There has been a major tragedy happen



LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-12 AT 05:23PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-12 AT 03:46?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-12 AT 02:51?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-12 AT 02:39?PM (MST)

I'm very shocked and I'm almost in tears. A lot of people knew this would happen, but nobody ever thought of stopping him. Everyone knew his EGO and money is the only thing that he really cared about. It wasn't his nickname the "weasel" that made him just a great person, but his cunning ways for using people as puppets to get the job done. He made his bed with the DWR and he has turned Jim K to the dark side. Jim use to be a great man that had a lot of values and stood for things that are right. He was a just man. It was easy for him to control the WB because they are all full of old men and he made them believe that he could take their retirement.

Well yesterday then during the meeting where Don mentioned to everyone how great he is (he can't go anywhere without letting people know)that his head swelled up so big that now our savior Don Peay has brain damage. I think he looks like an angel. He is an oracle. He is a God and just look at his halo. It's a shame to see him with brain damage. I hope everyone will always remember his legacy that he has left behind. "Hunting is for the rich"


Don says that he can run the fastest, fart the loudest, jump the highest. Brag Brag Brag brag brag

LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-12 AT 03:51PM (MST)[p]Elite,
Do you need some therapy. Move on. Not everyone agrees with you. I agree we should have some accountability with expo tags. Don is not the devil. He has done a ton of things to help all hunters in Ut. You are spending way too much time fighting conservation groups IMO. I'm not a rich guy. I have kids that hunt. I think all of Ut conservation groups try to make hunting better.
Go hunting or fishing.
IMO, I believe you do old fart. Of course Don is not the devil he is a GOD. Yes has done a lot of things to help all hunts in UT, but for whom?

If the Conservation group was honest and transparent then most of us would go away and some would even join SFW again.

The only thing stopping SFW from being honest and transparent is themselves. They could make this all go away if they had half a brain and opened their books.
"Yes has done a lot of things to help all hunts in UT, but for whom?"

And more of the truth pokes its ugly head out. Its not important if he is doing good things. It's only important for "whom" he does good things for, and if they are the people YOU decide deserve it. You make fun of his big head but it is looking more and more like your head couldn't go through a standard door.
I want everyone to have a chance to hunt. Don Peay only cares about lining his pockets with money from the rich. Again his legacy is to turn hunting into a rich man's sport. He uses his members as puppets. MDF is no different. Elk tags are reduced when elk tags aren't selling for high dollars. Don gives a presentation on this very subject.
Remember Don Peay's slogan.....If you just want to hunt elk then go to Colorado. So basically get the hell out of Utah unless you want to hunt trophy elk and you have money.
Elite, you just keep right on plodding away against SWF and MDF. Apparently what people are saying is getting to them and the right people or there would not have been a presentation like the one held the other night. Keep biching and gather your supporters and the results might be surprising in the end with "We the People" winning for a change. Crap like this almost makes me wanna vote democrat because of the way certain royalty folks feel as if big money talks and thats all that matters.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."

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