THIS AIN'T KALI-RADO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think there is a law like that in Kali. Any animal you intend on taking must be dispatched and possessed asap. We wing tipped a goose and chased it down basically unharmed and put it in the blind with us. We were going to give it to a guy who had a pen of geese, but a warden came by and gave us a spanking.
Total "Click Bait" article. It's a misleading and upsetting headline to get people to click.

I also hate reactive lawmaking for incidents that are so outlandish and rare as that wolf debacle. Never happened before, will never happen again, no need to make claims that is legal, especially not to drag it up in a state where its never happened and never would. Mr Mike Godfrey must like making problems where none exist.

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