They never had a case!!


Long Time Member
The circut court of appeals ruled that the main evidence to try and convict Barry Bonds of "Perjury", is hearsay and can not be used in court

Millions and Millions of our tax dollars wasted trying to prove this case!!! The only other test result that could possibly be used is a 2003 voluntary given sample, promised to be "confidential", that had originally tested negative. Low and behold, "they" tested it again after all these years and it now is positive?? Also, they have his spurned wife and a fired business associate to testify. That's it! NO CASE!!

You haters out there can still hate but as a longtime fan of Bonds and Baseball in general, that guy was a far better hitter than anybody in the game today. He was forced out of baseball by haters with no evidence, no facts, just some suspicion and the reality that Bonds was unliked by opposing fans, best player in the game, he was black, he didn't trust the media, and he didn't bow down to anyone! "They" couldn't stand for that!

You Go Barry!! Sue Their Azz's off!!!

Joey you're certainly right about his talent and if he wasn't a user I feel sorry for all he has been through (though I doubt he is clean).

But he was an arrogant a$$ as a young ballplayer,got worse as he got older, and remains so today.So I don't fret over BB too much....
it was great watching his 72hr season, i would watch espn daily to see if bonds cranked another homer that day.

but surely you cant think he was clean? but who cares? neither was most of the league. i'm o.k. with saying he was one of best hitters of his era. as long as we all agree that his era was juiced. He doesn't deserve to be punished any more than the next guy. Andy petite sure got off easy with his admition. Truth be told, i'll bet Bonds , or any of the players that are linked to steriods, wishes they would have taken the same path as Andy Petite. just say" oh well i did use, but just a couple times and it was to get healthy" guys who have taken that similer route seem to almost get a pass, while the guys who denied using any at all , seem to get grilled pretty hard.
Anyone who doesn't think Bonds was roided up like the rest of them is a nieve fool. And OJ didn't cut two peoples heads off either.
Why do we even care is guys are on juice really? How many baseball players have smoked pot and congress went after them with millions of our dollars. How many guys have shown up to practice with alcohol on the breath and got put through the wringer. I could understand if substance abuse across the board was scrutinized the same but for some reason people think its an unfair edge to juice. Long story short is that its just jealousy and I think some people think they'd be as good when in fact its all just jealousy based. Just my two

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
I played baseball (and basketball) competitively for a long time, as have my kids. Been around the park and athletes for a long time.

Bonds was an extremely good player.

He was as guilty as sin of using steroids and/or HGH. Proof? Nobody in history has ever gained that much muscle at that age.

It was a waste of tax money. But he cheated and should suffer the consequences........and he was/is a complete jerk.

I must admit, though. He obviously had the best chemist/doctor, because his body didn't break down like all the other guys.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Thanks for the reply's guys!! I realise that this is a old topic and there are those out there that drank the media's poison pen cool-aid so i'll not debate if or not Bonds actually knowingly used or not...what they tried to prosecute him on.

I will say that there is some belief that his trainer did give Bonds the stuff on his own, Bonds trusted him as a longtime friend, that's why Bonds isn't pointing his finger at the trainer and the trainer won't testify against Bonds.

Bonds, the one guy who thumbed his nose at the east coast media and then went on to set cherished records. The media tried to vilify and make a case against him, the law went after him, fans of opposing teams came to hate him... but there still is no rock solid proof, admissible or not, yet everybody seems to know for certain that he cheated.

But my point; Was all this, going on 7 years now and MILLIONS of OUR TAX DOLLARS, worth trying to make an example of one guy? Seems this country might have had more important issues to deal with.

I think the thing I was most upset about the way Bonds was treated was that he took the hit for hundreds of guys that were on the juice. I don't know if he did or didn't, but nobody could turn on a 100 MPH fastball better than Barry. It was not right that the media treated Sosa and McGwire like gods and Barry like a villan.
Barry Bonds had the hitter's instinct and eyes to do what he did without being juiced! The media pressure, the $$ pressure and what all certainly may have played into what Barry may or may have not done, but the eastern media conglomerate was never going to give him any peace.
The man was one of the best baseball player that ever walked on to a field. He filled opposing ballparks because of what he did on the field, not for the piss ants that showed up in the bleachers to use the media ruse to hold up signs and hope for their 3 seconds of TV time.
.....and he was years behind the first of the accused, but he was the MAN that the media figured out that they could sell $$$$$ of publicity for their own benefit!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-10 AT 08:16PM (MST)[p]He juiced.

He cheated.

He made a mockery of the game.

Of that there is no doubt.

But that doesn't take away from his ability to turn on a fastball like he did or see and judge pitches like he did. There is something about hitting that strength can't touch. Though they will argue that his increased strength made him more confident, you could equally argue that it wouldn't have made a difference.

In my opinion, they had to do it. Clemens was doing it, other pitchers were doing it, other hitters were doing it, they had to to remain competetive.

Or did they?

Yes the case was a sham, should never have happened but if Greg Anderson wouldn't have bit the bullet for him and went to prison for all this time, it would be a different story. Hope Barry will be loyal to him and set him up financially for life. I am sure he will.

So again, we come to the argument - do we keep him out of the hall like they are McGwire and soon will to Sosa? Or do we let them all in and dedicate a wing to them (sponsored by some major pharmeceutical company of course!) called "The Steroid Era"?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I've been a Giants fan for almost 50 years. I've always defended the team and our players, and I've thought long and hard about Barry Bonds. This is my take on it.

Barry Bonds is the son of Bobby Bonds and the godson of Willie Mays. He developed an ego at an early age. Or maybe the ego was forced upon him. But he also was under a great deal of pressure to perform and live up to the expectation of being Bobby Bonds kid and Willie Mays godson. He has talked a lot about making his dad proud of him and seeking his dad's approval. I imagine that would be hard for anyone.

Whether or not you can prove it in a court of law, he obviously took some type of performance enhancing drugs. I would respect him a lot more if he would just come forward and admit it.

He was a power hitter and I never could figure out why he never hit the ball to left field when they put the "shift" on. The whole left side of the infield and outfield were wide open.

He filled the stadium and opposing teams feared him like none other. As a Giants fan he certainly gave me a ton of thrilling moments, and almost a World Championship. He's my guy.

I did say that i'll not debate if Bonds used or not and i'll stick by that. I will say that all you guys who say that he did as a matter of fact, absolutely can not know that!!

After years of a most intense MLB, media driven, and criminal investigation, there is not one creditable witness, not one, no deep throat, nobody! No needle stories, no prescriptions, no Drs records, and no solid proof that he did, none.

Few if any followed Bonds career, read all the articles, and watched more of his games and interviews since he joined the Giants, than i have. He was continually vilified by the media, misquoted, or taken out of context. Bonds tried several times to open up to interviews but the media would go back to it's old tricks so Bonds would shut them down again. I saw it time and again with my own eyes and ears. I don't blame him one bit and what you guys think you know for a fact, is exactly how the media paid him back. They have taken EVERY opportunity to vilify the guy. One guy on here, on another thread, even was so ignorant to claim that Bonds was a drug addict. Yeah, Right!!

Some of you guys comments are completely absurd!! I do thank you for stopping in but it would be nice if instead of cutting my guy down with your feelings from what you've read, you might spend more time with the facts, not shoe size or hat size increases, and more answering my question;

Was all the time and money, 7 years and Millions, spent singling out Barry Bonds for prosecution only to be dropped, worth it?

I'll say this, it got him out of baseball, his last year he was still among the best and most feared hitters in the game, and that's just what MLB wanted, they wanted him done from hitting more hiome runs and breaking more important milestones. That's why, when his case is finally dropped, Bonds and the union is going to win Millions when he, if he chooses to, sues their Azz's off for collusion!!

Here's the facts about all this crap. Right now as is I'm runnin about 10% body fat and squat over 600lbs, bench well over 550, and can barbell curl over 180 lbs.

I play softball with a lot of guys. I can hit homeruns off and on and try as I might I still barely clear the fence when I do hit one out. That said I've seen my fair share of 130lb stick guys step up to the plate and hit the ball so far out of the park that the friggin thing is bouncing off cars in the parking lot. I can assure you that strenght has nothing to do with baseball/softball. Heck, when I was in high school I pitched against a guy named cody ross. google him. I believe he now plays for the tigers or marlins. He was half my size and less than half as strong as me yet he could hit a baseball 475ft in the air and I could only average one or two homers a season.

Point is that roids will not help you hit farther period. Its called shear talent and either you've got it or you don't. Bonds was legit and thats a fact. Roids are only taken by those guys for recovery and I assure you at that age a baseball game takes its tolle on someone who isn't 18 anymore. If your all natural your gonna be hurtin the next mornin. If your juicin your gettin up the next mornin with a spring in your step.

Just my two.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
The late John Wooden had a quote thet fits Bonds perfectly:

"Talent is God-given.Be humble. Fame is man-given.Be grateful. Coceit is self-given.Be careful."

You can excusify all you want for him but Bonds chose to be an a$$. So I choose not to admire him. I watch TV too.Half the time the media can't even get a question in edgewise before Bonds launches into a tirade of arrogance and conceit. The media didn't have to villify him-he did a fine job of that himself. Plus when you spend your entire career treating clubhouse reporters like crap,guess what happens when you get in some hot water? Just reaping what you sow.

I'll stick with guys like Hank Aaron,Dimaggio,and his godfather Willie Mays-who was the greatest all-around player the game has ever seen IMO.

Jeter is one that comes to mind from this era.
Stinky, those 130lb guys in softball are hitting shaved bats, a bat that is properly done can add 30 to 40 feet. So you get a small guy with good fundamentals with a shaved bat and yes he will crush the ball.

But I do agree that technique has a lot more to do with hitting the ball hard then most people will admit. Bonds did have that talent to see and react to balls that not many in history could hit.
I agree with stinky, I'm 150 pounds and can hit the ball way over the fence playing baseball. Softball I can't do it, I can't get the ball out of the infield.

Bonds has always been one of my favorites and to tell you the truth I don't care if he juiced or not. I don't think its a fair advantage but in baseball the only advantage it gives it faster healing time.

What I am sooooo happy about is that while our economy has been totally in the toilet, home loans are being foreclosed on left and right, Wall Street crooks have been ripping us all off, two wars continue across the globe from us... During all THAT Congress wasted so much frickin time, money and energy investigating steriod use in major league baseball. Give me a frickin break!
>What I am sooooo happy about
>is that while our economy
>has been totally in the
>toilet, home loans are being
>foreclosed on left and right,
>Wall Street crooks have been
>ripping us all off, two
>wars continue across the globe
>from us... During all THAT
>Congress wasted so much frickin
>time, money and energy investigating
>steriod use in major league
>baseball. Give me a frickin


here here!

Why do we really care if someone gets strung out on coke, high on pot, or OD's on heroin? Life goes on and noone knows. Steroid abuse is like any other prescribed drug. When used properly they work wonders for preventive medicine. When abused you die a slow death. But hey, thats the case with every drug out there and its completely stupid to waste time on it.

What I really want to know is who the jealous person was that originally started all the steroid investigation crap in the first place, and why?

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
You are right about wasting the money!

Bonds set no cherished records. He cheated.

I hit a lot more home runs than he (HS, college & softball)....maybe I HAVE the record.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Bonds sucks, he cheated and I hope he never sets foot in the Hall. Goes for McGwire too. And all the rest like A-Rod or anyone else under the scope. As far as the wasted money.....Geez, our government hasn't wasted funds on other insignificant things, have they? Now I know why I REALLY don't give a crap about baseball, or the overpaid primadonna roid infested players. Sorry Sage, but you as a former player may understand why I'll waste my time watching college football. mtmuley
If HGH and steroids give a player no advantage...why did Bonds choose to use them?

He's a loser...and a cheater.
Nobody except Greg Anderson knows for 100% sure if Bonds knowingly took Performancing drugs. Greg may have given Bonds them on his own! The thing is, THERE IS NO PROOF!!!

I'm glad all you haters were able to use my thread to vent your hate out. 99% of Giants Fans loved Bonds as a ball player. They packed the park every home game, and most away games, to see him play with a bunch of no name, no hitting, nobodys. Bonds carried that team by himself, he earned his paycheck, and his fans adored him. Many, like me, admired him not only for the holy terror he was at the plate but how every single day, he went about doing his job under tremendous pressure/hounding from the media!!!

Bonds was The Mr. Clutch!!

Why the hell does it always have to be all or nothing?

My call is that he was a naturally a superb athlete, a sure lock for the hall of fame, a guy with skill, athleticism, a keen eye for the ball, a great swing and power.

THEN....he took many cycles of roids while at the top of his game and became a freak of nature, a superhuman athlete, beyond the comprehension of mere mortals.

Over and over again.

Magwire, Payton, Schwarzenegger, Romanowski, the list is too big for this bandwith.


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