This spring weather??????



Haven't seen anyone talk about it. What do you think? After this nasty winter are the critters strong enough to deal with this cold snowy prolonged post winter, or is whats left of the doe herd going to drop their fawns just in time for both mama and fawns to die too? Then I had a friend point out that they were still handing out doe deer tags on some units with private ground. This is nuts.
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Thanks, I needed that. A little humor can go a long ways in a case like this.
Humor has it's place, but when we are talking serious life and death stuff like this, IMHO I don't think that response was appropriate!!!
I thought it was a little comical...maybe if we were talking about people it wouldn't be. Come on TG

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
LAST EDITED ON May-20-11 AT 05:37PM (MST)[p]Come on TG---Where we going lieca, LOL? The way I eat, sleep, and breath the outdoors and hunting, I don't see the humor in ANYTHING dying a nasty death. This winter has already killed an awful lot of animals and with the weather that some areas are still having there may be many more to come,including newborn fawns over the next few weeks!!! PS: I really do have a good sense of humor if it's in the right place and I just love dumb blonde jokes!!!
IF you can't see the bright side of things, I feel sorry for you. Wyoming is Wyoming, and Weather is Weather, aint a damn thing we can do about it. . . Doesn't pay off to pout. Just one man's opinion.
Not much of a bright side to look at when we're talking about a bunch of animals dying due to bad weather or any other reason! There's also no reason to feel sorry for anyone and nobody on here is pouting!!! Each of us has our opinion on stuff and it is obvious that we disagree on this one. That's no big deal because that's what makes the world go around and the sun will still come up tomorrow!!! Have a good one!
I was out in SW Wyoming the last few days. The animals all looked great. I went for a hike and saw more young deer and lope than I thought I would. I also saw several bucks well on their way. The units were very green with lots of new grass!
I can not wait for my G tag to come in the mail. Wyoming is Wyoming, it will always have winter kill. Some years worse then others, this year doesnt look too bad. Probably higher % of fawns killed but the strong survive.
It sounds like there will be some localized kill much higher than normal due to weather circumstances months ago, but my observations have been as above, that much if Wyoming doing fine. Sure, it's been colder, with some snow, but not near enough to kill critters. We're getting some good moisture.
Good day Sir! That's good to hear and I hope it's very localized! See, I told you the sun would rise again, LOL!
Like stated above-Wyoming is Wyoming.We get winterkill fairly frequently,and always seem to have good enough hunting that people still want to come hunt here-even those from Michigan.IMO,HiMtnHntr's humor was not offensive in any way,shape,or form.In fact,it was right on the money and had absolutely NOTHING to do with anything dying.Some people just don't have a sense of humor sometimes.LOL.Mature bucks will be in short supply in certain areas of the state in 4 yrs,just like they will be next year after the winter of '07-'08.So be it.It's called WYOMING!Thanks for the humor,HMH!
Topgun, no baby yet but the head is poking out. Should be any hour now... I'll send you the story(deer not baby) when I get home, if I ever do?
Briant---You just take it easy there Papa and the way the time flies by that baby will be out hunting with you in short order, LOL!!! Let me be the first on the site to wish you and the Mrs. congratulations on the new arrival!!!

Okay guys, the more I go back and read the thread, I will have to admit that maybe I overreacted on this. It actually is a pretty funny post the more I look at it and have more time than I did when I first read it to ingest the whole thing, LOL!!!

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