This is what MM is all about


Very Active Member
Hey Ya'll, thought I'd share what a wonderful site this is to bring together hunters and generally lovers of the outdoors. Through our tales and wishes, we've made new friends, some of whom we've actually met and shared some good times.

Blank came all the way from Idaho today just to spend a day in 'my' neck of the woods, and we had a wonderful time. For those of you newer folks, I met Blank through this website after he posted something about moose. I asked him for some advice on where to apply, and voila! I drew a tag the very first time. Now, we've all also met some of those folks that swear they can help you or provide assistance with scouting or whatnot, then never can be found again. Well Blank was the typical regular on this site, he was dependable as hell, and not only did we kill a darn fine moose together, we became good friends. I've gone up to Idaho on his invite many a time, and enjoyed some great fishing, sightseeing, and grouse hunting.

Well, he decided it was his turn to travel, so down he came. I took him on a tour of the Wasatch, from the Front to Strawberry, and he was pleasantly surprised to see that just outside Salt Lake is not all concrete and asphalt. We saw two fine bull elk, 2 fine buck deer, and I proved to him that yes, we really do have crawdads in other places besides the butcher block at Albertson's! All in all a wonderful day of companionship shared between two former strangers whose love of hunting and the outdoors came together right here on this amazing thing called the internet.

Brian, thank you again for putting on a great meeting place. Blank is the best buddy a person could have.

Congrats on the Tag Pedator!

I too met someone off a hunting message board, his name was Paul and I met him from He drew an antelope permit by my house. I helped him get an antelope that netted high enough for the all time book! The net is the newest place to start some wonderful friendships!

P.S. Did you put in for WY?

Ernesto, it's good to see you still come over to this page too. I did apply in Wyoming, 93 for speedgoat, and of course Region G. I expect to get the big fat refund check, but hey, I can put it toward paying my guide in Montana!
Hey girl-I'm back home safe and sound. Great trip and thanks for all the sightseeing spots. Do you know how far it is back to Idaho Falls if you go to Wendover and Jackpot? Even with Mr. Sulu and warp speed (can you say that to a cop? :))it is a loooong way. All of casinos are still noisy, smoky, and give and take money with no rhyme or reason! Kathy will have to pay for her own trip; at least my dog missed me lots, tho.

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