This weeks Holy War!!


Active Member
Ok So I know not everyone is in Utah, but those that are. Lets hear who you are cheering for:

As for me BYU to win a 2nd straight MWC Championship, and to go undefeated in confrence for 2 years in a row!
U of U.....


"Life's tough, it's even tougher if you're stupid." - John Wayne
Its gonna be a heck of a game no doubt! I really enjoy watching both theams play, but I am at heart a true blue Cougar fan!!!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-07 AT 06:45PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-07 AT 06:44?PM (MST)

BOOOM, thats funny!!!!

-"how'd you meet mommy?"..... "at the BYU game!!"

- the rest of you two hand s on the keyboard
Growing up in Fort Collins and watching the Rams get their butt's kicked every time by BYU gave me an intense dislike of them. I like their cheerleaders though.


Oh yeah - y'all are talking about that OTHER holy war.


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Funny thing happened on a 1320 Kfan radio show on Monday. A guy called in and his call went like this.

"I am a hard core Utah fan, but I want to let you know that I am an active member of the LDS faith. In fact, I went to the temple this morning before work. Just because you are mormon doesn't mean that you have to drink the blue kool-aid....bla bla bla bla"

About ten minutes later an older lady called in and said.

" I just have a comment about the Ute fan who called in about the temple. The LDS temples are closed on mondays"

They have been replaying it all week.


That's FUNNY!
"Life's tough, it's even tougher if you're stupid." - John Wayne
SCREW EM BOTH....Utah sucks and BYU SUCKS HARDER ....UNM Lobos Baby!!! woof woof!
Hey- After the MWC pillowfight is over, maybe they can braid each other's hair and have a slumber party.
LOL!! Too funny Canoe.

Good job Cougs! It wasn't the gteatest of games and BYU didn't look all that impressive but at least they played some defense, as did Utah.

We'll get more into this discussion after this week's games when we can compare the complete seasons. Not looking too good for the WAC!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
So is Harline!
"Life's tough, it's even tougher if you're stupid." - John Wayne

2nd straight MWC Championship!! #19 in the BCS rankings, and still in the hunt for a BCS would take the stars aligning just right, but it is still a possiblitiy....although a slim one.

Either way....BYU could have gone 1-10, as long as that one win was against the Pukes!
>LOL!! Too funny Canoe.
>Good job Cougs! It wasn't the
>gteatest of games and BYU
>didn't look all that impressive
>but at least they played
>some defense, as did Utah.
>We'll get more into this discussion
>after this week's games when
>we can compare the complete
>seasons. Not looking too good
>for the WAC!
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Not looking too good for the WAC, except for Hawaii who is almost certainly going to crash the BCS party this year. They are ranked #12 with a home game against Washington as their only remaining regular season game. They will beat Washington handily and then get their a$$e$ kicked in a BCS game.

We may get a chance to see BYU vs BSU in the Las Vegas Bowl, but I doubt it. The PAC 10 has enough teams bowl eligible and unless they send two teams to BCS Bowls you will be playing one of them. Crazier things have happened this year though...
The fans may have the "holier than thou" attitude, but I have never seen a Cougar fan throw drinks at the opposing teams fans. Even though some dud did his get his nose broken LOL.....

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