This really bug me......



I'll start off by saying that I am not racist. This really strikes a nerve. If this were a white guy we would have Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson screaming down the NFL's back demanding an apology and a pay increase for the player. But because it's not the case gets minimal publicity.

If you are for equal rights then it goes both ways and you have to take the good with the bad. You can't act like an idiot no matter what your race is and expect to get away with it. This is my rant for the day. Have a good weekend!!,2933,346152,00.html

A Jacksonville, Fla., television station has obtained documents detailing Jaguars cornerback Brian Williams? racist rant to police the night he was arrested in September 2006 on suspicion of DUI, News 4 Jax reported.

The police officer involved wrote in a report that Williams called him "Honky mother (expletive)," and said, "I (expletive) your momma ... I (expletive) your wife twice." Williams allegedly went on to say he would do something to the officer?s daughter, News 4 Jax reported.

Williams apologized for his actions after the initial arrest, but recently withdrew the guilty plea he submitted after the 2006 incident.

That withdrawal allowed the arresting officer?s notes to be made public. The officer said at the time of the arrest he did not know Williams had recently signed a multimillion dollar deal with the Jaguars, News 4 Jax reported.

The officer?s report claims Williams told him, "You think I'm a drug dealing (expletive) looking for a gun?"

The officer stated Williams told him his car cost more than the officer would ever make.

Williams, his attorney and the Jaguars would not comment to News 4 Jax on the alleged comments.

"We can't tolerate this type of hatred and racial-type language in this community. It just divides ? that is all it does," Isaiah Rumlin, president of the local chapter of the NAACP, told News 4 Jax.

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