This pis ss me off !


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-14 AT 09:37AM (MST)[p]After 2011 the Calif. Fish n game hired snipers, hit men to just kill all wildlife elk n deer. On Santa Rosa island, instead of transplanting the animals to areas in Calif, they killed them, the biologist said the animals would not have survived the transportation process, really, n just how did those deer n elk get on that island in the first place.

I'll tell you back in 1945 a cattle Co. Took deer from AZ. And Elk from Cali, darted them tranquillized them put them on a train then a boat n released them on the island, they were less politically correct back in those days, so the biologist in charge was full if chit, all this because the earth firsters wanted the island to be brought back to its original state before the animals were introduced, hypocracy at its best right there, you didn't hear a peep from any animal activist did you, me neither, the island was privately own when the deer n elk were intoduced but then later sold the island to the BLM....$29,000,000
Surely you jest, with all the high $ hunters out there looking for a nonprofit to donate to this would have been it, but many of them hands over their ears and eye while standing inline to pay for their high $ tags...hypocritical at best....
In the late 70s, early 80s our archery shop used to sponsor a hunt on one of the Catalina Islands. Pigs and feral sheep.

Numerous archery shops in N. and S. Kali would rent the island for 3 days every weekend, Oct-Mar. 30 hunters, one guide who really just dropped you off and picked you up.

Last year I went, about 1986, the sheeppopulation had been descimated. There were still pigs there.

The "guide" told me that the island had been sold to an "enviromentalist group." Shell Oil had offered $20,000,000.00+ but they had sold it for less than 10. The sheep were being slaughtered to protect "native" plants that were only native to the Islands, and S. Kali but all on the main land were long gone. The sheep and pigs presented a threat to these plants. The sheep were killed with what now would be called "assault rifles." We found bunches of .223 empties everywhere. The guide said they would shoot the lead ewe, the rams in the back and the rest would just mill while being slaughtered. He told me the pigs were so nocturnal that their plan for the pigs was to introduce pigs on the island that had been injected with a virus that would kill them hoping the diease would spread.

I took 2 pigs and one ram on that hunt and never went back.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-14 AT 00:16AM (MST)[p]Slayer, do you remember the name of that "guide" on Catalina?

At that time, one of my oldest and best friends was the State hunter there. He held the job for ten years, name of Stan E.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Sorry. I don't know. We were on the big island. I think Catalina was the one we passed on the way there BUT there was probably one biologist for the entire Channel Islands??

He was a bigger guy, mid to late 30years old back in 1985-86.

Catalina is the name i remember but I think the bigger island was a little further out.

I saw my first wild turkey on one of those trips too.
So how does this stuff fly under the radar, we get blamed for all kinds of atrocities but when one of the animal huger or excuse me tree hungers they get a pass from the media.?...

I'm telling you were to civil....

Anyways up in sisq county where I'm from they've started a petition. To fight the hound hunting ban, we need to support this ....
What part went under the radar? As far as I know it was planned for some time to kill everything off that island after it was bought it was no secret.
Care to show me a news paper clipping or a spot on a public news channel, for the last 10 year the anti hunters showed a video of a bear falling out of a tree on national tv what can you show me?...

Where are all the big $ hunters when you need them...?
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-14 AT 10:33AM (MST)[p]Manny, both you and 6x7 are right. the "sanitizing" of that island was well reported to be going to happen way ahead of time yet nothing was done to change it form happening.

To me, it was one of those deals, i can't believe they are going to do this, why in the World would they want to do thos, and, somebody/they surly will stop it before it happens. They did it, some people tried but nobody stopped them.

You are right to be outraged...It's a damn shame on Calif but it's too late on that issue to do anything about it. It's a done deal.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
I knew about the islands decimation for 10 years before it was officially closed to hunting. I would have loved to hunt the big bucks or elk...I just couldn't afford $8-10K to hunt the trophy animals.
I hunted Catalina twice during its decimation. The first year was a good hunt where the second hunt ( 5 years later) was horrible. The deer we saw and harvested were less than 100 pounds and were in terrible physical shape. But....they decided to leave the buffalo! Go figure.

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
I was fortunate to be able to bowhunt Catalina and Santa Cruz Islands many times in the 80's and 90's. Thanks to the Nature Conservancy and National Park Service... they're all gone... Ed F

I've seen these clips before, pretty awesome, worth another viewing...

and another


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Hey sage, the hunter was Stan Escover of Livermore,he worked many contracts
hog hunting first hunting with Bud goatcher who lived at UC Davis was probably one of Ca. premier pig hunters. Bud's dogs were second to none at the time. He caught and
killed thousands. Stan got his first strain of Catahulas from Bud,along with some dogs from Lina Helm from around Cotati. He partnered with good friend George Westrope
of Livermore and they hunted pigs on contract for sf water at San Antonio Res in livermore
Thanks Bobcat! Yes, Stan and i go way back as friends, hunters, and fisherman. We both hunted with our dads from toddlers and took our first bucks way before most guys even think of hunting. It would take pages here to even sniff at all the stuff that we did while hunting together, all the way up through him being my best man when i got married... Stan is good people!!

What did you guys think of them videos? smoker Cali bucks huh?


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
BOWUNTER, It's coming back to me. Catalina had pigs and goats, Santa Cruz had pigs and sheep. Santa Cruz was the big island, past Catalina.

Your photos jogged my memory. Those were fun, out of season hunts.

Thanks for the memories.
You're right about the animals... Catalina is the island off Long Beach. San Clemente Island is out past Catalina. There used to be goats on Clemente. The island is owned by the Navy and did not have organized hunting.

Santa Cruz Island is part of the Channel Islands off the coast of Santa Barbara. Santa Rosa is the next Island out past Santa Cruz.

All organized hunting has ended on the islands (animals slaughtered by the Nature Conservancy and National Park Service) except for mule deer hunting on Catalina. CFW saved the deer because they planted them there and are owned by the state.

I cut my bow hunting teeth hunting those islands... Ed F

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Urge 2 Hunt

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