This NM Antelope Has Class-


Very Active Member
We watched this buck from the spring till a .243 ruined his day. The huntress saw the pic back in May and started to practice diligently dreaming of him on her wall. It all came together last Saturday. Enjoy.....

He's got class alright....but did he have teeth? How old was this goat??


Aim Center Mass
No tellin how old. He did have teeth. However, I noticed the salt blocks in the area were blue, oval shaped, and stamped with a big "V". I sure hope he had his way with a couple of girls before this happened.
Since you asked, let get some experts in on this one. As you cannot see the prongs, I'm going to let you know they are 5 each. Eli, we need you in on this one.
That's a buck where the score don't mean jack. I'd rather have one with character like that on my wall than a 86" monster. Great buck. Congrats to the lady and guide.
Looks an awful lot like two we took several years ago up in 52 on the mountain. The length deceives you, and its not until you tape them that you see the real deal. Bases just look "normal", instead of extra heavy. I'd say around 82.5" gross and would net 80+".
OK-this is what we came up with. Weakest horn is 15.125 with 6.125 bases and 1st quarter, 3.75 2nd qtr, 2.5 3rd and 5 inch prong. Gross on both was right at 78. Blew my mind. I thought he was way bigger in terms of score. I'd of shot him in a heartbeat. No matter what he is way cool and I'm tickled Sharon got her buck that she waited all summer for. I'm attaching another photo....a live photo. Jimbo


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