This is hilarious

You guys need to lighten up. Come on what are the odds of a bunch of whale watchers getting to witness a harpooning......the irony.......that is friggin hilarious. You can't make this kinda of comedy up.

It reminds me of the time after the Valdez oil spill. Remember all the animals covered in oil? Well there was this group that was helping clean up the animals and returning them to the wild. Which by the way I thought was a nobel cause. However there was this one sea otter the group had spent weeks rehabilitating and cleaning. They were setting it free along an Alaskan beach amid much fan fair. All the news cameras were out there to document the release, 100's ov on lookers and supporters, a band was playing in the back ground. The kennel was oppened and the otter ran out to the sea to free again. Just as the otter rolled onto his back a killer whale came from underneath and swallowed the otter. All captured on film. What are the odds. That is could not have scripted it any better.............
The otter deal sure is a good one. I can see how the whale watchers would get upset. I on the other hand would have liked to see the whaling process in action. Out of curiosity mostly.

Ironic maybe, but not funny, nothing dying is funny. they could ban whaling and it wouldn't hurt my feelings, they're amazing animals and their numbers are not in need of reduction at all. get enough green types around the world stirred up with things like this and botcotts of countries who still whale will end it.
Thats the greatest thing sence the treehuger here in N.Cali got a big Redwood dumped on his head by a logger.

"If it moves shoot it again"
The Otter thing is really Hillarious.

The whale story is funny to but not as funny as the Otter one.

The captin of the whale watchers boat shouldnt have stuck around after he relized what had happened.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
The saddest thing is that those whale watchers are going to have to live with it for the rest of their lives, just like the Captain of the tug boat that chopped up Luna.

I'm not laughing. A snicker or two but not laughing.

" Ironic maybe, but not funny, nothing dying is funny. they could ban whaling and it wouldn't hurt my feelings, they're amazing animals and their numbers are not in need of reduction at all. get enough green types around the world stirred up with things like this and botcotts of countries who still whale will end it."

As usual Dude you missed the point.
ellgrass I was going to go there..............but I stoped short. LMAO.......thanks.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Dude: just like some countries would love to see hunting banned because they don't or can't hunt in their country, It wouldn't bother you if some-one way of life had to change because of some-one opoinon,Killing is a way of making FOOD Wrap your brain around that. That is why your on the other side of every auguement on here. Please just move over to the other side of the of the world.
The irony of it makes it funny. A little dark humor.
Lighten up dude, you gotta admit its a little funny.

I would have liked to have seen it also. I think it would have been interesting and a neat experience. When i read Moby ##### i was captivated by that whole lifestyle, though, I am sure it has evolved plenty since then.
202, I am still LOLing at the Otter story!!!! You even got a laugh out if Ms. 257, which aint easy!!!

When I make a comment it's just that, you might freak out on every opinion you have but I don't. I don't really care if whales are killed or not that much, but I'll bet you there comes a day when it's banned, and I won't care. if the whalers want to keep whaling, and I bet they do then this is bad press and not going to help their cause. just like hunters are getting smarter and trying to keep a lower profile around non hunters these whalers probably wish they hadn't been seen. yes I do see a little dark humor in the irony.

Gator, if I find the words to say how little your opinion means to me I'll let you know.


You would think the secret service would do a better job of keeping the paparatze away from hillary while she's swiming.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
BFE- Was that during the swimsuit photoshoot at the Altamont Hilton swimming pool??

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