Thinking of Voting for Hillary?

I hope peter paul has good plans made for his young children because he is soon to join the long list of Clinton enemies that commit suicide.

We are screwed.

As much as I hate it , I truly believe she will be our next president.
I have heard from an insider, that she redefines the meaning of the word 'B-I-T-C-H"
We as gun owners and sportsmen are in for it....
Better think again about the Election and what could come out of this.............see below

she just may be the anti-christ...and she just may be the next president!!!!!
>I hope peter paul has good
>plans made for his young
>children because he is soon
>to join the long list
>of Clinton enemies that commit
>We are screwed.

i was thinkin the same thing!
Hopefully the repubs retake the senate or the house or pick up some seats. If not long live the fillabuster!

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