle come Sat. We have been scouting the deer and the bulls a lot harder than the goats. We aren't going to hold out on the goats, any bucks going down. We have seen some good bulls in 31 but the deer and cow hunts open first so we are just trying to get the feel of where they will go after the seasons start. As for the bucks the kid is about to pee himself, biggest buck he has ever kill is 27", he is thinking that might change in Nov. I am taking a young man out for his first deer hunt on the 2 point hunt in Oct. should see some good buck moving when that hunt opens. If any of you have any suggestions on any of the hunts fell free to PM me Been a great time for me to be spending time with the kid and doing some scouting again. Will keep posting about the season Grizz

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