Things found while hunting


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Last year I saw this post and it was one of the best posts I have ever read on MM. This year while I was hunting I found a flashlight, someones arrow, and a gas can. LOL. Some of you from last year found some pretty amazing stuff. Lets hear what everyone has found while hunting. Doesnt have to be from this year..Just whenever and whatever it was.
I'll bite. This year I found a small clip on flashlight(new batteries and it works fine), several arrows, and a US army jerry can on a ridge at 9,000 feet. Would like to know the story on the can because an auto sure didn't haul it up there. Oh yeah, while turkey hunting this spring, I found a portable fire shelter in recent burn area, just like new in wrapper. I almost forgot about the 9/16 Craftsman socket on the road. Previous years have netted two lockback knives, a cow elk call, unspent rounds of ammo and a lot of cases some recent and others odd like a 30 Rem. and an old rimfire of about 45 cal. I am though still looking for that 5# gold nugget. Guess I'll keep looking.
NVMDF, WOW! I bet that was creapy!

My buddies antler buyer found a van. Inside was a man that commited suicide, while out antler hunting.

This year I found my old bino's i lost! Yippy Then I found a leather bullet carrier that will hook onto a belt. Too bad the 300 RUM shells wont fit in it, oh well, looks to fit the ole'mans 25-06 so i think i will end up giving it to him..

later, M_P
This year in Oregon,while out hunting with me, my son found two perfect Indian arrowheads and two broken spearheads!
Over the years I guess the Indian stuff is the best!
While hunting in Colorado this year I found a balloon with a note attached to it. Came from a little girl in Utah, I found out how many miles it traveled with MapQuest, I forget now. But I wrote her back and still haven't heard anything.
We have found numerous arrow heads. Like a few every trip. I have found a couple lock back knives, and old gun stock, lots of shells (spent and not), arrows (broken and not, horse shoes, and a whole lot of leaver rights.
i found two elk sheds one deer shed two arrowheads two stone knives and a old 45 60 casing so far this season
This year while hunting in 35a southern az, i found 3 hats, a pair of jeans, 20 dollars, a folding chair, a gas can, and a Jacket. Those illegals drop alot of stuff, and the chair and gas can were found in the road like sombody had dropped them out of their trailer or truck bed.- Justin
This year in Colorado, in a sage flat, I found a pretty nice heavy duty Gander Mountain longsleeve denim type shirt that a hunter must've laid down due to the heat, then forgot where he laid it. Nice shirt, too.

In Utah, I found my first shed, a 5 point bull elk.
Several knifes including a brand new Leatherman still in the sheath, a fairly new Buck 110 and a Gerber Gator. Also, arrowheads, bullets, arrows, 3 unopened cans or beer way back in a wilderness area (I checked the manuf. date on the cans and consumed them), a couple of laminated topo maps with a compass sitting on top of them and a used condom out in the middle of f-ing no where. Yuuuuuucky! Can you say Deliverance?


I also found a plane crash. I was on the backside of a mountain that i've been on several times. I hit a road and I know there are no roads in this area at least none by the maps. I opted to follow the road out even though I knew I would end up with a long long walk back to camp. I came out and marked the road which was disguised from the main road and few days later we took a 4 whlr all the way up the road to the end. There were pieces and parts of a huge plane strung out all up the mountain. You could still see where it plowed into the mountain and it was real eery feeling to see. The trail/road must have been made when they were removing bodies and such which was why it wasn't on a map. Gary
While resting my horse I looked down and found a broken arrow head. A few yards later I found a carbon arrow with an expandable broadhead. It was interesting thinking about the two different hunters that were hunting the same area generations apart. I sat both on a rock and left them.
I found a couple decent sheds, a ton of trash(nothing good), old bottles, old canned food, arrows, some auto parts. Last year was my best ever, a predator call, belt pouch with turkey calls an some other stuff, a nice rangefinder, swaroski binos, a 5" spear tip, anasazi arrow head(all indian stuff was left where I found it), and broken bino's.
Show and tell guys, heres my stash.

One side of a 4pt buck, when I found it it was still attached to the skull, I looked for hours to find the other side but never did so I broke it off the skull.

This is a casing from a 50 cal, I asked some old timers about it and they told me that the Air Force used to run practice sorties in the hills around here back in the 40's and 50's and that it was most likely a casing from that era. Its pictured with a .260 case just for reference to size.

Found this skull several years ago, thought it looked neat so I hung it on a plaque.

I found a 3/4 curl BigHorn Sheep skull this year. The Game and Fish said it was 5 1/2 yrs old. It died last winter and was laying in a fresh avalanche chute.
Some of the more interesting things I've found.... 3 dinasour eggs while turkey hunting in southern Colorado, 4 plane wrecks, indian caves, arrowheads, sheep skull....



6 inch fossilized shell

During the elk hunt in the thick pines I found a balloon with a card on it. For some ladies 95 birthday they released balloons for it, I called up and told them where I found it. They didn't care about the location found just the number of them picked up. I've found some old cabins over the years in different locations and states, way out in BFE. I found some binoculars at 9,880? when I was 11, only a strap was showing. The pine needles had covered them up over the years. I found an old pick axe a few years ago in some nasty cliffs. I picked up a 29? 3x3 skull that had a bullet hole in the back G2, the skull had laid there a good 20+ years.
This year I found one of those flashlights that strap around your head, and a small moose shead. one year (like back in the early 90's) my dad found a hunter that had been missing for a couple days and he had slipped and fell or something and his gun had gone of and shot him in the head.
This year I only found a "maggot infested" Antelope head and cape inside a "delapitated, rusty old worn out horse trailer". And it smelled really good too. BUT it was a nice rack, but didn't care to pick it up. he he

A few years back I found two teenagers having sex in their car on my buddies scared em pretty good when we sent the dog up to the car and he jumped on the hood and started barking!! I thought the poor guy was going to piss his pants....needless to say they peeled out of there immediately...without getting dressed!!!

Last year I found a dead Coyote pup...
A few years ago my hunting group were camped at a public campground and I went into the outhouse to drop a load. I look down through the hole and see a quarter laying on top of the floating crap pile. I yell out to my buddy to come it and take a look. I take a $5.00 bill out of my wallet and through it into the hole then jump down knee deep in sludge. My buddy asked me what the heck I was doing and I told him it wouldn't have been worth it to jump in there for a lousy quarter.
Got into 4 good bucks while elk hunting (bow) filmed afew of them, found some really good muley sheds, found out I have alot to learn about hunting with a bow and alot more to learn about hunting muleys. Found that I do have the patience to still hunt, to stalk quietly.. jus need patience enough to sit for hours and glass for critters.

Can't wait to see what next year brings
2 grunt calls. I think they were both mine i lost from years before! My buddy in AZ has found 2 bodies near the Mexican border while quail hunting. He was told by police that they were more than likely drug trades gone bad.
I found a plane wreck from the 40's era with human skeleton bones in the cockpit. I still have a piece of the wreck.
i did find an abandoned mine shaft that went back about 20 feet, inside were a wheel barrow (really old) a pickaxe, and a leather boot with a hole in it. in the mine i found several rocks with iny flakes of what looks like gold in them. i have also found a horse skeleton with the remains of a saddle intermixed, with 45-70 shells (7 of them, unfired) in the saddle bag, the rest of what might have been in the bag was torn up, chewed up, or gone.

Later Yall!!!!
Several years ago i found a buffalo skull that dates back to the 1880's. It,s well preserved as it was laying in a stream protected by the gravel.
We found an area that was an old homestead. You could kind of make out where the structure stood and off to the side the area was littered with about 50 or so rusted out quart sized cans. None of the cans had been opened with a traditional can opener, but had been opened by taking a very large knife and punching an "X" into the top. Must've been bean cans or something!!! We also found a balloon but there was no note. Tim
Over the years I have found some interesting finds.
Many abandoned gold/silver mines with mining equipment rusted and scattered around.
An old bottle in a pile of rocks with 1/2 ounce of small gold nuggets was my best find. Must have been hidden back in the 1870's or so and the owner never returned. I will never sell it.

Many old cartridges, binocular peices and an old Cochranes Aerated Waters blob top bottle in prestine condition.

Fossilized wood and buffalo specimens found in Eastern Colorado.
Many antler sheds found while hunting and scouting.

Two years ago I found a deposit of crystal quartz rocks with heavy minerals intermixed. One of these days I am going to have them assayed. They are so cool looking I have dug up around sixty pounds of them and hiked a couple miles out with them in my backpack.

Went into an old mine hidden by trees one year and got some weird viral infection that took three months to go away. Never again. Doctors gave me all kinds of antibiotics and never did tell me what I had gotten. There was old rail tracks and mining cars deep in the mine half covered in water and badly rusted.

Many other finds but not as exciting as the above.
A bunch of old pint whiskey bottles all over the family hunting grounds, according to my dad and uncle, they are from my great-uncle, he would drink quite heavily while hunting. I bet I've found 20 of them.

A fossil, looks like a tooth to me - I took it to a paleotologist, the result was "petrified bone matter - probably from early humanoid". Still looks like a tooth to me, and the guy did admit it wasn't his field. This was about 15 years ago, I should take it to someone else, but I don't like the thought of being disappointed, I'm OK with it being a dinosaur tooth.
We found a cave on a ranch in Chihuahua Mexico that was right next to big dirt tank. Inside were the bones of two or three coues deer fawns that a lion had apparently killed at the tank and dragged into the cave for a meal. The cave was shallow and also full of bat guano. We also found a vessel/container in another cave on the same coues hunt that was apparently made and painted by Apaches. We speculate that it was traded by an Apache to the local Indians because the paint work was Apache and not typical of Indians from the region where we found it. Another interesting observation was that the pottery was found within a few miles of the old hacienda that was built and occupied by a Mexican general, probably long after the Indians left the area but interesting never-the-less! Just prior to finding the pot, I had spotted and stalked a huge chocloate antlerd pot belly coues deer that would have scored in the mid to low 120's. The pot is in Mexico where it belongs and the lion is still running the ranch. This lion has killed four colts and recently came across the poarch of the hacienda like he owned the place! No gun in reach, what a bummer! Tbrown/Ojo Caliente Outfitters
An elk shed,
Couple bullets,
An Old Camp that somone backpacked in.
Couple old jeep gas cans.
Lotta beer cans.

a nice Uncle Buck lockback knife, hunters orange stocking cap (i plan to wear it again this year since it's so dang cold!), 2 grunt tubes for bugling elk, and a weather balloon all come to mind.

Hey TheKnack and OldOregon,
stay out of those abandoned mines. if it isn't the microorganisms that kill you it'll be the collapse of hundreds of tons of rock! Believe it or not, part of my 8-5 job is reclaiming those mines so no one gets hurt and sues the gov't...

* A non-typical coues deer skull
* Couple of coues deer and mule deer sheds
* Some old 30-30 casing
* A 1922 cassing, Dont know what caliber, looks like a 243, but it says that date on it.
* Lion kills
* That is about it.

Beto T.
While hunting along the Escalante Rim outside of Cedaredge Colorado, I found an old trap with something about the state of Colorado stamped on it. Inside the jaws of the trap were an old bunch of bones and claws from what seemed like a bobcat. I've also found numerous unfired bullets, arrows, a couple of mulie buck skulls and some old mining equipment.
Out pheasant hunting this weekend my dog found a snare, I should say the snare found my dog. The more my dog pulled to get out the snare synched tighter and tighter, when I finally got over to her she could barley breath. If I would have been on the other side of the canal she would have been dead by the time I made it across. When the canal dries out next year somebody will find a snare in the bottom.
This year while Muzz. hunting my dad found a leg band
from a bird. he did a little checking, and called the
phone number on it thinking it was from a goose, but it's
not. Wild turkeys were planted in this area years back
and we know some of them were banded. still don't know
what it was from.

NM 5 B about a semi load of beer cans, Some boy scout troop would make a killing up old horse shoe & a box full of mouth calls.
don't have much on things found,...but if anyone here finds a set of chevy truck keyes with the remote control still attached out in the quilomene area of central washington, give me a holler'...friend lost them this week-end while elk huntin'... course a little snow overnite didn't help much with the search
LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-03 AT 01:51PM (MST)[p]AntlerKing-

I've tried not to reply to your post regarding the snare, but I couldn't let it go.

As a full-time trapper who's worked in several different states across the west and dealt with trap/snare/fur theft, I find it hard to listen to someone openly admit to stealing a snare (illegal in all western states) simply because they were upset their dog was caught.

If you were on private land with permission and the trapper who set the snare was illegally trespassing, then I can understand where you're coming from. But if the snare was set legally, than there was no fault on the snareman's part.

I also find it ironic that the snare you stole was most likely set to catch foxes, raccoons or coyotes, all of which are pheasant predators. The snareman was doing you a free favor by removing pheasant predators.

I've trapped for several different upland and duck clubs in Utah/Wyoming and have snared and trapped countless hunting dogs (not to mention ranchers dogs while trapping for livestock protection and mule deer/antelope restoration projects). I have killed three dogs in snares; all were dogs off an indian reservation that had never before been tied up. I have never killed a hunting/domestic dog. With all hunting/domestic dogs, they lie down and wait and I can let them go because they've been tied up and are accustomed to being restrained.

I also promise you that the snare you found wasn't even close to as lethal as the ones I run because there are only a few snaremen across the west running a certain snare set-up for coyotes that kills in about two minutes; I'm one of them. With my snare set-up I've never killed a domestic dog and seriously doubt I ever will. Therefore, the snare your dog was in wasn't going to kill your dog. Yes, your dog's breathing was restricted, but unless your dog has never before been leashed/tied, it wouldn't have died.

This is not intended as a personal attack on AntlerKing. I'd simply like to increase awareness to the general hunting public to not steal traps/snares and/or animals caught in them.

[I apologize for detracting from the original topic of this post.]
Found a very old tobacco tin nailed to a tree with a hand written note in it claiming mining rights. Don't remember the date but I think it was 1930's +/- 10 years. Left it there. Found old homesteads in Colorado with a few of the homesteaders buried nearby. Often children judging from the size of the graves. Abandoned or lost cyanide traps used for coyote control. I can't describe them well because the guy I hunted with (retired warden for that area of Colorado) kept us well away. My favorite, while hunting in Colorado with same retired warden we found what he described as an old dugout(?) probably used by someone who didn't want to be found. It was a small room dug into the side of a hill. Some of the saddle blanket which was used as a door still remained as did some old pottery inside. We collected all the shards we could find and he put them together as a winter project.
found 2 intructors for some outreach deal for troubled kids. they were leadin' em on a trek in the gila wilderness. don't know where the kids were, but these 2 were doin' a dance called the horizontal mombo on a sandbar on mogollon creek. rode up on mules about 10 yards away and watched em for few minutes. woman opened up her eyes and liked to killed the poor feller underneath her. wish i'da had a video camera that day.
lots of indian ruins, a fossilized worm, six pack of coors light, a box of unfired 338 win mag shells, old plane wreck, a covered wagon at the bottom of a small canyon, a small jaw trap, gold. heard a story a few years ago of a guy finding an old camera out hunting, got the film developed and it was pictures of his dad out hunting with his grandfather.

I have found two interesting things while hunting. Once I found a complete intact Buck hunting knife! But, the most interesting find was the left half of a Spanish conquistador's breast plate. Evidently one of Coronado's men got killed or lost it. I found it in an old indian campsite. It was buried near several tons of broken pottery.

I went hunting in northern New Mexico when I was a youngster and thought I was really the thing.I carried my leather wallet faithfully (which I faithfully carried my hunter safety card and deer license.At the end of the day I had realized it had worked its way out and I had lost it.I had given up when 2 years later the guy that took me had found it by a water tank.It was barely hanging together by a thread.Still had 2 dollars in it.What a surprise.
last year I found an odd looking section of what looked to be a cedar fence post about 8' but it was hollow throughout and open at the ends. It whas wrapped with a 1/4" steel wire spaced about 4" in between the spiral coils. The next day I was in the local town doing laundry from the hunt and walked into the local museum and found an identical piece on the wall labeled as a water pipe from the 1870's, constructed to bring water to the local town from the springs in the local mountains. The spiral coils of metal were to hold it together because is was constructed of 6-8 pieces coiled together, similar to a split bamboo fly rod. pretty cool, but nothing like the pottery, stone hammers, etc. that have been laying around out there for unknown centuries.

right after i go out of high school (ok, reform school) i was water skiing and lost my class ring. about 5 years later i was fishing in the same cove and caught a huge bass, almost 10 lbs. i wash shocked when i gutted him and found out that my class ring wasn't in him.
Hey, if someone finds my Kodi-Pak set of knives in the Kaibab let me know! They were brand new!
I found a mine shaft, actually a vent hole for a mine shaft, that I almost fell into. That thing was about 4 feet across and 25 feet deep. I found an old whitetail shed right next to it. I am glad that I didnt "stumble" across that hole at night! They would have never found me.
found an old wood burning stove it is sandwiched in amunst so huge pines, figured it was a old ranch back country stove, or maybe got left there when settlers were trying to cross the mountions,
its in excelent shape i recall seeing aa chicago name on it.
theres no way to get it out it in the middle of a 900 sq. mile wilderness area.
i do wish i had it.
I have found a few knives over the years but nothing to ever write home about. The thing I just can't understand is the number of womens underwear that is just out in the middle of no where. Seems I can't go hunting anywhere in Utah without finding a pair hainging in a tree or sage bush somewhere nearby. How do you forget your underwear? I just don't get it.
I've found a couple fo decent knives and a few sheds. The biggest was a 4 pt elk. My buddy found a really nice 6 pt elk shed.

In 2001, I lost a Bushnell 800 yd range finder in Wyoming, Region J, Deer area 73. If anyone finds it, let me know. It was in a camo buddy-lock pouch that came loose and fell off my Cabela's fanny pack.
I have found lots of old bottles and such while hunting sheds and big game. I know someone that found a huge bear trap in the wilderness, it had the big toothed jaws and was probably about 30 inches across the springs. The thing was huge.
You won't believe it (I was shed hunting)... I found a camo bag w/ a vibrator! I can't go shed hunting now w/o think thinking about the gal that was carrying this around and how she lost it (let's hope it was a gal)!!!!

Theodore Roosevelt once said, "The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation, INCREASED and NOT IMPAIRED in value."
I found a Smith & Wesson .357 while turkey hunting a few years ago. It was stainless steel so all I did was put a new grip on it and clean it up. Now it looks and shoots great. Come to find out it was guy that I know and he told me that he had already got a new one so I kept it. He said that he lost it four years before I found it.
One time I saw a blaze orange hat laying on the ground so I walked over to it to pick it up. Once I got a little closer I realized that whoever left it there did on purpose as it was obvious the person didn't have any TP with them and had used the hat instead. The hat stayed
I've found a couple fo decent knives and a few sheds. The biggest was a 4 pt elk. My buddy found a really nice 6 pt elk shed.

In 2001, I lost a Bushnell 800 yd range finder in Wyoming, Region J, Deer area 73. If anyone finds it, let me know. It was in a camo buddy-lock pouch that came loose and fell off my Cabela's fanny pack.
Damn I’ll keep my eyes out for it this fall.
right after i go out of high school (ok, reform school) i was water skiing and lost my class ring. about 5 years later i was fishing in the same cove and caught a huge bass, almost 10 lbs. i wash shocked when i gutted him and found out that my class ring wasn't in him.
I actually did lose my high school class ring. Couldn't remember where, but one day my dad was discing an area where he had his garden and saw something shiny. Got off the tractor and found a ring. He realized it was a high school class ring and remembered I lost mine and showed it to me when I came over. I lost it about 25 or so years ago at the time, didn't know where, but it must have been while I was working in his yard when I was younger.

Son relieved father’s remains found near Utah hunting camp

By Mike Nolting
October 9, 2020 - 1:42 pm

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — The remains of an Upshur County man, missing for nearly a year after a hunting trip in Utah, have been discovered.

“I’m relieved and happy,” Crumrine’s son Paul Crumrine, of Morgantown, said Friday on MetroNews “Talkline.” “It’s such a relief to know he died doing what he loved.”

The remains of Crumrine, 69, of Buckhannon, were found this week near Lake Lyman, Utah, with a rifle, GPS unit and a HAM radio, according to his son.

A several week search last fall turned up nothing. Searchers at that time used RECCO technology that is commonly used during avalanches. A helicopter carrying the RECCO devices sends a signal that is designed to bounce back from metal objects.

“The area he was in was so heavy and dense. They did the helicopter fly over with the RECCO unit and didn’t pick him up, I assume just because it’s so thick.”

The remains were discovered this week by another hunter about a mile from Crumrine’s camp site. Paul Crumrine said he’s not surprised last year’s search wasn’t more productive.

“We were headed that direction as we were starting to spread out the search,” Paul Crumrine said. “With the impending weather coming in we went another direction because there was a boot print or something we had found.”

Crumrine was last seen alive early on the morning of Oct. 14, 2019, in the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest in eastern Summit County. He was reported missing later that evening when he still hadn’t returned to the group. That’s when Summit County search crews went to work.

Paul Crumrine has deep appreciation for the searchers that worked long hours in their attempt to locate his father. He says family members do have some peace knowing he passed away doing something he loved.

“He went with his boots on doing what he loved,” Paul Crumrine said. “I can’t be more proud of him and happy for the way he went.”

He said Carl Crumrine will be missed, but remembered by many.

“We’d like to have some kind of memorial service because his mining buddies will not allow us not to have a service. They’ll want to pay their respects to him, he was a well respected member of the mining community,” the son said.

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