LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-19 AT 07:47AM (MST)[p]Dang

Just when I thought we would have a better chance to control global warming and save our planet. Now instead of the world coming to an end in 12 years it might be 11 years.

There is somethings in nature we have little control over. We can at least try to improve things. Fires cause a lot of damage. Pray for those who lost property or life, sad deal.
>Is someone trying to flush out
>Mick Dundee again?

Or maybe climate alarmists trying to make a statement.
Have a bunch of friends from CALFIRE who have gone over already. My son is a superintendent for the HotShot crew out of Craig Colorado now, and has been fighting wildfires for the last 15 years. Here's a note form one of his sources for the US.

"Oct 3, 2019 - Every year since 2000, an average of 72,400 wildfires burned an average of 7.0 million acres. This figure is nearly double the average annual acreage burned in the 1990s (3.3 million acres), although a greater number of fires occurred annually in the 1990s "
Sad to see the devastation to life and property. Fires in and of themselves aren't necessarily bad, and can help. But they bring consequences with them as well.

Thoughts and prayers to all negatively impacted.
Lake County in California.....has burned approximately 75% of the County in the last 3 years.

Sonoma County in California ...2017 ?.Tubbs Fire complex....over 5,000 homes burned.
Butte County in California 2018 ...something like 5,000 homes burned.

I am sorry for all the people who have been affected by the fires.
Think of the affect on all the critters too.


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