This aint right !!!!


Very Active Member
California needs more pig hunters. This guy was riding his harley drunk...hit a herd of pigs and sued the state......

A motorcyclist who was paralyzed when he struck six wild pigs on a California state highway in 2003 has been awarded $8.6 million by a Monterey County jury.

Adam Rogers, 45, sued the California state Department of Transportation, charging that officials knew that wild pigs regularly crossed a section of Highway 1 just south of the Carmel River to feed at a nearby environmental restoration project. Despite knowing that the pigs were creating a hazard, officials did nothing to address the issue, he asserted.

Rogers' attorney, Larry Biegel said:

"This was a situation that they, the state, created (referring to the restoration project), and then once they created it and saw what was happening they did nothing to stop it."
The state argued that Rogers was under the influence at the time of the incident, and that the pigs were no more of a hazard than any other wild animals on other highways.

In fact, Rogers' BAC was .10 after the crash, and the state of California has a drunk driving limit of .08. However, the jury found that Rogers' alcohol use was not a factor in the accident.

Rogers, a former champion kick boxer, will likely never walk again, and suffers from memory gaps as a result of the massive head injuries suffered when he was thrown from his motorcycle.
were the pigs hurt??

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON Mar-30-09 AT 10:25PM (MST)[p] "were the pigs hurt??"

Yeah but the pig got $8 millon dollars because of it so I wouldnt feel bad.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
>And the headlines read:
>Drunk on hog, hits pigs, can't
>walk or remember #####, while Liberal California jury awards millions, finding drunk cycle trash not at fault!
>And people wonder why Cali is
>going broke.

Uh huh......imagine if everyone who hit a deer or elk pulled this crap. Guy should have just been happy he did'nt get charged with DUI. Instead he gets a bujillion dollars which his family will blow for him.

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