this is why you should not show off



LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-08 AT 10:38PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-08 AT 10:25?PM (MST)

This is sent to me and I thought I would share it if you already seen it O-WELL but for the rest of you that have had a bad day the other videos should help you make it threw tomorrow

The chick in the last one was pretty good. She didn't flinch or drop the weapon... The guy handing it to her is an idiot.
RACKMASTER, you'll love this one..."
MR intake dude....that just Eel and BESSY practicing how to get sheep up a pole...too many sheep vs fence jokes so they come up with vertical version....Eel the frisky Blondie.. Bessy is the whiner! kilowatt on camera!

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