Things you have made?



Has any one made anything for hunting that is interesting
any ideas on making anything for hunting lets see what everybody has made
You would have to be an idiot to post what you've made or an idea for hunting on here. Give me a break.
I made a pack weight reducer that connects to your belt and gives relief to your shoulders on long hikes. I got the idea when I was carrying a deer antler connected by the eye guard to my belt. I had been hiking all day and my shoulders were a little worn. When I connected the deer antler to the back side of my belt, my pack rested on it and gave instant relief to the shoulders.

That is when the light came on!

I don't mind sharing my ideas. Happy Hunting!
UUUHHH..... They call that a hip belt you genius, been putting them on packs for a long time now.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention, that after the hip belt invention, many complained about the pressure that was now on the hips after long hikes. Our friend Dahmer would not know about this since he rarely gets off his quad. That is why the belt attachment (if placed correctly to belt on the center of the back-side), takes the weight off of the hips as well.

I made a wind guard for my quad for cold morning rides. It works great. I also made a coffee holder!
back many years ago I made the mistake of telling/showing someone what I made-
guess what- I never seen anyone go so fast to get a patent as that guy did

but that did not stop me -
have made a turkey carrier patent pending

have developed an office exerciser- "you guessed it I work in an office-so you don't get much exercise using a computer and phone!" all exercises are done while sitting in my chair

have had other ideas

so share if you will any ideas or invention you have made


when you have met your match-
it is kill or be killed!
adrenoline rush!!!!!!
when you have met your match-
it is kill or be killed!
adrenoline rush!!!!!!

Thats not what I thought when I met my wife!

Here's a gambrel that you can make at home and will help reduce the weight in your backpack a little bit. Besides it, the only other thing that comes to mind is some shooting sticks I made out of 1/2" dowels, then sprayed em brown, then hit em up with some black spray paint, 1/2 covered, to give a camo effect. Put a band of velcro (pile) near the ends of one of the stick so that when you carry them they don't make any noise. Tie a piece of bootlace rawhide near the top, give it a few wraps, but not too tight so you can adjust it up or down the sticks. Easy to use, just adjust the rawhide for height, then move the sticks apart from each other (form an "X"), and have at it.

Hope someone can use the gambrel idea, I've used this one on a couple of hogs and one muley so far........weighs just ounces.
let's see.....dang, all of em? that's a buncha stuff. saddles, pack saddles, tack, rifle slings, ammo carriers, knives and scabbards, holsters, rifle scabbards, my own ammo (reloading), trailers, rifle scabbards, winch mounts, crawdad traps, fish spears, a smoker. if it wernt fer hillbilly injunuity, i wouldn't have nothin'. oh yeah, i've made my wife mad a buncha times too.
dido to RLH,
and then I can a a few, geese blinds,
altralight tie downs,
geese decoys,
portable tree stands.
auto ice fishing pole setters,(the original fishing trap)
tree climing gigs,
chain saw ropes
duck boats, I mean I formed and built the boat.
shooting sticks,
could go on and on but there are a few i'm not going to mension.
you'll just have to see them in the store.
I invented shoulder straps for my pack so I didn't have to carry it on my head. Works almost as good as the wheel I invented for steering my car. I haven't decided what to name that though. Guiding wheel? Navigation circle?.... OOh! I know! discualar directional device! I'm gonna be freakin' rich!

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