This website needs an update!


Very Active Member
Founder can we update the functionality of this site the technology is from like 10 yrs ago. It takes too long to navigate and get around.
I think it's great. I agree with Yukon.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
+100 yukon just fine with me!

Leave it be, it is easy to navigate and understand. Simple is good.

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Of ALL the forums like this one (to which I am only a member of this one) this is by far the easiest one to navigate... I don't know what gznokes is talkin about...

Don't change a thing.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I have to deal with change at work everyday and I'm told to embrace it. We'll I say bullscheet! Change sucks. Leave the site alone...
My wife cringes every time she looks at this site. She designs websites for fun. It looks like it is at least 10 years behind the curve. I personally understand the site and can get around the site fine. However, I would like a better photo uploader that lets you do multiple photos at one time, and then allows you to have a photo album under your profile. One of the main problems with the site is having to copy bold text from one page and paste it into the post. New people are always asking how to accomplish this task.

All in all an update would make the site more interesting to new visitors and you could advertise products much better.

Just my thought.

I think the ease of navigating through this site are what makes it appealing to the average, 40 something hunter. I think it serves it's purpose well.
There are much better forums out there. But, this site is filled with many older folks that don't like change much. (No offense intended). I am sure if it were updated to a newer system that many would love it after taking the time to learn it, not that they are really tough to learn. Newer forums have better look and feel and are smoother to navigate. Some of the features I like is the ability to thank a user for their post. At times I want to express to a poster that they made an excellent point without posting and getting involved in the thread. Additionally, I hate how this system inserts responses and replies with quotes up in the middle of the thread instead of in order....they seem to get "lost" in the thread. Lastly, many newer systems allow users to create a better user profile and I think almost everyone would love to have an avatar to showcase their trophy or set the person apart from the others. Like I said, most would actually love the features of a new system, if they weren't so afraid to learn something new. Plus, we would get rid of the dozens of posts of people not knowing how to post pictures.......okay, maybe not. But the newer forums are easier to post pics.

Okay all you old folks.....bash away!:)
Sure is easy spending other peoples money.

I don't care if Founder upgrades or not. Since I access this site from my phone a lot I wouldn't want a new software to be more complex and therefore slower. As for thanking users and giving each other stars and ratings that might bite half of us on the ass if we found out people didn't like us and could say so without posting. ;-)
[Font][Font color = "green"]Here's my
signature. It's green so no one will think I am
actually saying something related to this post.

This subject has been brought up before a number of times and it is not going to happen, so just live with it like the rest of us.

Many of you guys would be horrible businessmen.:) Imagine if Mathews, Hoyt, badlands, lieca, etc left their product alone just because it worked already and people were used to it. Reality is web forums are no different than any other product out there. They change to get better, easier to use and more efficient.
In all honesty, there are things that I would like to improve, but I'm a one man show here and unfortunately (with my head hanging) I can't do it all. I can't do everything I want. Google, Facebook, and other companies with more than one employee, who would rather go hunting than sit in front of a computer, have a little larger budgets, a few more resources, and a couple more employee's than

Browtine and I were discussing this issue just a couple days ago and he too had some great suggestions. Maybe I can impliment some of it, but I'm not sure. I'm no super genious programmer. Building a forum program is not a simple little task. There are forum programs one could buy, but then we would be going to a totally different system, I still wouldn't be able to support it properly and it would cost lots of money to make users here frustrated.

Traffic to the forums here continues to climb each year. In fact the last 30 days we've served more pages than ever in a 30 day period.

Obviously, if anyone knows of a good forum software you think I should look at, shoot me an email. Or, if anyone is a genious perl programmer, let me know and we'll make the changes to this program and add a couple features. You know what I mean I'm sure.

I would love to own a formula one car, but I don't know how to build one and can't afford to buy one, so I can only take my friends for a ride in my old toyota coralla.......but it's the company that counts, right?????? That's what we have here!!!!

Brian Latturner
My wife designs web sites for a living. She cringes when she looks at this site too. The format and all are atleast 10 years old.

BUT, she says she wouldn't change a thing. A site is made to serve it's "costumers" and not many here are complaining. So why change what aint broke.

Her only critique is to make the advertisment areas more modern. With that minor change she is sure that the site could generate more income with more advertisers being willing to throw money at it. Just her 2 cents.
"Many of you guys would be horrible businessmen. Imagine if Mathews, Hoyt, badlands, lieca, etc left their product alone just because it worked already and people were used to it"

How is your comment even applicable lol... So, should walmart go replace all of there shoes with nike brand, suits with Armani brand, replace their Remington, Savage, and Winchesters with custom $4k guns..... Would this make their business model better?

Give the customer what they want. Brian has found an excellent customer base. For every 1 person that wants the site to change, there are 10 who don't.

You can see I am a little sensitive on this subject lol...

Like an idiot (I was an IDIOT), I let a company talk me into re-designing my website, and spend a lot of $$$ doing it. Sure, it looked great, people liked it better etc.... But, I didn't get any additional customers or make any extra $$$ with the changes.
We might all be bad businessmen're right here on o'l MM with us. I wouldn't spend a second on some of the newer sites and alot of sites only wish they had half the traffic MM does. Im good with it .
LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-11 AT 06:45PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-11 AT 06:43?PM (MST)

Screw "look and feel". Functionality is ten times more important than appearance. Changing the look and the functionality every 6 months, like most businesses do, is madding, to regular users. How would you like it when the milk is in a different location every time you go in your favorite neighborhood grocery store? That's exactly what changing the look and feel of a site is like, every time you visit your required to learn where the milk, the meat and sanitary napkins are today!

Consider Winchester's business decision to update the Model 70 and the Model 1894, in 1964.

Adding new tools, however are not a bad idea, but don't screw up the existing look and feel when you do it.

For example, adding a page where user's could create small surveys would be a worthwhile tool, IMO. But I'm sure there are others Founder would like to have too, time and revenue permitting.

I deal with web sites day in and day out. This is a good one and change should be done very gently and thoughtfully.

Thanks Founder, your doing well.

woody, I didn't mean to ruffle your feathers. LOL. As a business owner who gets most of my traffic from my website I understand how important a good look and feel has, especially when customers are comparing your product to others. Unfortunately there are a ton of web designers charging way to much for their product and some charging too little and not offering enough leaving their customer expecting more. I am just barely savy enough to build my own and it cost me about $280 and a bit of my time. But at least it looks and feels better than my competition and I can update it myself when I need to. The worst is when you have a company want to charge you $500 a month to manage an adwords account that you can manage for free!

Anyways, I love MM and the content. I frequent two different forums. MM and snowest (snowmobiling) and I base my judgement on my experiences on both. If snowest had the hunting content that MM had, I'd probably spend all my time over there because of the better forum, but it's not a hunting site so I come and go on each.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-11 AT 06:50PM (MST)[p]The last thing we need is a bunch of those dumb ass pictures in the signature line like the Primos forum.


I'm a little on edge lol... I got conned into investing $9k in internet marketing by my own stupidity!! I guess I was a little on edge.

I need to find someone who knows how to market!! I can see your point, but still like the site as is!
woody, what is your website? I'd love to check it out. If you don't want to post it up here, pm it to me.
My 2 cents. I am on a couple other hunting websites that change the look and functions every year or so.

Does it change the quality of the site? NO
Does it bring better input from members? NO
Is it frustrating sometimes to figure it out? YES

I do not see how it would add anything of value to the site.

As a business owner myself I would not drop one extra dime if I did not feel it would some how give me a payback.
Seems like a bad business decision to change something that has been working better than ever, no matter how long you have been using it.

Netflix thought they needed to change a good thing and their stocks have been screaming downhil since, I think they finally decided to reverse their changes and stick with what worked.

I have never had any complaints with how this site works, I love it and vote NO CHANGE.
All I want is a proper quote box. One that shows who you are quoting and what not, similar to the vBulletin powered forums.

In fact, every other forum I visit uses vBulletin and its the best, IMHO. I think the license runs about $285.

Perhaps gznokes will fund the redesign for you. Cough up 10K and Founder can hire someone to make it like you want it. Although not everyone will like it, just as you don't like this one. You can never please everybody. Let us know if you venture out and start your own site... maybe I'll look at it if I have time. But usually, this is the only site I visit so I guess I won't have time. Sorry. MM works for me.
Thanks guys.
Just an fyi, netflix stocks dropped because of a price increase. The change to qwikster was an effort to justify the price increases and save face which failed as well. They have since dropped the qwikster idea in an effort to save the remaining customer base. The price increase was responsible not an improvement of product. In fact the justification of the price increase was because of onliine streaming of movies, but I don't know how many use netflix but their online streaming selection sucks, so they were trying to charge more for a product that wasn't that good. I think if their product (online streaming) improved the price increase could have been seen as reasonable. But to pay more for a crappy product. Well you know how that goes.

Additionally I don't think you all realize that if founder was to upgrade the forum that the content would be the SAME because the users make up the content. In fact MM (home page and other pages outside of the forum) could look exactly the same but the forum section would be easier to navigate and reading through threads would be quicker and easier. He could even choose the same color schemes to have the same feel. In fact he very well could see an increase in new users and new advertisers.

It might look something like this except imagine all the same color schemes you are used to seeing here.
I guess this ^^^^^^^^ is supposed to be funny? Not sure. Anyways.

I think y'all think I'm trying to argue with you? I am just trying to point out another view. To be honest, I don't care what founder does. He chooses how to run his business and that is up to him. I am only sharing my opinion on the subject.
Do I think it would be better to upgrade? yes
Do I think it would encourage new traffic? yes
Do I think it would encourage new advertising? yes
Do I think it would drive away any current customers? No, if so not many and definitely not more than would join. There would be grumbling for a week or so then everybody would settle in.

Additionally I run a business that I get 90%+ of my traffic from my web page. This summer I increased my revenue 60% over last summer. I did this in a crummy economy in an industry that is heavily affected by poor economies. So flame me all you want, but I feel I have a pretty good grasp on websites and getting people to them.

Lastly, I want to share an experience I had about 8 or 9 years ago. I worked at a retail store that had a number of different outlets. I was the inventory controller and was in charge of implementing a new Point of Sale system for all the stores. I had to train all the employees how to use it. The stores consisted of some high end boutiques and some ski shops. The employees of the ski shops were all younger and the employees of the boutiques older ladies. The transition in he ski shops went rather smoothly and they were running quicker and more efficient and providing a better experience to our customers. The old ladies complained and complained and complained actually making it tougher for them to learn the system because they didn't want to. By the time the first season was over they had it down, but their bad attitudes really slowed them down. At the end of the season their tune had changed and they all loved the new software because it made their lives easier. The moral of the story? Stop being a bunch of old ladies! Haha :)

I have one last request. When you post and complain about change, please post your age next to your post. ;)

Founder, really do whatever you want/need to do, I will continue to use MM regardless because I love the content and occasionally I love to get into it with a few of the other users. Wouldn't be mm without a little jabbing. Thanks for the great website founder!
Since I started this thing I figured I'd better chime in. The fact that many are saying it's "perfect" is a joke. Really? You wouldn't change anything??? Not one thing??? Any good product can get an occassional slight improvement.

If you look at the number of my posts its obvious that I like this site so here are a couple of ideas for improving this site. Most of my ideas don't cost any money and some can certainly be done with the existing platform.

1. Change the order of the forums. What is up with the order of the forums? Why is the HAC in the #1 position?? Why is the sheep etc forum buried so far down the list? If Founder would survey and assess some of the forums he'd realize at least 25% of them are a distraction.
2. Add a small date indicating when the post was created--not just when the last reply was made.
3. Show the number of views on a post--not just the number or replies
4. Add the ability to "like" or thumbs up a post.
5. The "view all" aspect of navigation a post is weird.
6. Add the ability to jump from forum to forum with out going back to the lobby.

Almost all of that stuff preserves the same "classic" site and just cleans it up a little and makes navigation easier.
Oh, and another thing. i want to be able to see if a post has pictures uploaded to it. An attachment icon. Photos drive traffic to this website and knowing if a post has pictures will make it more likely that people will want to click on it.
Alp, I'm not complaining about change. I like change. A new format doesn't scare me one bit. I think I could handle it.

I don't see the relevance of your Netflix example. I see how and why your webpage could make or break your business. I hate when I can't find complete information on the web. I will go with a good webpage every time rather than call. I just think the economics of upgrading or not are up to Founder. Not us. He knows if he can justify it or not.
NV, right now I would thank your post if I could. Haha. It wasn't my netflix example. somebody else used it to convey why a change was a bad idea, but they didn't seem to know all the details of the netflix "change" so I was trying to clarify. I agree I don't see the relevance of the netflix example either.
Here's an idea. I'll bet Founder's got the message so what say we get outside and have productive day.

Here goes. Big Lake is a small reservoir on Monroe Mt in So. Central Utah. The rainbow in the lake grow up to two/two and half pounds in 5 months. The lake is full of feed. These fish winter kill every year because the creek that feeds it dries up every winter and these fish die from lack of oxygen. They re-stock it every June.

Right now is the best time to fish it because the fish are good sized and feeding aggressively.

Rather than gripe about something you can't control, lets go have an outdoors moment and hook a fish. It's obvious your not out hunting so contact me and I'll take a day off work and try to give you an attitude adjustment at Big Lake.

I hear you gznokes.
Howabout being able to embed videos.
Howabout being able to see if you have a PM on every page without going to the lobby.
Howabout a handy calendar visible on every page.
Howabout being able to click on a page number on a popular thread so you don't have to wait for a huge bunch of photos or text.
Oh, and the taxi cab yellow background could be swapped...:)

These aren't huge issues and it prolly ain't gonna put more money in Brian's pocket which is the bottom line, but if you get used to the UBB style of message board they sure are nice features.

What makes MM so good is the content and the experienced hunters that use it, much more-so than the site's structure.
Lumpy, your example is totally irrelevant to the post! LOL. (That is a joke by the way for those of you who are really pissed right now).
Really, I would love to get out and do some fishing, but business is good and this time of year I need every penny I can get cause next month will be slooowww. So Here I am with nothing better to do between rentals! :)
Jeezus, This site is great, and if it wasn't, everyone calling for changes or upgrades would go away. Which may not be a bad thing. I've been around MM a long time, I've never had a complaint, and if it stays this way, I am happy. Brian does a great job here. His passion for hunting makes this site possible cause I bet he ain't getting rich off of it. If doing without the high tech crap keeps MM up and running, so be it. You want high tech crap? See Ya. mtmuley
That is the exact way so many "discussions" end here.
If you criticize any part or make a suggestion for improvement of any kind it automatically means you hate the whole thing.


Come on, I know this place is great, I been here a way long time too and I know it ain't gonna change either, which is fine.
Just saying there is some good stuff available that even a low tech redneck like me can really like.
My suggestion:

-Monitor the number of users, if going up DO NOT CHANGE
-Monitor your revenue, if you are happy with it DO NOT CHANGE

Follow the money and do what it is saying. Do not waste Time, which equates to money, enhancing what may be working.
Use your time chasing down more sales.
I have been on this site more than my wife would like to admit. I have never been delayed, had problems uploading photos, had problems watching videos, buying products, finding hunts, talking with people I need to get hold of, getting a virus, or had unwanted email traffic from this site. I'm not sure what the big deal is but I wouldn't change a thing Founder!! It serves a much needed purpose for most of us and allows us to vent, chat, brag and be idiots at times. I'm not sure you can make it better.

It's always an adventure!!!
Sorry Harry. After all these years MM is just, well, comfortable. I like it the way it is. I guess I ain't against high tech neither. I love my rangefinder! mtmuley
I like it, its simple and runs well on my phone while i'm away from the computer. other sites dont work well on my phone so I visit them less often.

the best upgrade this site ever made was to get ride of that guy-" bobcatbessy" it;s so much more peaceful round here;)



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>Sorry Harry. After all these years
>MM is just, well, comfortable.
>I like it the way
>it is. I guess I
>ain't against high tech neither.
>I love my rangefinder! mtmuley

No worries MT.
Just different opinions.

One big happy family here.

alp75, By darn, I total misjudged you, you really are brilliant; "total irrelevant" is a perfect description of what I am. But did you have to let every one know, there's some MM guests that might not have figured it out yet.

Okay, so October's a busy time for you but you say November's a little slow. My offer still stands, as long as the ferrels don't free shut, we can still gaff a few. I'll be waiting by the gate for you to roll up.

HunterHarry, In my opinion all your points are within the ballpark of what I'm talking about except maybe the color--at this point its part of the brand. That gentle yellow color probably calms a few nerves in a subconscious sort of way!

Brian, you said you were wondering about changes recently. What did you have in mind?

Again, I'm saying you can have it all--a few small things by way of basic navigation, ordering, and consolidation.
I don't think people realize how much it would cost to implement an upgrade for a site this large. I work for an internet marketing company, and I give quotes on Website designs/upgrades and this stuff aint cheap!

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