They didnt teach this...


Long Time Member

where I went to school. Bet Boise's registration numbers go up this year.
Cummunication is a Compton word, They are just trying to help the boys up north get into the swing of things.LOL.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Whatsa matta F? Do you not speak 'Hood?

BTW he passed his final celebrating last night. Got an "A"...
I'm willing to bet TCU's enrollment goes up more...did you see all those sexy catholic school girl cheerleaders!! HOLY TIGHT BODIES!! All except that swollen one they kept showing cry at the end of the game...

LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-10 AT 08:41AM (MST)[p]I guess being born and raised in the country I missed out on all that home boy lingo.

you couldnt help but notice the TV camera guy kept showing the BIG gals in the orange, way to tight outfits. Looked like a circus tent convention.
That one cheerleader for TCU looked to be 40 years old and 150lbs

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Hey...someone's gotta be the bottom of the pyramid. Lay off, man. lol

I know plenty of folks who majored in that in college, Feleno. Plenty. ;-)
Yeah - lay off! My second ex-wife was in the BSU band, not this year but way back when we were in college in the 80's. Those guys and girls work hard! If you only knew how many hours they spend practicing, marching, playing, rehearsing for those performances maybe you would understand why their calves are so big! Have you ever marched for over 12 hours with a sousaphone around your neck blowing on that thing every other off-beat step?? Takes some major cardio and conditioning! I never blamed her for beating me to the buffet line or eating my extra bean and cheese burrito and the crunchy taco they give you in the value meals at Taco Bell. She earned it! Of course it didn't really endear me to her and she ended up running of with her stand partner after only 7 1/2 months of marriage. I guess I should have read her affinity for tacos as just another one of her lesbian tendencies from the beginning but that is a different story altogether. I guess band camp really does do wierd things to people.

The Broncos were awesome last night. Guess all you TCU fans can spend the next year wondering about what would have happened if your team were in the PAC-10 instead of the MWC. Well that argument just got flushed down the toilet for another year didn't it! HA HA HA!

BSU just proved however that they should be in a bigger conference and should get automatic BCS consideration.
>I never blamed her for
>beating me to the buffet
>line or eating my extra
>bean and cheese burrito and
>the crunchy taco they give
>you in the value meals
>at Taco Bell. She earned
>it! Of course it didn't
>really endear me to her
>and she ended up running
>of with her stand partner
>after only 7 1/2 months
>of marriage. I guess I
>should have read her affinity
>for tacos as just another
>one of her lesbian tendencies
>from the beginning but that
>is a different story altogether.
>I guess band camp really
>does do wierd things to

Ohhhh Homey! Tell me you didn't just go there!

LOL! TMI brother! TMI!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Just goes to show that we all like tacos.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time

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