This guy nailed it



LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-08 AT 09:53AM (MST)[p] http:/

OK that didn't work, I hate computers.

It's a great read, go to todays Wall Street Journal and look at " The bipartisan fix for the oil crisis " by Joeseph Petroski

Why don't people like this run for president.
This guy sure did nail it on the head. Maybe there is hope, if this kind of article can make it into the WSJ.

He summed it all up very well with, "Our national interest is to add more energy, use it more efficiently, and diversify its source and type. This will serve to lessen the power of any one choke point (geography, nation or source)."


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
This perfectly explains why Obama's answer of 'drilling today won't have an impact for 10 years' is stpid. That is like saying 'a college degree won't help you find a good job for four years'. The market is highly susceptible to oil futures, not current price. The $145/brl cost is for futures and is growing more with every single day we waste not drilling. I completely agree that efficiency is just as important, but that shold not rule out drilling. Another issue that chaps my hide is that foreign oil companies are allowed to drill in US waters when US companies cannot.

all the rigs in the US are drilling right now, how can you make companys drill somewhere when there is more profitable areas somewhere else? we burned the easy stuff a long time ago, its a global market.
Its simply amazing that a person would know that all rigs are drilling right now. Seems like there might be just one or two idle rigs here in the country.
It's not make them drill, it's allow them to drill.
New technology is a beautiful thing it allows us to drill in areas where we didn't in years past.

the local newspaper has the rig count everyweek or so and information, they sometimes move here and there but they are very busy, I can see seven out my back window, Its natural gas here but the rigs are the same, offshore is different of course, the main thing is most of the big oil companys are going to go where the bigger easier fields are, the big companys here are from all over , Canadian,Dutch, American, British, its a world market for energy,
"" all the rigs in the US are drilling right now""

you mean to tell me that they cannot or will not build more rigs if allowed to drill in areas that have been off limits?

That statement simply defies common sense!
Excatly why is it the oil companies only want to drill where they can't drill? I'm not convinced the oil companies are that unhappy with things just the way they are.
yes, of course they buy them all the time, some previously closed areas are probably going to be opened up, whether the oil companys will invest in more rigs and everything is up to them, some areas will still be contested, check out ,sportsmen for the wyoming range, type that in and you should get the web site, lots of hunters, outfitters,ranchers,ect, fighting to keep development out of that area, drill drill drill, like everything else it sounds good till you get down to the details
>Excatly why is it the oil
>companies only want to drill
>where they can't drill? I'm
>not convinced the oil companies
>are that unhappy with things
>just the way they are.

because oil is not everywhere. the open leases right now don't all contain oil. you have to open up these other areas so you can find the oil, don't ya think?
3blade you're saying no more oil wells can be drilled in the areas open now? why not drill more wells where they can until more area is opened up?
"why not drill more wells where they can until more area is open up"
Gee!!! What if that area already open up is only capable of producing a low amount of oil and requires a well drilling going several thousand feet to produce that small amount of oil.
Dude that will be like telling you to plant your wheat in that alkali area of your field and not plant in the more fertile soil that will produce more bushels per acre.

Not actually, I have a freind who's worked on the north slope for 20 years and he says they could drill more wells it's just not as economical in the long term as starting another field elsewhere. we need more areas to drill that's not debatable, but to say the oil companies are doing all they can isn't quite true. they're pretty happy campers right now, record profits every quarter and they can blame the greenies for keeping it that way as long as they want.

We need more oil wells and we need more refineries. but there are millons of acres of area open to offshore exploration not getting much attention right now and how many refineries are you aware of being denied today? lets increase production where we can today and figure out the best places to drill and where to build the refineries and have politians take it to the voters, I think it would get the support it needs. "more gas" isn't a plan, it's politics.
"have politicians take it to the voters". My question would be why is your "marjority Democratic Congress" still sitting on their ass and not doing just that. Since they are the majority they need to push the bill, and if they do, there will be enought GOP members to side with them that Bush, even if he wanted too, could not get any veto to hold.
I do not plan to hold my breath and wait for the Dems to get off their butts and do something to help this crisis unless the people get so fed up that they start voting the slackers out of office.

And in the 6 years prior to Jan 2007 how much did congress do to assure a cheap oil supply? granted oil was much cheaper then but things like this take time and planning, why not get it done before the evil dems kicked them out on their butt? I don't think the dems are going to solve it either, I'm just sick of this crap that for 6 years of full control and a republican president in office today it's all the dems fault.

It's everyones fault even ours, and not the least of the blame goes to the republicans now pointing fingers.
Dude; Let's be realistic, 6 years prior to 2007 I am willing to bet that not even you had a crystal ball and predicted that this oil crisis was going to happen. As a result it was below the screen on everybody's mind that had other more pressing things to deal with. Now we have this problem in sight and what is your majority democratic congress doing about it except to sit on their thumbs. That may be their game plan since we have heard so many rumblings about certain democrats making statements about we needed higher oil prices to curb the use of carbon fuels to bring about their vaulted green effect along with the added taxes they are raking in due to the higher cost per gallon. Some of our stupid Dems in CA. are talking about the higher amount of taxes the state is now ripping off and hope it will fix our depleted give away to welfare budget. I do not think they care it is a bad deal after all for the citizens.
I just hope that certain GOP members keep raising the issue to drill more and build refining plants that will force the Dems to get off their ass and go along with the program or face the anger of the working American that put the bums in office.

I agree we need more oil and refineries for the short term , if the dems don't get on board they'll start losing and they'll deserve it.

The jury is still out on green house gases, if they turn out to be true then the dems are going to be right on track. you're asmuming the golbal warming issue is decided and the dems are out in left field, that isn't so. so you may be building buggy whip factories if they're right and then who'll have egg on their face. this is one of those few times I hope you're right, but we won't know for a while.
Nice balanced post. I don't buy the extremist views on greenhouse gases, but I conserve anyway. If I'm wrong, my conservation will have helped. If I'm right, hey, I saved money carpooling.


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