Things a Grown man should have?



F'dudes post about what a grown man shouldn't have got me thinking..... what about the stuff we should have?

at least 1 magnum
a 4X4 that's made in America
a pretty gal that knows when to shut up
cold beer
a job that don't require a tie
a scar he earned
bail money
no regrets

Post 'um up kids

A $100 worth of pennies.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
At 64 years of age, I tend to agree with all the above....except the "no regrets" part.

If you have no regrets, that means you have always done the right thing and didn't take enough chances. I kind of like some of the mistakes I made, and certainly regret several of them. I get a lot of giggles out of remembering those things.

"'ll shoot your eye out kid!"
I sliced my eye open when I was six got a sweet scar from that.


I beleive I have a total seven scars just on my head. I wasn't very safe growing up suprised im not brain dead.

Not sure what you meant by magnums but I have a box of trojan magnum condoms. Don't use them there to big. But when you ask a chick to grab your rubber out of the night stand, and they read magnum well, it automatically plants in there brain your hung like a horse, when you go to put it on just toss it across the room and put on the regular one. Works everytime lol.

I do own a three fifty seven mag as well.

A stash of adult movies and mags.
his own bedroom
his own bathroom
his own TV
his own computer
his own garage

Did you mean grown man, or old man?


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

A handgun bigger than .32 and the skill to use it.

A few memories that he will never share.

A taste for small batch whiskey or single malt scotch.

A bit of skepticism.
I have NNNOOOO idea...I'm not growing up...just getting least thats what my wife says....
freezer with meat.
roll of toilet paper somewhere.
Duct tape.
The taste for meat.
The comforts of a good woman.
John Wayne flick.
An ole grubby coat.
A pair of worn out boots that ya ain't ready to part with.
pliers somewhere in your truck.
A BBQ grill.
The ability to tell his wife to quit being a b!tch, no matter what time of the month it is....and have her listen!

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
Every man should have:
A good woman who loves him, a woman who is great in the sack and can give a great backrub, a woman who he can take to a cocktail party and turn every head in the room, a woman who is a great cook, a woman who allows him to go hunting or fishing or to the gentlemen's club whenever he wants amd will clean up the mess or bail him out when hes done. And every man should have the good sense to never let all these women be in the same place at the same time.
NV- You must be mormon. How do you know which one will do which?

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
#1 - A job
#2 - A wife that understands your desire and passion for killing
#3 - Kids that love to hunt right along side their old man
#4 - All the right kinds of hunting gear

Is there anything else a man needs? I say no.

It's always an adventure!!!

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