
Long Time Member

The Carona/COVID has Slowly been infecting more people here in TARDville!

Maybe it's because of more Testing being done by the Day?

If it's as Bad as they Claim it to be?

With Them Knowingly (Supposedly?) that it's still spreading more by the Day?

Why did they start opening things back up a few weeks back?

Something Don't make any Sense here?

When these .19 cent Masks (That They've Been Raping People for!) start saving Lives Please let Me know!

I Still see people Driving around in their Vehicles wearing them when they are the only person in the Vehicle!

They Afraid they're gonna catch Carona from their-selves?

They are after control of people. Agenda 21 ..

They can't do it all at once. What is sad is there are many people afraid of leaving their house ( Stockholm Syndrome).
Every idea they can use to get a different person in the Oval Office will be used. After that the pace will hasten. I'm not a Conspiracy theorist but I do believe this is real. I was aittle worried about this Pandemic at first even, but now I see it for what they are using it for.
A guy I know made the mistake of telling his boss he wanted a couple vacation days off to go fishing at Lewiston Lake. It's in the next county east of here. His boss told him it would be fine but when he came back he'd have to self quarantine for 14 days before coming back to work. This has gotten waaaay out of hand.
They are after control of people. Agenda 21 ..

They can't do it all at once. What is sad is there are many people afraid of leaving their house ( Stockholm Syndrome).
Every idea they can use to get a different person in the Oval Office will be used. After that the pace will hasten. I'm not a Conspiracy theorist but I do believe this is real. I was aittle worried about this Pandemic at first even, but now I see it for what they are using it for.
I'm with you on this. These F'n Globalists want to bring down the USA.
So in my generation we protested against the Viet Nam War because of the lives we were losing over there. That war lasted for years and took 58,300 of our soldiers
This pandemic has killed in excess of 110,000 in less than 3 1/2 months and is still killing people.
This crap is real in my area not sure about yours
I agree that it needs to be handled differently in each area depending on the spread of the virus.
My cousin has three friends that have died from it in less than two weeks once infected.
So in my generation we protested against the Viet Nam War because of the lives we were losing over there. That war lasted for years and took 58,300 of our soldiers
This pandemic has killed in excess of 110,000 in less than 3 1/2 months and is still killing people.
This crap is real in my area not sure about yours
I agree that it needs to be handled differently in each area depending on the spread of the virus.
My cousin has three friends that have died from it in less than two weeks once infected.

My wife’s brother died last night because he could not get a surgery he desperately needed months ago.

Way more people dying like that than the Coronavirus has killed. Dying needlessly because of terrible mismanagement of a self imposed panic.
With having family on the front lines working senior care and hospitals, I KNOW that this a real deal. Anyone who believes it isn't should go into the Virus rooms and hang out with the people who have it. The IQ in the world will take a huge jump.
With having family on the front lines working senior care and hospitals, I KNOW that this a real deal. Anyone who believes it isn't should go into the Virus rooms and hang out with the people who have it. The IQ in the world will take a huge jump.

I don’t know about anybody else, but am not saying this virus is not the real deal.

I too have family members (Doctors and RNs), plus I rent to traveling nurses all of whom are ICU nurses who have been working over time for months dealing with this mess.

The overwhelming consensus among them is that it has been a big mistake shutting down most of our medical system.

Some of the horror stories they are telling about what people have done to themselves because of fear and lack of care that are coming to light the last couple of weeks as things are starting to loosen up are something else.

IQ, and common sense sometimes take different paths.

My wife’s brother died last night because he could not get a surgery he desperately needed months ago.

Way more people dying like that than the Coronavirus has killed. Dying needlessly because of terrible mismanagement of a self imposed panic.
This is the sad part of this crap going on. How many people didn't go to the dr. Because they were scared. People that need cancer treatment, heart problems etc..
Fear is the biggest salesman.

Don’t think for a second that there ain’t a politician or two getting rich off of this virus crap!

America is being played. Yes, virus is real. Yes people are dying every day from it. And yes, the dirty politicians are thriving as they prey off of the fear that “we the people” provide them.

We are entering a “new norm” for our schools and places of business. Don’t know that things will ever be the same.

More restrictions is all that I see.....protecting us from ourselves.....but in reality.....just more government control and les rights for you and I.

Wouldn’t be surprised if they initiate a mask season and a stay at home season starting this fall and forever moving forward!

Just like the yellow and red burn days in winter months.

Or the no campfires during summer months.....

Virus season is coming!

Life will never have the same rights and privileges as it used to!
My wife saw a news article where two doctors in Southern CA. were ordered to list deaths as the result of covid-19 when those deaths had no facts to show that covid-19 caused the deaths. Both doctors were very upset about the false reporting of covid-19 deaths stats.

So in my generation we protested against the Viet Nam War because of the lives we were losing over there. That war lasted for years and took 58,300 of our soldiers
This pandemic has killed in excess of 110,000 in less than 3 1/2 months and is still killing people.
This crap is real in my area not sure about yours
I agree that it needs to be handled differently in each area depending on the spread of the virus.
My cousin has three friends that have died from it in less than two weeks once infected.

Ummmm, you protested, had Woodstock, made sweet free love, during the Hong Kong Flu pandemic68-69.

It killed 100,000, and hospitalized 675,000.
With about 1/2 the population of today.
In order to donate blood they test it. Elective surgery, they test you, 1 positive, and entire business is tested. When you go looking for something you generally find it.

Notice in all the stats there isn’t a “symptomatic “ category? Kinda like showing that the vast majority of folks had no idea they had it, might lessen the fear?

Even with all the “second wave” nonsense, the death rate keeps going down. Had NY, NJ, and a handful of other lib run states not intentionally infected their nursing home populations, we would be under 100k.
Yep all those nurses signup to intentionally kill old people.
Here your sign. Can't fix stupid.
If you really believe what you wrote you need some help.
Gator, who are you aiming that remark too. If it is hossblur, he is right about certain Democrat politicians in New Jersey and New York forcing senior citizen care homes to take in patients that had Covid-19 that they were not set up for. As a result thousands of senior citizens died in those care homes from Covid-19. They could have been sent to the temporary hospitals that Trump and the feds set up for that purpose in New York and were not used.
No one is laying the blame at the feet of the nurses, who did their best to care for those infected senior citizens.
Yep all those nurses signup to intentionally kill old people.
Here your sign. Can't fix stupid.
If you really believe what you wrote you need some help.

No. But the governors of those states signed executive orders that barred nursing homes from not taking COVID positive people.

OR, simply put, those governors sent COVID to nursing homes,
Fell free to look for yourself, and you can keep your sign
YEP I just don't follow the BS crowd, Since I have a niece and SIL that work in those places. I know that they are still taking in COVID people but the retirement home(Riverside Ca) that my niece works in DOESN'T have to take anyone that test positive.
Yes they are trying to put all the ones that test Postive in one local area with NO visiting to try keep contained in that place.
Kind of like the Redlands retirement home.
YEP I just don't follow the BS crowd, Since I have a niece and SIL that work in those places. I know that they are still taking in COVID people but the retirement home(Riverside Ca) that my niece works in DOESN'T have to take anyone that test positive.
Yes they are trying to put all the ones that test Postive in one local area with NO visiting to try keep contained in that place.
Kind of like the Redlands retirement home.


The nursing homes were REQUIRED. By mandate from Governor

Has nothing to do with nurses. They were forced to take them.
Gator comparing the place your niece works in Riverside, CA. to the rest homes in New York and New Jersey is like comparing Riker's island to a Nazi death camp thanks to a few Democrat politicians that wrote off senior citizens in rest homes.
The New York Gov. had information that Covid-19 could be fatal to senior citizens with certain medical conditions and he still forced the senior citizen homes to take them in or lose their license when he had a U.S. Navy medical ship and a temp federal hospital set up with military medical personnel that could have been used instead. That S.O.B. has blood on his hands and none of your libs will call him on it. Now you tell me who is the B.S. crowd! Senior citizen homes are not set up with the right equipment to isolate patients with a contagious virus. Hospitals will isolate those patients in a ward that is set up for it and that includes a isolated ventilation system to prevent the spread of a virus thought out the rest of the hospital.
You have heard of the legionnaire's disease that was spread thought out a hotel via the air conditioning system.
Maybe you need to quit listening to CNN as they are part of the BS CROWD.
Ummmm, you protested, had Woodstock, made sweet free love, during the Hong Kong Flu pandemic68-69.

It killed 100,000, and hospitalized 675,000.
With about 1/2 the population of today.
Yes we did make sweet free love , sorry for those of you that didn't get a chance to live during this time.
Hong Kong flu, Sars, Aids, all of them if you are careful you can avoid them. The point is that this virus is killer as well
There's a county park over at Samoa that has a boat ramp and a few camping spots. It's the only boat ramp on that end of the bay. It has a sign that says 'Day Use Only' but the road to the boat ramp is blocked off. I have no problem with taking extra precautions to keep people more safe but I do have a problem with intentional harassment and illogical orders by the government that do nothing but hurt the country and kill more people than they save.
There's a county park over at Samoa that has a boat ramp and a few camping spots. It's the only boat ramp on that end of the bay. It has a sign that says 'Day Use Only' but the road to the boat ramp is blocked off. I have no problem with taking extra precautions to keep people more safe but I do have a problem with intentional harassment and illogical orders by the government that do nothing but hurt the country and kill more people than they save.

We rode up the Oregon coast. It was nothing more than harassment the way the state closed tiny turnoffs. Literally spots big enough for 2cars to pull out and see the ocean, covered with cones, police tape and CLOSED signs. Pullouts 5 feet away were open. It was 100% just a way to irritate people. On the list of things that could “help stop the threat”, a 10ft strip of gravel off the side of 101, had to be nearly last.

Governors, mayors, beauracrats instead of sitting around trying to think of the least amount of inconvenience, sat around trying to find things to piss folks off.
It was also released as Utah continued what is now three straight weeks of at least 200 new cases per day some days more amid the fastest spread of the disease. 1400 or more a week that is a pretty big deal.
Guess these guys are spreading that fake news too.
It was predicted that there would be a spike in cases due to the idiots getting together to mount their protests all across the country.
Maybe some of those Democrats that marched with them will come down with Covid-19 also.
Nothing like marching shoulder to shoulder to spread a virus across the ranks of idiots protesting.


Maybe there is Something Good to come from a Protest?:D

It was predicted that there would be a spike in cases due to the idiots getting together to mount their protests all across the country.
Maybe some of those Democrats that marched with them will come down with Covid-19 also.
Nothing like marching shoulder to shoulder to spread a virus across the ranks of idiots protesting.

We only have 140,000 people in my county and we've already had 4 deaths in just 3 short months. All 4 were in one nursing home. It's so bad we went to mandatory face masks today, anytime we can't maintain 6' apart indoors or outdoors. They waited until after the riots though so no one would be too upset.
It was also released as Utah continued what is now three straight weeks of at least 200 new cases per day some days more amid the fastest spread of the disease. 1400 or more a week that is a pretty big deal.
Guess these guys are spreading that fake news too.

You get tested if you give blood, have elective surgery, if 1person in a workplace has it the entire place gets tested.

It’s more surprising the number isn’t double that
IT might be double so just sicker then others.
The amount of testing is sad everywhere.
test kits are some good, other are pieces of crap.
Wow I guess them states are faking all these HIGH AS H#LL numbers to make the President look bad, OH wait those are RED states. AZ,TX,FL.
Sorry to tilt ya'll boat BUT the virus is the real deal.
Wow I guess them states are faking all these HIGH AS H#LL numbers to make the President look bad, OH wait those are RED states. AZ,TX,FL.
Sorry to tilt ya'll boat BUT the virus is the real deal.
The virus is the real deal but what do you want to do keep milking it for two more years!
If we do not finally deal with it and allow some pepole become immune from it and build a fire wall this will be with us until they come up with a vaccination, which could be more than two years.
Nope want people to be safe and do what you can to stop or slow it down, Wearing masks could be a part of it and you see tons of people who don't give a $hit it they wear one. Try and find out what happens to the people who has had it bad not the ones the only had it like a common cold some bad $hit happens to their bodies.
You hear it no big deal. If wearing one cuts down on just one person not getting it, I'm willing to put my feeling aside for them.
You think I like losing all the business that it has cause me and my family with the amount of work we have lost.
I don't like wearing it, But I will if it keeps one person feeling safe.
Hearing people saying it a Put on thing that is fake and no big deal tell that to all the families in the world who have lost a family member or friend.
This isn't a DEM made virus scare, The whole WORLD didn't get behind it for they to win in November. I hear everyday someone saying it's a fake deal.
Like all viruses over the past 1000 years this one is real too. This is the first one to be used politically to create fear and chaos.
So true!! and pretty sad... we are the greatest country on earth and we can't get a grip on this crisis that effects everyone regardless of our political beliefs.

We can't even get a consistent message from our so called leaders. They all failed on this, and we all pay the price for it.

Crazy to think issues that effect us all and needs the attention of most, are being spun into a situation that is political and rips us apart.
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I keep hearing people say this is real. I keep seeing people post saying it's not a "fake deal".

Who says it is fake or not real? I literally haven't met a single person saying that. What I have seen is people saying our news and politicians are full of spit. that doesn't mean they don't believe the virus is real. That means they aren't going to trust the groups who sold out their credibility long ago.

Credibility and integrity have priceless value. Fear, guilt, hyperbole, and self-righteousness are cheap luxuries. Where your mask if you want. Don't ware your mask if you want. Just quit looking down your nose at those who do or don't. Start remembering they are you neighbors. Quit thinking you should have control over them.
I keep hearing people say this is real. I keep seeing people post saying it's not a "fake deal".

Who says it is fake or not real? I literally haven't met a single person saying that. What I have seen is people saying our news and politicians are full of spit. that doesn't mean they don't believe the virus is real. That means they aren't going to trust the groups who sold out their credibility long ago.

Credibility and integrity have priceless value. Fear, guilt, hyperbole, and self-righteousness are cheap luxuries. Where your mask if you want. Don't ware your mask if you want. Just quit looking down your nose at those who do or don't. Start remembering they are you neighbors. Quit thinking you should have control over them.

Hello Tristate,
I couldn't have summed it up any better than you just did.
Thank you.

I keep hearing people say this is real. I keep seeing people post saying it's not a "fake deal".

Who says it is fake or not real? I literally haven't met a single person saying that. What I have seen is people saying our news and politicians are full of spit. that doesn't mean they don't believe the virus is real. That means they aren't going to trust the groups who sold out their credibility long ago.

Credibility and integrity have priceless value. Fear, guilt, hyperbole, and self-righteousness are cheap luxuries. Where your mask if you want. Don't ware your mask if you want. Just quit looking down your nose at those who do or don't. Start remembering they are you neighbors. Quit thinking you should have control over them.
I agree, for the most part all the people I have dealt with realize this is a problem. Everyone experience with this is different so their reaction to it will be different as well. It's a huge problem in some places and not so big of a problem in other places so the community response might be different and their attitude toward it.

However, You, me, and our friend and families have been affected by it and made in some cases huge sacrifices because of it. Most of our lives have been disrupted by this. This is what is the most frustrating. Not having a consistent message, a consistent plan, a consistent approach. I feel like not having a consistent message, plan, approach, if a failure and DISRESPECTS the sacrifices we have all made.

In a crisis like this, a global and national crisis. I like most look to my leader for he is the one man who has the power to bring us together and deliver a true narrative so we can beat this. and sadly I feel he has failed on this. We all need him now more than ever.
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I'm out of here... Im going Fishing

thanks for for the different perspectives boys everyones got their own story, good to hear them
Here is what I know-

My daughter works part time as a event coordinator at a memory care facility. The other side of the facility is an assisted living facility for seniors. During the whole 1st phase they did not allow visitors in the facility, approximately 3 months. Some older patients died during that time and the family could not be with them, None tested positive thru early June including all that worked there. Pretty good for a facility that was high risk.

In mid June they opened up the facility for family to visit in the assisted living section, outdoors only and 1-2 family members at a time and at least 6 feet apart. A week later they had their 1st positive case. Since then they have had 14 positive cases. No one visiting supposedly did not have the virus, My daughter has been tested twice, even though she does not work on that side of the facility and she is ok so far. The test is very uncomfortable.

My wife retired as a RN after 37 years last august. She keeps in touch with some of her friends in newborn and delivery where she worked, and they now have dedicated a part of their floor for positive mothers that can be kept separate. So far 3 young nurses have tested positive. They have had a few mothers that were positive, all within the last month.

Our parent company in North Carolina had one case thru the 1st part of June. Many work revisions were made in the plant in early March, shut down 3rd shift, had workers work separate shift and times, many worked from home where that could happen etc.

Restrictions were relaxed a few weeks ago, and now the main office has 7 new cases.

I have no idea what to make of this. Is it real or are we being played to make it bigger then what it is? I also almost lost a hunting buddy who battled the virus for 7 weeks in 4 different hospitals, had a heart attack on the ventilator and lost 33 pounds during this time. He said that's it-sold his business a few weeks ago and retired to hopefully recover over the next year and enjoy life.
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I said from the very beginning that something wasn't right.
They turned the Flu into the Bubonic plague.
Hell, measles killed more people in 2018.
Here’s your message:

“It’s a communicable disease. Your likely going to get it.“

But I’m sick and tired of the finger wagging.

The same crew telling everyone how selfish they are, how they aren’t caring about others are STEALING money from my kids, grandkids, and great grandkids. Sitting around, pounding keys, watching TV, VIRTUE SIGNALING, while ROBBING future generations, IS NOT MORAL, ETHICAL, or CARING.

If your fear out ways your need to work, by all means stay home.

BUT. Having kids deliver everything you need, exposing themselves, while you do so means only you value THEIR WELL BEING, less than YOURS.

Here’s message 2

“Government is not the solution, Government is the problem”

While YOU aren’t at church because it’s too dangerous, but your neighbor is at a protest, think that through.

This is the smartest virus EVER. It only affects employers, and religious folks.

Sure is good there wasn’t bailouts during WWII.

Oh wait, IT WOULDNT OF MATTERED, those folks weren’t sitting around whining, they faced life head on, and didn’t wait for a feel good PR message, or a “we are the world” song.

Had we not shut down, there would be no “second wave”. A second wave in this one is 100% government created.

Rant over
I said from the very beginning that something wasn't right.
They turned the Flu into the Bubonic plague.
Hell, measles killed more people in 2018.

We shoot whistle pigs up in Idaho that still have plague.

Guess we will be wearing masks forever if corona is like plague??
I'm With Eel!

A Couple Days Ago a Guy I was Talking to said You Best Get a 'REAL' Phone!

(((Yes,BIGJOHN Will Laugh!:D)))

I've Got the Phone I Want!

Just Don't know How Much Longer it's gonna Work?
If you have any in patient or out patient hospital procedure you will be tested. If you refuse you better be willing to go home and have your hunting buddy take out your ruptured appendix.
If you have any in patient or out patient hospital procedure you will be tested. If you refuse you better be willing to go home and have your hunting buddy take out your ruptured appendix.
I'd probably have a better chance of living.

Dr. Fauci testified today. Would wearing 2 masks at the same time help? Because now I'm really scared.
When these .19 Cent F'N Masks start Saving Lives Please Let Me know!

The cheap surgical masks have been proven effective for decades. People wear them in the hospital every time they are doing a sterile procedure on a patient to reduce the risk of causing an infection. That cheap surgical mask won't do much to keep you from getting sick but it will decrease the amount of disease you spread.

I have no problem with private businesses requiring me to wear a mask while in their store. I do have a problem with stupid government restrictions in the name of COVID. Being required to wear masks outdoors in non crowded places is an example of a stupid government restriction. My area now has a firework ban to help stop the spread of COVID. The NM governor shut down access to many lakes for fishing to reduce spread of COVID but then justified buying jewelry when she mandated all non essential businesses be shut down.

After seeing so many people wear masks improperly, I've come up with a theory on why condoms are not effective birth control for some people.
Soooo... If these cheap surgical masks work, and "facial covering" home made masks work.....
Then why do I get grief from my wife when I fart??? The fart should be held back by the. " double coverage" from my undershorts and my blue jeans, yet she still smells the fart! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!
death by 1000 cuts. They chip away at rights slowly and weve become so dumb as a society the average person don't even notice it!!

On top of that we have such a weak minded populous they fear making decisions for themselves, Its just too hard, gives them anxiety!! That's how sad we have become, they WANT to be told what to do, its easier for them
I wonder how old the “I will never wear a mask for anyone else” group are or where they live? Are they themselves at risk? I am. I’m 69 and have had a pulmonary embolism and my lungs are 79%. I live in the city and wear a mask when in tight spaces out of respect for others. Not from fear. How many on this site won’t be with us in a year or two due to covid? It doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon. I wish you all the best of health and I sincerely mean that.
Soooo... If these cheap surgical masks work, and "facial covering" home made masks work.....
Then why do I get grief from my wife when I fart??? The fart should be held back by the. " double coverage" from my undershorts and my blue jeans, yet she still smells the fart! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!

Butt masks are available, just make sure you get the right mask in the right spot. Especially if you plan on reusing them.

University of Utah researchers said they have made an important discovery about how COVID-19 affects the blood of infected patients, potentially leading to dangerous strokes and heart attacks and other problems.
I wonder if they are telling it like it is?
Now remember it not a thing to worry about.
Soooo... If these cheap surgical masks work, and "facial covering" home made masks work.....
Then why do I get grief from my wife when I fart??? The fart should be held back by the. " double coverage" from my undershorts and my blue jeans, yet she still smells the fart! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!

If you have surgery in the future why don’t you tell the surgeon that they don’t need to wear a mask during your surgery because masks don’t reduce the risk of infection.

Regardless of what you want to believe, cheap surgical masks have been proven to reduce the spread of disease. Wearing a mask in close proximity to others will reduce the spread of this virus and I have no problem with private business requiring masks. I would actually prefer people in the food service industry had masks as well as hair nets and practiced good hand hygiene even if there was no COVID. If everyone would wear masks properly in public places and used good hand hygiene, we would still see this disease spread but it would significantly slow down this pandemic.

With all that said, I do think the media and many Democrats are using COVID as a political weapon. When this whole COVID thing starts to fade away I wouldn’t be surprised if we look back and have solid proof that the prevention measures taken end up being worse than the effects of the virus. The media will try to cover the facts up and say it would have been so much worse if we hadn’t taken drastic measures. It will be interesting to look at data from the states with minimal restrictions vs states with ridiculous restrictions. I don’t think government should mandate masks but I also don’t think government should mandate safety belts.
The virus, will be with us for a long time
Thank God cult leader 45 won't be leading us after January
Man, I read somewhere that "coronavirus causes nervous diseases and hallucinations". I mean, these people went crazy with this pandemia
The Jap Zero is in a screaming nose dive fellas. Won't matter whose at the stick next year. The only thing that will change is how you perceive it.

The best thing any of us can do is strengthen our relationship with the Lord and each other.
The virus, will be with us for a long time
Thank God cult leader 45 won't be leading us after January

Trump is no saint but I’m very glade we don’t have Hillary as president right now. If we get Biden he won’t be spewing offensive stuff all the time but he wouldn’t be good for our country. Biden will be saying stupid stuff on a regular bases unless they keep him locked in the basement. If Biden is elected with a democratic majority in the house and senate be prepared for higher taxes and government restrictions that hurt the economy and strip us of our god given freedoms. A vote for Biden is a vote for Socialism. Socialism seems like a great idea until you go broke spending money you don’t have and people realize there is no point in working hard.
The Jap Zero is in a screaming nose dive fellas. Won't matter whose at the stick next year. The only thing that will change is how you perceive it.

The best thing any of us can do is strengthen our relationship with the Lord and each other.

The president will matter if the Democrats get a majority of the house and senate. Biden will go along with the socialist democratic agenda. Supreme Court appointments, gun rights, murder of innocent babies and many other important issues could be determined in this election
It Will Always Be Here No Matter What We Do.
There are things we can do to minimize the physical, economic and psychological effects of this virus. Just accepting that a majority of us will get it until we have heard immunity is a poor strategy. Shutting down many businesses, schools and stripping Americans of personal freedoms until we have a vaccine is also poor strategy. We may get lucky and have a safe effective vaccine widely available by early 2021 but we may also be without a safe effective vaccine 3 years from now.
"The president will matter if the Democrats get a majority of the house and senate. Biden will go along with the socialist democratic agenda. Supreme Court appointments, gun rights, murder of innocent babies and many other important issues could be determined in this election"

What you are describing is the difference between the Jap Zero hitting the Arizona at 550 MPH compared to just 500 MPH. :unsure:
I didn't say that.

But since you bring it up I will go ahead and tell you that your vote is as worthless as condoms at a convent. This election is rigged and in the bag.
Oh wise one, why don't you tell us how it is rigged, who is rigging the election and for what purpose are they rigging it.
You seem to have all the answers and we will wait your reply.


I don't know how they rig it. If I did I would be filthy rich and we wouldn't be talking. :p If I had to imagine they do it with many methods at one time.

But you don't need to know how they are doing it. All you need is logic. We know %100 the CIA has been rigging elections all over the planet for several decades. They admit to it. Our government says they do it. Other nations say we do it. The UN says we do it. We do that to protect American interests that are worth billions of dollars. So why wouldn't they rig our elections that have trillions and trillions of dollars hanging in the balance?????? The logical conclusion is they do. What do you think? Do you think some form of standards tells them not to rig our own when they could?????

Interestingly enough there is movie right now they have been showing on HBO about rigging elections through voting machines. Pretty interesting and you might want to watch it. It is a little slanted towards the left believing the right is going to fix elections but that's pretty naive. One thing you get out of it is there isn't a single voting machine in this country that can't fix your vote. There is even a part in the documentary where one man hacks into a voting machine and is messing with a different hacker trying to break into the machine and he can't figure out what's going on.
Tristate, FYI top speed of the Jap Zero is about 350mph. In a dive, a lack of hydraulic ailerons and rudder rendered it extremely unmaneuverable at higher speeds.
I don't know how they rig it. If I did I would be filthy rich and we wouldn't be talking. :p If I had to imagine they do it with many methods at one time.

In other words we caught you again blowing smoke out of your A$$.
Your opinion that is worthless as a three dollar bill because you have no facts or evidence to back it up.
Relh, if sections of our government admit they rig elections why would they not rig American elections?

I answered your questions. That's a straight question I want you to answer.

Just because I don't know how they do it doesn't mean it isn't done and I am "blowing smoke out my a$$". I don't know how to make rocky road ice cream but it sure tastes real to me.

If it wasn't a real threat why would HBO spend millions of dollars making a documentary on hacking voting machines?????


if it helps swap the Jap Zero out of the metaphor and put in a modified p-51 air racer.;)
Are you telling me that politicians will cheat to get what they want? I think that is reasonable to believe but finding proof isn’t easy.
There is plenty of reason to worry about our elections being rigged. If it hasn't been done I believe it will at some point.

I don't trust the makers of voting machines or the organizers of our elections any more than I trust the climate scientists and their computer models.


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