Things you shouldn't do past age 40



I'm well past but many of you aren't and need to know

Wearing you ball cap backwards, or worse yet sideways
Hanging out at bars
Wearing tank tops
Wearing speedos
Driving sporty rice burners with big mufflers
Riding scooters
Wearing class rings
Wasting more than 2 hours a day on work or school time on the net

Feel free to add more
Wearing a mullet.
retaking the GED.
Wearing tight Wrangler
(no one wants to know were your Johnsen is)
Driving a souped up Diesel truck }>
Letting my elders tell me what to do,LOL. J/K

If huntin is a sport.....Well your lookin at an athlete!
wear a
>bikini (woman of course),

MEN neither!

Itsy-bitsy pink bikini gets serviceman jail
updated 9:04 p.m. CT, Tues., Dec. 18, 2007
SINGAPORE - A Singapore national serviceman who sashayed into an elevator early one morning wearing only a pink bikini has been handed a day's jail and a $7,529 fine by a court in the city-state, a newspaper said Tuesday.

Tan Wen Zhong, 21, admitted to five charges, including "outraging the modesty" of the woman who shared the lift with him and "fraudulent possession of women's underwear," Singapore's Straits Times reported.

The paper said a subsequent police search of his apartment turned up 46 pieces of women's underwear and bikinis as well as four obscene films.

Tan, who was completing Singapore's mandatory national service when he committed the offense in April, was also accused of grabbing a 23-year-old woman's buttocks a year ago and of shoplifting a pair of sunglasses two years ago.

In mitigation, Tan's lawyer said his client had been badly affected by his parents' divorce during his formative years.

Copyright 2007 Reuters. Click for restrictions.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
"fraudulent possession of women's underwear,"

LMAO......Sounds like Beefy or Bobcat!!!
Zip it, MortgageMan, all my ladies underwear where obtained on the up & Up,
cept for them that were lying down at the time !!

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